I ordered a Topeak BarXtender to expand the space available for mounting things on the handlebar.
It doesn't fit well at all, and sort of flops over because the Stromer bars are a little rounded. Has anyone successfully added an extender? Which brand? I have also looked at Minoura Accessory Holder (by the looks of it, it will have the same flopping issue) and BM Works Speed Extender (might be better because it has 2 clamps rather than 1).
I added a small front bag that is blocking my light, and thought the easiest solution was an extender. I like the bag and my light, and would prefer to keep those if possible.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It doesn't fit well at all, and sort of flops over because the Stromer bars are a little rounded. Has anyone successfully added an extender? Which brand? I have also looked at Minoura Accessory Holder (by the looks of it, it will have the same flopping issue) and BM Works Speed Extender (might be better because it has 2 clamps rather than 1).
I added a small front bag that is blocking my light, and thought the easiest solution was an extender. I like the bag and my light, and would prefer to keep those if possible.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.