eMTB Options For 2024

Thanks guys - your thoughts are echoing mine somewhat, but I'm going to have an advantage for fitting as I will not be selling the Fathom until spring.
Those side pics that @PDoz suggested sounds like a hell of an idea! But not until I get the new dropper installed (OneUp 120mm).

Parts are still a huge issue though - I may want XX but may only be able to find YY.

I had originally just intended to do a straight swap like @Prairie Dog suggested, but then looked at the numbers and saw the reach would likely be too much.
Hang on - I just re-read the comment.
No I do not have the stock parts from the Fathom - they were swapped at LBS at time of purchase c/w "upgrade" pricing on the different stem and bar.

I am currently of the opinion that the stock stem stays for now and a search for a new bar is the way to go. For now at least... and I reserve the right to be wrong.
When I did the test ride - the stock stuff wasn't too bad - just different.
Like the 29" wheels - it felt different.

Thanks for sharing your ideas.
until I get the new dropper installed (OneUp 120mm).

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Are you sure you only need a 120 mm dropper? The one up can be inserted about 25 mm further in than the giant equivalent , plus you can reduce travel on the one up using the included rods. So, for example, if the standard. Guant dropper is 125 mm and feels slightly too tall, you can get a 150 mm one up, shim it back to 140 mm travel, insert it all the way down and have the seat 5 mm lower that the giant 125 mm fully installed!! Effectvely, that gives you a seat down position 45 mm lower than stock!
Are you sure you only need a 120 mm dropper? The one up can be inserted about 25 mm further in than the giant equivalent , plus you can reduce travel on the one up using the included rods. So, for example, if the standard. Guant dropper is 125 mm and feels slightly too tall, you can get a 150 mm one up, shim it back to 140 mm travel, insert it all the way down and have the seat 5 mm lower that the giant 125 mm fully installed!! Effectvely, that gives you a seat down position 45 mm lower than stock!
When the Giant dropper post broke early in the Trance E+, I followed advice of PDoz and bought the 150 mm OneUp V2 dropper. Never regretted that decision, and now my tall brother enjoys that seat-post, too!
I'm not saying you MUST buy the 150 mm, just enquiring - why bother with the 120 mm ? Perhaps ride with the stock dropper, then calculate how big you can / should go?

BTW , I went 150 mm on my giant fugly , but probably need a 170 mm now my 13 yo has claimed that bike ( size 14 shoes at 13 yo ! )
My Trance got 31.8 stem/bars. Never looked back.
Where's that calculator for reach and height?

Are you sure you only need a 120 mm dropper? The one up can be inserted about 25 mm further in than the giant equivalent , plus you can reduce travel on the one up using the included rods. So, for example, if the standard. Guant dropper is 125 mm and feels slightly too tall, you can get a 150 mm one up, shim it back to 140 mm travel, insert it all the way down and have the seat 5 mm lower that the giant 125 mm fully installed!! Effectvely, that gives you a seat down position 45 mm lower than stock!

Are you sure you only need a 120 mm dropper? The one up can be inserted about 25 mm further in than the giant equivalent , plus you can reduce travel on the one up using the included rods. So, for example, if the standard. Guant dropper is 125 mm and feels slightly too tall, you can get a 150 mm one up, shim it back to 140 mm travel, insert it all the way down and have the seat 5 mm lower that the giant 125 mm fully installed!! Effectvely, that gives you a seat down position 45 mm lower than stock!
My measurements said that the 120 is correct for riding height and that's "almost" slammed all the way down.
If it's not quite right - I'll re-order the 150 and shim to 130.
The problems getting parts works both ways - so when you have BNIB stuff, recovering your input costs isn't too hard.

BTW - the standard on the small frame is only 100mm.

Once again - I certainly value opinions.

At -20C, I'm spending more time doing research than riding these days... but that will change soon.
We don't generally stay that cold for very long.
My Trance got 31.8 stem/bars. Never looked back.
Where's that calculator for reach and height?

This has a lot of good info:

My Trance got 31.8 stem/bars. Never looked back.
Where's that calculator for reach and height?
This has a lot of good info - for a lot of the calculations, I am a medium, but the dreaded stand over height gets me every time.

My Trance got 31.8 stem/bars. Never looked back.
Where's that calculator for reach and height?

I wonder how long it will be until 35 mm makes more sense? I did a little fact checking before repeating my advice from 2 years ago and once you hit the higher price bracket 31.8/35 mm are now similar prices new ! Thankfully, basic bars and stems are still a lot cheaper, plus the 31.8 look to have better availability.

Around here, second hand 31.8 is still a lot more common - especially in standard sizes and combinations but at the high quality level - presumably people selling their old bling when the latest bike comes out with 35 mm stock? For example, it's relatively easy to pick up a renthal stem and carbon bar with 25 mm rise. They have less sweep so are great for teaching the kids to ride aggressively / elbows out and weight over the front , plus they have amazing precision . Frightening to cut, though - wafer thin carbon
I love this forum. Last week I was timing my rides to avoid the 35 c and over periods !
I think the coldest I've ever ridden is around -21C and the hottest is +33C.
We don't go over +30C much here, but we get -30C and lower and it doesn't slow us down too much.

I start to pay attention and modify my life after -30C, although I do remember climbing telephone poles in the early 80's at -39C to restore phone services to a Hospital.
It was too cold for our lift trucks and it had to be done... 3 guys in shifts took an hour and a half to do what I'd normally do in 10 minutes.

Christmas is going to be cold this year - but we don;t always have a "White Christmas".
We can also be +10C or warmer in the winter - goofy place weather wise.
You always carry alternate clothing in your car...

This has a lot of good info - for a lot of the calculations, I am a medium, but the dreaded stand over height gets me every time.

They make an interesting suggestion to move back a size and aim for similar geometry to what you liked on an " old" bike. I disagree - if anything, I gave moved up from traditionally liking a nimble size M to now appreciating the leverage of a size L . Both are comfortable for me, but modern geometry works better with throwing the bike around rather than steering it around. You really need to ridethese bikes before making assumptions about what will be right
Riding in either extreme is tough to say the least. Cold is a bi*ch but I’m sure it’s just as bad as its polar opposite. Lol, couldn’t resist that. Unless you ride a fat tire bike, deep snow will become a hindrance either getting to or riding the trails which is my current dilemma.
This year we've been lucky - floods blocking access to trails instead of bush fires, and all this week I'm off work - the weather is a pleasant 15-25 c !!! I have that difficult choice between bikes, boats, or other water activities ( whilst looking at 6 foot weeds and feeling guilty.....) .
the weather is a pleasant 15-25 c !!! I have that difficult choice between bikes, boats, or other water activities ( whilst looking at 6 foot weeds and feeling guilty.....) .
It’s all relative in a manner of speaking. Currently -18C here but expected to hit a high of -6C tomorrow so it should be a good day to go out for a ride. You worry about weeds on your side of the pond where we have to deal with snow drifts. ;)
Degrees in C may as well be Mars temps for me. 🤣
It's cold here - 60 degrees F. (15C) LOL Broke out the winter clothes.

Ditto for foreign height as a measure of temperature.

Metric is logical : 0 c is freezing, 100 c is boiling. OK, so the human body decided to regulate at 36 , so that's a reasonable gauge of Australian hot - NORMAL Australians think 36 is getting hot, but the northerners speak a bit slower and seem perfectly happy when the ambient temperature is above body temperature - so long as the beer is cold. Somewhere between 40 and 50 c they might notice the beer fridge is getting empty......A problem out in places like marble bar. Apparently it's hot more often than not , a mars like landscape where distance is measured by imperial standards - how many dozen cans to the next town. Whilst most people can comprehend 3 digit multiples of a dozen, they struggle when the only shop open is a bakery . No cold beer 100 cans short because you failed to count bakers dozens !!!!!

100 cans is the universal distance needed to recognise metric makes sense.
Fun factoid - when you are travelling out the back of marble bar, emptying the by product of those cans may reveal rocks with golden seams. The pilbarra has almost as much undiscovered asbestos as gold , and to the naked eye it looks the same. Sprog 3 was going through his dwarf phase , and we weren't aware of this until we started chatting to a gold miner.