Enviolo Automatiq not calibrating


New Member
United Kingdom
Hi there. Saw a few posts here related to the enviolo and I'm looking for some help with mine.

I've fitted an Enviolo Automatiq to a recumbent, but can't get it to calibrate.

Powers up fine, pairs, no option to update firmware :confused:, starts calibration, I can hear it go up and down the ratios a couple of times as I pedal, then it just sits there saying "keep pedaling" and then seems to time out with can't calibrate error...

Anyone got any experience with this that can provide tips? I'd be very grateful.

Otherwise, any suggestions for bike shops with experience with this model near me in West Surrey that I could try?



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You will have to contact Enviolo customer service as this glitch during "calibration" after blue tooth set up is a known issue that will require a download from them.
Thanks. I've been going back and forth with them. Now they have given up on directly helping me to resolve and asked me to take it to a recommended bike shop. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for your reply.