Grand Opening of Riese & Müller's New Factory! What do you wanna see, know, ask?

Chris Nolte

Well-Known Member
Hey All,

I'm excited to be attending the grand opening of Riese & Müller's new factory in Germany and I plan to do a little video while I'm there. I'm kind of an amateur at videography so hopefully, it works out well. I figured I would be nice to ask the members of the EBR community what you might want to see, know, ask. I can't promise I can accommodate all requests, but I will do my best.

Please feel free to ask away. The event is next week in Mutal Germany.
Hey All,

I'm excited to be attending the grand opening of Riese & Müller's new factory in Germany and I plan to do a little video while I'm there. I'm kind of an amateur at videography so hopefully, it works out well. I figured I would be nice to ask the members of the EBR community what you might want to see, know, ask. I can't promise I can accommodate all requests, but I will do my best.

Please feel free to ask away. The event is next week in Mutal Germany.
Hi. Although moot for me now, am curious whether new factory will shorten delivery times for US customers. Also, do they see any improvements in manufacturing process in new factory vs old factory. How does new factory benefit new and existing customers.
Hi. Although moot for me now, am curious whether new factory will shorten delivery times for US customers. Also, do they see any improvements in manufacturing process in new factory vs old factory. How does new factory benefit new and existing customers.
I believe I can answer some of these questions now, but I will also do my best to highlight these items in the video I make while visiting.

The new factory is significantly larger and I know they have implemented some new equipment and technology, so it will eventually decrease the production times. In the short term, they need to get everything dialed in before scaling production up. As far as servicing existing customers, I will definitely be sure to learn more about this and report back.

Let me know if you can think of any additional questions and happy riding! I'm actually on my way back to NY now and I'll be in town for the 5 Boro bike tour this weekend. Ebikes are finally allowed this year :)
Hey All,

I'm excited to be attending the grand opening of Riese & Müller's new factory in Germany and I plan to do a little video while I'm there. I'm kind of an amateur at videography so hopefully, it works out well. I figured I would be nice to ask the members of the EBR community what you might want to see, know, ask. I can't promise I can accommodate all requests, but I will do my best.

Please feel free to ask away. The event is next week in Mutal Germany.
Hi, i'd like to see their "testing" section (both R&D and post production if they have them) and how they check for alignment of Gates belts and associated parts (might give us some ideas on belt drive train maintenance).
- are they gonna intubate batteries in the frame on all the models?

- when are they gonna include the new 625Wh?

- when and to which model will be the gps extended to?

- are they adopting the smartphonehub from Bosch sooner or later?
- are they gonna intubate batteries in the frame on all the models?
R&M will have an official release around September 2nd, but the Delite will be adding the powertube while the other models will continue to use the powertube.

-when are they gonna include the new 625Wh?
They will not be using the 625Wh battery on any of their bikes as it will have an adverse effect on the geometry of the frames. This is more of a priority for their designs and most bikes have the option for dual battery 1000Wh if needed.

- when and to which model will be the gps extended to?
The bikes without Rohloff will have the option for a smartphone hub which integrates with the phones GPS. GPS tracking will be extended to more European countries and perhaps beyond that after 2020.

- are they adopting the smartphonehub from Bosch sooner or later?
This will be an option on most bikes but not compatible with eShift.
They will not be using the 625Wh battery on any of their bikes as it will have an adverse effect on the geometry of the frames. This is more of a priority for their designs and most bikes have the option for dual battery 1000Wh if needed.

Well, with the motor size halved and other manufacturer (like already offering that, it's a pity that they are lagging behind

Dual 625Wh powertube equals to 1.25kWh, basically two 500Wh batteries and half. I'd take that if I could, and I guess many others would do the same.

The bikes without Rohloff will have the option for a smartphone hub which integrates with the phones GPS. GPS tracking will be extended to more European countries and perhaps beyond that after 2020.

I dont get what this has to do with the Rohloff, honestly
True, but this is all compensated by the motor reduction (1.3 kg for the CX to say)
I was wondering about the dual powerpack setup. This is likely a dumb question but here goes. If you drain both batteries , and you are carrying a spare ,can you replace just one or do you need to carry a pair of spares ?
I was wondering about the dual powerpack setup. This is likely a dumb question but here goes. If you drain both batteries , and you are carrying a spare ,can you replace just one or do you need to carry a pair of spares ?
You can use just one battery if you want, in either position. You’re not required to use two and if one is dead it will just draw from which ever battery has the most charge.