Electric Throttles: does Anyone know what #X Designates???

I’m looking at replacing my ebike throttle to get improved performance, and I keep seeing 108X 23X etc on different throttle products. Does Anyone know what #X Designates??? Is it a throttle function indicator or is it just a model number? Any observations would be appreciated.
My thumb throttle is not reacting quickly when I apply it, it is somewhat akin to an older car when you apply the gas and it kind of hesitates before kicking in because it's not getting enough gas. I also have stops and starts where the throttle is not working at all and the bike kind of lunges in and out of power. I know it could be other things (faulty battery connection, controller) but a throttle replacement is the simplest troubleshooter. So I see "[]X throttle" especially on the Wuxhing thumb and twist throttles and wondered if it had to do with delay or throttle sensitivity, that's all...
I can tell you that some controllers have a built in delay from the time you tell it to "go" until they get around to doing that. Some call it "spool up time", I call it "soft start", and I've heard it called other things as well. Makes me crazy. When I tell it to GO crossing a busy road for instance, I want to know it's going to GO now!

The delay is done/justified because some (newbies) are spooked when/if all the available power comes on at once when they hit it.

No idea what the X is, though I doubt the delay is in the throttle itself.
Yes thanks I wondered about that and agree that the "soft start" might be controller-based as it is for pedal-assist where there is a delay before it kicks in...I live in an area with numerous short sharp hills and on a number of occasions I've been bonked for power when I try to throttle to get over one of them...perhaps I'll just pull the trigger (pun intended) on the best replacement throttle I can find and see if there is any remarkable effect. I'll post if it does anything or not. Thanks again!
OK. The original one may be faulty. All throttles are about the same inside. Just a rotating magnet and a 3 pin chip that can sense a magnetic field. Probably the same chip, and it connects directly to the three leads.

If you can get one with the same connector, it's a win. Otherwise, some reconnects are needed.

Thanks for the detailed explanation and pictures. I have been able to find several so-called “waterproof” connector throttles, I’ll get one or two and see if that does the trick and will post the results. I greatly appreciate all the help and comments. Ride On!!!
As a follow-up, I replaced the thumb throttle with a new one (similar to the one on the bike but without a cutoff switch) and it seems to be riding much better. No more lag or cutoff thus far. I've also ordered a half-twist throttle just to see the differences/pros/cons of twist vs. thumb...we'll see...thus far it seems that the thumb throttle was the culprit but, of course, only time will tell...
Thanks for the update! Would like to hear you thumb vs. twist throttle after using each for a while too!

Myself, as I don't use the throttle too much, I found the thumb type easier on my wrist on the longer rides.