Five-speed cassettes?


Well-Known Member
The Abound’s seat-tube angle was an important reason I bought one. The nice thing about an angle of about 60 degrees is that one size can fit all because when you adjust the seat post for inseam length, you're also adjusting for femur length. With the seat farther back, my knee is not bent beyond 90 degrees at top dead center. I get more torque and a wider power band. Similar seating is why Sturmey Archer’s gearshift, with three tall, widely spaced gears ( like a cassette with 9-, 12-, and 16-tooth sprocket wheels ) was successful for so long.

With Economy PAS, I accelerate like a rocket, so I guess I give the torque sensor more mean effective pressure than most riders. I like to ride without PAS. When I need to shift, I probably need to shift more than one gear at a time. When I do that, it’s hard to avoid bumpy changes, which I suppose are hard on the chain and the cassette.

A better shifter, where I could see what gear I’m in, could help by letting me anticipate, but I find 7 speeds too closely spaced. Can I refit the bike with 4 or 5 speeds?
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Doesn't the twist shifter visually show what gear it;s in? You can always upgrade to a shifter that will do that.

As for reducing the number of gears, with a front 52T chain, I think you're better off having seven rear gears on a cargo bike. After you get used to shifting, you can skip a gear if you wish,

I have a fat tire bike where I installed a 3 speed front derailleur (good learning experience) and find that in a heavy bike like that, it's convenient to have more speeds. For riding in pedal assist, and pulling a trailer with a kiddo or a dogger, heavy bikes benefit from more gears.
My RevoShift has a bulging plastic window whose distortion makes numbers illegible. Stopped, I can get my eye into position to see the numbers without distortion. I don’t have time to do that underway. Besides, it’s useless at night. I intend to get a more legible one.

The OEM chain ring is 48 teeth. I tried a 58 I had lying around, but the chain kept coming off because I had only one side plate that size.

In three years, the heaviest thing I’ve hauled on my Radrunner was probably buckets of sand weighing 50 pounds, adding 15% to my gross. I’ve set my Abound up with panniers and a box for 104 liters of cargo, but I don’t foresee hauling more than 50 pounds. Anyway, reviewers hauling more than 100 pounds found that the motor alone would bring it briskly up a steep hill.

At first with my 1-speed Radrunner, I was heavily dependent on the motor because my pedaling was weak and tiring. Instability made it difficult to make a u-turn on an 18-foot road. A bike isn’t stable unless the rider’s upper body is braced between the seat and bars and, with a hand off the bar to signal, between the seat and pedals.

The OEM seat was too far forward for that. I bought a layback post, used a torch to bend it further, and cut a plywood triangle to brace it against the rack. Now I was stable enough to make a u-turn on a 10-foot driveway. I’d forgotten other advantages. With the seat 7 inches farther back, most of my weight was on the pedals, so my legs could absorb bumps.

The improvement in pedaling was amazing. The quads are the most powerful human muscles, but they don’t work well with the knee bent more than 90 degrees, as in deep knee thrusts or a ladder with rungs more than 12 inches apart. With the seat farther back, I could start each power stroke with my knee about 90 degrees. Warmed up, I could choose to climb a 4% grade without PAS.

I felt like a steam locomotive, whose torque seemed to increase as it slowed on a grade. That makes sense; at a slower speed, the boiler could produce more steam per stroke. Likewise, as I slowed, my cardiovascular system could provide more oxygen and glucose per stroke. However, if I got down to 7 mph on a grade, my torque would start to drop. Blood doesn’t circulate well to muscles under tension, and at that slow cadence, I guess my muscles were running low by the end of each power stroke.

I added another 1-speed ebike in 2022 and immediately added a layback seat. One speed works nicely for an ebike because I can add assistance to stay in my best range, which is about 10 to 15 mph. Above that, increasingly rapid leg movements are increasingly tiring. Below that, if I need power for a grade, the slower, longer periods of muscle tension can be fatiguing.

10 to 15 mph is an increase of 50%. The two shifts of a classic Sturmey Archer hub are 33%. A 5-speed cassette goes from 28 to 14 teeth in 4 jumps averaging 19%, while the 7-speed does it in 6 jumps averaging 12.5%. I normally skip shifts because I find 12.5% insignificant. If I shifted two clicks because I was losing speed on a hill, I could come to a stop if I eased off long enough for two gentle shifts. The solution would be a shot of throttle, but Aventon doesn’t allow throttle at 0 PAS. A 5-speed would let me make one quick shift of about 19%.

I want to try a 5-speed shifter and a 5-speed cassette. Will the same derailleur work?
I think you'll be fine as long as the shifter and derailleur use the same cable movement per shift. I know Sram and Shimano differ in this regard. I thought that cassettes can be re-assembled with fewer gears too.
This is getting intimidating. Maybe for now I should, as you say, just install a shifter that will show me clearly what gear I'm in. Coming from one-speeds, I'm no good at guessing by pedal feel, so I can suddenly realize I need to shift more than once.

I have a Shimano shifter, so I'll look for something compatible with a Shimano derailleur. I'd better check tutorials on avoiding rough shifts, too.
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the reason you shift for the most part is to keep your cadence steady as the terrain changes. I shift all the time because my rides are never flat. you try to keep the pressure even and your cadence steady as things change by shifting. the more gears you have the better you can do the. the less you have the more you have to change your cadence to keep the power output the same.
Don't you coast on downgrades? I enjoy the rest, supporting most of my weight by standing on the bottom pedal so my leg absorbs bumps. When I pedal, I apply enough torque to keep most of my weight on the pedals, shifting from leg to leg as in walking. That way my legs absorb bumps pretty well. I guess the normal rhythm for walking is 120 steps a minute, or a cadence of 60. I guess 15 mph on my Abound in high gear means a cadence of about 75.

With the saddle 12 inches or more aft of the bottom bracket, I don't feel the effort in leg fatigue. I won't realize I'm getting a workout until I get home and notice I'm breathing faster and deeper than a couch potato.

Hills or not, when I rode a 3-speed English bike a lot, I seemed to average 15 mph pretty consistently unless there was a headwind. I believe air drag starts using significant watts about 15 mph relative wind, and it increases as the cube of speed. It doesn't take much headwind to get me over 15 mph relative. I'm glad I have a motor when there's a headwind or I want to get somewhere faster than 15 mph.
On a typical commuter bike in upright position in street clothes on smooth, flat pavement in still air, air resistance is already 50% of total resistance at 9 mph.

To see how air resistance stacks up to all other resistances combined in 4 common riding scenarios, go here.
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On a typical commuter bike in upright position in street clothes on smooth, flat pavement in still air, air resistance is already 50% of total resistance at 9 mph.

To see how air resistance stacks up to all other resistances combined in 4 common riding scenarios, go here.
Thanks. I see that rolling resistance is pretty insignificant on the charts.

Perhaps the biggest reason I bought a Radrunner was the EBR review, which persuaded me that modern technology would let me ride on fat tires at low pressure without much rolling resistance. The editor said he’d reduced pressure for comfort, but he didn’t say how much. The founder overloaded his bike with the editor on the back. He said he was running 18 psi.

Rolling resistance was terrible. The manual said instead that I must keep the tires inflated to the pressure on the sidewalls, no more, no less. At the time, only one tire would fit the Radrunner, but the manual didn’t state the pressure. Months later I finally found it, obscured by the reflective band: 30 psi.

The ride went from rough to rougher, but the tire was quieter and the rolling resistance was lower. Unfortunately, the tubes were porous. They were supposed to be butyl, which is cheaper than natural rubber, and butyl isn’t porous because it doesn’t contain substances that form bubbles in the mold. Something has changed.

Seepage would sneak up on me, which meant pressure was usually well below 30 psi. I tried to use a stretch of pavement with a drop of about 1% to calculate rolling resistance at different pressures. It didn’t work, largely because most pavement in this town has bumps up to 1.5 inches high. You can’t avoid them because you can’t see them unless you wait until dark and shine a light along the surface to create shadows. Hitting those bumps is like braking sharply.

After a better seat position on my Radrunner allowed me to stabilize myself with pedal pressure, I would sometimes ride with my thumbs and forefingers forming rings around the hand grips but not touching them. When I hit invisible bumps, I noted that the backward jumps of the bars against my thumbs were bigger than the upward jumps toward my fingers. The apparent backward jumps were really me lurching forward against the braking effect of colliding with bumps. Pneumatic tires meant that not all this lost forward energy was converted to upward energy, which is why the upward jumps were smaller.

The rolling resistance of the 26 x 1.95 tires on my Radmission seemed much lower. I decided to compare them on a stretch of a 6.1% grade near my house. I’d approach the starting point at a certain speed, maybe 6 mph, let it coast, and check my speed at a certain point downhill. Both bikes had identical KT speedometers, but the idea seemed flawed because a grade that steep would quickly accelerate a bike to speed where air resistance would count far more than tire resistance. Both bikes were set up for the same riding position, and our gross weights would be the same. I figured air resistance would keep the results very close. Instead, the Radrunner was faster every time.

I imagined why. Hitting the front of a bump compresses air in a pneumatic tire, and, being faster than a suspension, it can restore some of the lost speed by pressing against the back of the bump. The Radrunner tires, with less pressure and more volume, must have been a better at pushing off against bumps this size.

Pavement around here is particularly rough, but I recently read an article saying most road bikers use too much pressure. Those recommendations came from research on very smooth surfaces, but even new asphalt pavement has spaces between pebbles which make it rough enough to resist a rolling tire. It said that’s why pros are using wider tires and lower pressures than before. The pressure for the least rolling resistance depends on the roughness of the surface. It may be that the low rolling resistance in your charts is for an unusually smooth surface.

Speed was the early hype for pneumatic tires. John Boyd Dunlop made pneumatic tires in 1888 for his mother’s wheelchair. When he found that it would roll down a grassy slope faster than one with solid tires, he contacted the local bicycle club. Many bicyclists would pay big bucks for a racer’s edge. The club president put together investors to open a factory in Scotland. They got the world’s attention by winning races in Ireland and England.

Dunlop got a patent, but it was disqualified as prior art because the same thing had been produced for carriage wheels decades earlier. Production was delayed for years, I think due to the realization that they needed improvement. The race victories had come on grassy cricket fields. These tires would not have gone far on roads, and a puncture would have required 24 hours in a shop for replacement.

The Michelins, who had been making rubber products for decades, devised a two-piece system. The carcass was more durable than a Dunlop. It was mounted without glue, so the rider could patch a puncture in 15 minutes.

In 1891, two French newspapers sponsored a 743-mile reliability race from Paris to Brest and back. This was Michelin’s chance to introduce its tire. They and the Humber Bicycle Company sponsored the legendary Charles Terront. They hired another racer as his manager, to arrive by rail in each town ahead of Terront in case he needed anything.

Joseph Jiel-Laval, a bicycle shop owner who had recently won major races, rode for Dunlop. The two pneumatic guys were faster than the 205 with solid tires. Each repaired several punctures along the road. That would have been impossible with the Dunlop design. Michelin wasn’t in the tire business. They would have distributed prototype rims and tires to certain shops for evaluation. I think Laval told the Dunlop investors that he had Michelin prototypes. If he won a race for Dunlop, the world would beat a path to their door, and they could reverse engineer the prototypes to produce a similar product under their brand.

After 24 hours, Terront was even with Laval. At one point, Terront had had to walk his bike to the next rail station, where his manager was waiting with tools. That put him an hour behind, but he caught up. Laval had a big advantage. The Dunlop investors had hired eight racers so that on every segment, one could be riding alongside with tools.

After 24 hours, Terront fell behind but kept pace. Each manager used telephones to monitor the opponent’s progress. Several hours ahead on the third night, Laval stopped to get some sleep, telling his team to wake him if Terront was spotted. Much sooner than expected, he was awakened and told that Terront had detoured around the town and was two hours ahead.

Having slept, one might have expected Laval to close the gap. Instead it increased. Terront finished in 72 hours and Laval in 80. How did Terront manage to pedal faster in his last 12 hours than in his first 60?

The 1891 photo of his Humber shows how. James Starley had invented the first useful bicycle 1870. The seat had to be almost over the front axle so that thrust on the pedals wouldn’t cause uncontrollable veering. It wasn’t stable against going end over end. Then, the seat could rotate up over six feet while your head was rotated down, and the handlebars kept you from getting your legs under you.

In the 1880s, drive chains made rear-wheel bikes with modern-size wheels possible, but the first ones failed because the smaller wheels rode rougher. In particular, on a high-wheeler, handlebars, pedals, and seat rose together on bumps, but on a rear-drive bike the handlebars led the way, and that was hard on wrists.

Note Terront’s handlebars, swept way back. Some say they were introduced to let riders sit upright as on high-wheelers, but his bike was not designed for sitting straight up. I believe they were made that way so that the clamped sections would serve as torsion bars, isolating the wrists from jolts. For safer handling, a modern manufacturer probably would have clamped the bars on a forward offset to bring the rider’s hands more nearly in line with the steering axis. With his hands so far back, his arms descend steeply. That puts more weight on his hands than if they were farther forward and perhaps higher. It also means reduced stability against being thrown over the bars.

In 1885, Starley’s nephew John had come out the Rover, the first successful rear-wheel-drive bike. Earlier models had put t he seat almost over the pedals to have a pedaling position like that of a high wheeler. Starley moved the seat back, as did Terront’s Humber. This increased comfort because shifting weight to the pedals moved it well away from the seat.

Another big advantage was that the rider’s knees didn’t flex as far. This allowed the rider to apply more torque higher in the stroke. Both bikes had to be geared to make it up hills, but with more leg torque, Terront could choose a higher gear ratio, in effect riding the course in overdrive.

Besides powering the bike, pedaling requires the energy to cycle massive legs in reciprocating motion. It’s particularly demanding on the return stroke, when relatively weak muscles must not only lift the knee but, as the cadence increases, apply increasing force to accelerate the knee upward. Ghost pedaling happens at a cadence where moving your legs takes all the power you can generate.

With a slower cadence, Terront could cut his overhead by cycling his legs fewer times per mile. What’s more, each pedal rotation would require less energy because his legs would need less acceleration. After 60 hours of pedaling, that energy savings gave him an enormous advantage.

Raleigh also understood why the Rover was a breakthrough. Their Roadster was like the Humber but with fenders and much safer handlebars. One could quickly and comfortably pedal 20 miles on an unpaved road without fatigue. A British bicycle cop who rides the Roadster his grandfather bought 50 years ago is the envy of other bicycle cops.

Because of that race, pneumatic bicycle tires were soon universal. The race also showed the superiority of John Starley’s seating geometry, but 130 years later, most bikes still have the pedaling geometry that’s as obsolete as the high wheeler. (In fact, museum Rovers sometimes have their cantilever seat posts rotated to bring the seat forward instead of aft of the seat tube. Go figure!)
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Thanks. I see that rolling resistance is pretty insignificant on the charts.

Perhaps the biggest reason I bought a Radrunner was the EBR review, which persuaded me that modern technology would let me ride on fat tires at low pressure without much rolling resistance. The editor said he’d reduced pressure for comfort, but he didn’t say how much. The founder overloaded his bike with the editor on the back. He said he was running 18 psi.

Rolling resistance was terrible. The manual said instead that I must keep the tires inflated to the pressure on the sidewalls, no more, no less. At the time, only one tire would fit the Radrunner, but the manual didn’t state the pressure. Months later I finally found it, obscured by the reflective band: 30 psi.

The ride went from rough to rougher, but the tire was quieter and the rolling resistance was lower. Unfortunately, the tubes were porous. They were supposed to be butyl, which is cheaper than natural rubber, and butyl isn’t porous because it doesn’t contain substances that form bubbles in the mold. Something has changed.

Seepage would sneak up on me, which meant pressure was usually well below 30 psi. I tried to use a stretch of pavement with a drop of about 1% to calculate rolling resistance at different pressures. It didn’t work, largely because most pavement in this town has bumps up to 1.5 inches high. You can’t avoid them because you can’t see them unless you wait until dark and shine a light along the surface to create shadows. Hitting those bumps is like braking sharply.

After a better seat position on my Radrunner allowed me to stabilize myself with pedal pressure, I would sometimes ride with my thumbs and forefingers forming rings around the hand grips but not touching them. When I hit invisible bumps, I noted that the backward jumps of the bars against my thumbs were bigger than the upward jumps toward my fingers. The apparent backward jumps were really me lurching forward against the braking effect of colliding with bumps. Pneumatic tires meant that not all this lost forward energy was converted to upward energy, which is why the upward jumps were smaller.

The rolling resistance of the 26 x 1.95 tires on my Radmission seemed much lower. I decided to compare them on a stretch of a 6.1% grade near my house. I’d approach the starting point at a certain speed, maybe 6 mph, let it coast, and check my speed at a certain point downhill. Both bikes had identical KT speedometers, but the idea seemed flawed because a grade that steep would quickly accelerate a bike to speed where air resistance would count far more than tire resistance. Both bikes were set up for the same riding position, and our gross weights would be the same. I figured air resistance would keep the results very close. Instead, the Radrunner was faster every time.

I imagined why. Hitting the front of a bump compresses air in a pneumatic tire, and, being faster than a suspension, it can restore some of the lost speed by pressing against the back of the bump. The Radrunner tires, with less pressure and more volume, must have been a better at pushing off against bumps this size.

Pavement around here is particularly rough, but I recently read an article saying most road bikers use too much pressure. Those recommendations came from research on very smooth surfaces, but even new asphalt pavement has spaces between pebbles which make it rough enough to resist a rolling tire. It said that’s why pros are using wider tires and lower pressures than before. The pressure for the least rolling resistance depends on the roughness of the surface. It may be that the low rolling resistance in your charts is for an unusually smooth surface.

Speed was the early hype for pneumatic tires. John Boyd Dunlop made pneumatic tires in 1888 for his mother’s wheelchair. When he found that it would roll down a grassy slope faster than one with solid tires, he contacted the local bicycle club. Many bicyclists would pay big bucks for a racer’s edge. The club president put together investors to open a factory in Scotland. They got the world’s attention by winning races in Ireland and England.

Dunlop got a patent, but it was disqualified as prior art because the same thing had been produced for carriage wheels decades earlier. Production was delayed for years, I think due to the realization that they needed improvement. The race victories had come on grassy cricket fields. These tires would not have gone far on roads, and a puncture would have required 24 hours in a shop for replacement.

The Michelins, who had been making rubber products for decades, devised a two-piece system. The carcass was more durable than a Dunlop. It was mounted without glue, so the rider could patch a puncture in 15 minutes.

In 1891, two French newspapers sponsored a 743-mile reliability race from Paris to Brest and back. This was Michelin’s chance to introduce its tire. They and the Humber Bicycle Company sponsored the legendary Charles Terront. They hired another racer as his manager, to arrive by rail in each town ahead of Terront in case he needed anything.

Joseph Jiel-Laval, a bicycle shop owner who had recently won major races, rode for Dunlop. The two pneumatic guys were faster than the 205 with solid tires. Each repaired several punctures along the road. That would have been impossible with the Dunlop design. Michelin wasn’t in the tire business. They would have distributed prototype rims and tires to certain shops for evaluation. I think Laval told the Dunlop investors that he had Michelin prototypes. If he won a race for Dunlop, the world would beat a path to their door, and they could reverse engineer the prototypes to produce a similar product under their brand.

After 24 hours, Terront was even with Laval. At one point, Terront had had to walk his bike to the next rail station, where his manager was waiting with tools. That put him an hour behind, but he caught up. Laval had a big advantage. The Dunlop investors had hired eight racers so that on every segment, one could be riding alongside with tools.

After 24 hours, Terront fell behind but kept pace. Each manager used telephones to monitor the opponent’s progress. Several hours ahead on the third night, Laval stopped to get some sleep, telling his team to wake him if Terront was spotted. Much sooner than expected, he was awakened and told that Terront had detoured around the town and was two hours ahead.

Having slept, one might have expected Laval to close the gap. Instead it increased. Terront finished in 72 hours and Laval in 80. How did Terront manage to pedal faster in his last 12 hours than in his first 60?

The 1891 photo of his Humber shows how. James Starley had invented the first useful bicycle about 1856. The seat had to be almost over the front axle so that thrust on the pedals wouldn’t cause uncontrollable veering. It wasn’t stable against going end over end. Then, the seat could rotate up over six feet while your head was rotated down, and the handlebars kept you from getting your legs under you.

In the 1880s, drive chains made rear-wheel bikes with modern-size wheels possible, but the first ones failed because the smaller wheels rode rougher. In particular, on a high-wheeler, handlebars, pedals, and seat rose together on bumps, but on a rear-drive bike the handlebars led the way, and that was hard on wrists.

Note Terront’s handlebars, swept way back. Some say they were introduced to let riders sit upright as on high-wheelers, but his bike was not designed for sitting straight up. I believe they were made that way so that the clamped sections would serve as torsion bars, isolating the wrists from jolts. For safer handling, a modern manufacturer probably would have clamped the bars on a forward offset to bring the rider’s hands more nearly in line with the steering axis. With his hands so far back, his arms descend steeply. That puts more weight on his hands than if they were farther forward and perhaps higher. It also means reduced stability against being thrown over the bars.

In 1885, Starley’s nephew John had come out the Rover, the first successful rear-wheel-drive bike. Earlier models had put t he seat almost over the pedals to have a pedaling position like that of a high wheeler. Starley moved the seat back, as did Terront’s Humber. This increased comfort because shifting weight to the pedals moved it well away from the seat.

Another big advantage was that the rider’s knees didn’t flex as far. This allowed the rider to apply more torque higher in the stroke. Both bikes had to be geared to make it up hills, but with more leg torque, Terront could choose a higher gear ratio, in effect riding the course in overdrive.

Besides powering the bike, pedaling requires the energy to cycle massive legs in reciprocating motion. It’s particularly demanding on the return stroke, when relatively weak muscles must not only lift the knee but, as the cadence increases, apply increasing force to accelerate the knee upward. Ghost pedaling happens at a cadence where moving your legs takes all the power you can generate.

With a slower cadence, Terront could cut his overhead by cycling his legs fewer times per mile. What’s more, each pedal rotation would require less energy because his legs would need less acceleration. After 60 hours of pedaling, that energy savings gave him an enormous advantage.

Raleigh also understood why the Rover was a breakthrough. Their Roadster was like the Humber but with fenders and much safer handlebars. One could quickly and comfortably pedal 20 miles on an unpaved road without fatigue. A British bicycle cop who rides the Roadster his grandfather bought 50 years ago is the envy of other bicycle cops.

Because of that race, pneumatic bicycle tires were soon universal. The race also showed the superiority of John Starley’s seating geometry, but 130 years later, most bikes still have the pedaling geometry that’s as obsolete as the high wheeler. (In fact, museum Rovers sometimes have their cantilever seat posts rotated to bring the seat forward instead of aft of the seat tube. Go figure!)
Yes, my charts of relative resistance were for a typical commuter tire on smooth pavement with a coefficient of rolling resistance of Cr = 0.006 from Table 5.2 in Wilson and Schmidt, 2020, Bicycling Science, 4th ed. By comparison, they gave Cr = 0.003 for a typical racing bike.

Nothing about knobby fat tires at low pressure, but I'm sure that Cr would be much higher than 0.006 in that case.

The low rolling resistance curves in my charts don't mean that rolling resistance doesn't count or add up over long rides. Just that at Cr = 0.006, you have much bigger resistances to worry about on hills, in headwinds, and over 9 mph on the flat in still air.

The book spent several very interesting pages on 2 important things you mentioned: (1) The trend to somewhat wider, lower‐pressure tires in racing circles, and (2) bump resistance. Don't recall the physics behind (1), but the authors had data to back up the trend. (It's a very data-driven book in general.)

As for (2), no good way to quantify bump (aka vibration) resistance, but they noted that it can far outweigh all others combined on severe surfaces. The reason: The tires may give back a good bit of the kinetic energy lost to compressing the tire as it engages the bump, but the energy lost to vibrating the bike and especially the highly inelastic rider is never recovered.

Fascinating history. As with so many things in cycling, our modern tires are way more complicated than they look.
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I upgraded to the new Kindle and will order the book tonight. If I bought the brick-and-mortar edition, I'd misplace it! has lots of cycle magazine collections from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and I imagine Michelin held the patent until 1908 or so, but I don't recall seeing them mentioned. The Wrights had never even owned a bike until the pneumatic sensation. One bought a used bike at a bargain price and won a race at the fair. Then they dumped their printing and newspaper business and opened a bike repair shop, advertising "Dunlap" tires.

I think I see what happened. Somebody with a super solid-tire bike wanted to dump it for a pneumatic model, and the Wrights saw a chance to own a superbike. The race in France showed that pneumatic tires were fast, and the race in Dayton showed that by changing rims, the Wrights could make a recently obsolete bike a hot rod.

I don't think the Wrights would have repeatedly misspelled "Dunlop." "Dunlap" may have been a scheme for the Dunlop factory in Scotland, where labor was cheap, to avoid patent infringement litigation. If a Michelin agent checked into the origin of Dunlaps, they would seem to have come from a small American fly-by-night shop. When the Michelin patent expired, Dunlop would have the American market.