Every bit as laughable. Given the litigious nature of our culture fraud puts me in the increased risk category with a fake label. IMNSHO Id rather run without a fake sticker. My lawyer pals would love to have this as evidence in a suit for damages where I was shown to be at fault. Sure just like the claim that it’s unlikely any LEO will check. s*it happens. I’m old school. Black and white. If I had kids I’d say I was being a bad role model. YMMVBetter? This has “Made in China” on it too. That means it’s much more likely to be authentic!
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Every bit as laughable. Given the litigious nature of our culture fraud puts me in the increased risk category with a fake label. IMNSHO Id rather run without a fake sticker. My lawyer pals would love to have this as evidence in a suit for damages where I was shown to be at fault. Sure just like the claim that it’s unlikely any LEO will check. s*it happens. I’m old school. Black and white. If I had kids I’d say I was being a bad role model. YMMV
I would think that it’s my bike and I can put whatever stickers I want in it.
Sure you can and you did!
Read again, "I'd rather run without a fake sticker." "where I was shown to be at fault." " "I’m old school." and finally, " If I had kids I’d say I was being a bad role model. YMMV"
Not a single YOU or YOUR, and certainly no politics.
And yes, I do respect authority when respect is due and earned.
i love how the 250w sticker is the polar opposite of those car guys putting on fake air scoops and "turbo stickers"!
but the conversation really got me thinking (apologies for momentary thread hijackif we set aside the sticker and think through thomas' argument about lawsuits; i wonder if the mere fact of owning a bike with more than the allowed wattage (say for example, > the federal 750 watts); or violation of a state reg (e.g., ability to go throttle-only; speed setting higher than 20) is going to cause insurance attorneys to try to weasel out of coverage. shudder... like in the car accident world, the auto insurer loves to try and argue no coverage over drunk drivers... (sort of an exaggerated example but still...).
I hear you on that, I'm in NYC...! One thing I haven't been able to quite put together is how this 1200w kit makes me faster than the other commuter ebikes that I encounter... But there's always a delivery guy with a small geared hub motor that kicks my butt. It must be the torque??
say does anybody know if the bafang programming cable works with this ebikeling kit? I was hoping to tweak one of the settings to give me a top assist speed of 20 mph...
ah good idea, thx! i was thinking if i ever get sucked into a checkpoint i might try just setting my PAS to a level that ends up at around 20 and showing the cop "see, it's limited to 20mph". currently PAS3 takes me to 16mph and PAS4 takes me to 25mph so I reckon i just have to fidget with the overall max to get one of those to end up at 20mph...?
Thx bigmatt! I wonder what it would be like to add a mid drive to your awd bike that would be RIDICULOUS TORQUE
I actually have given real thought to doing that. I’ll know I’ve lost my mind completely when I order the midrive kit. At that point, 80 Amp hours might only get me 20 miles... but I’d get there fast.