Do you wear a mask when you ride?

Glad you asked and generally I do not, however, I have seen others with them on, on a regular basis. I try to always be on the alert while passing and steer clear of anyone I see in the distance to keep that 6ft buffer zone whenever possible. I always carry them and automatically put them on whether the business has a mask policy or not. Seems to be standard practice indoors for now until something changes.
Now we could show more health officials saying not to wear a mask because it's not advisable for the public health, but you get the idea by now, I hope - that officals were telling us not only for reasons of preserving the masks for health workers, but for the general public's personal better odds of not getting sick and spreading it even more.

Masks may actually increase your coronavirus risk​

And mention of the W.H.O. with regard to supporting that viewpoint:
What the World Health Organization [WHO] and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks.
… On an individual level, there was a study in 2015 looking at medical students and medical students wearing surgical masks touch their face on average 23 times … We know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face, so wearing a mask improperly can actually increase your risk of getting disease.
NYT times outlines the WHO stand:

WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick​

Mike Ryan of WHO​

There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday

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Depending upon my surroundings, human that is, I do wear one. If no one is in close proximity, I'd slip it down and give my nostrils a break. My go-to bike path can get somewhat crowded at times.
I wear a bandana to cover my nose and mouth in the warmer months to protect against insects and bees.

I don’t feel a COVID mask is necessary while I’m riding my e-bike. Police in my area seem to agree as they haven’t fined me this winter when they’ve seen me riding unmasked. Here it’s compulsory atm to wear masks outdoors and indoors except at home or private property.

I follow the rules regarding the pandemic but had the rules did include mask wearing while cycling it would be a law I couldn’t accept and I would flout it.
I follow the rules regarding the pandemic but had the rules did include mask wearing while cycling it would be a law I couldn’t accept and I would flout it.
Big difference between nonsense rules and actual laws
More people should take such personal responsibility
This guy proves it for Canadians to witness
Fines are withdrawn if you show the hypocritical bullies that you want to fight the fine and enjoy the freedoms they do on the sly.
See the officers shake his hand after he exposes the whole creepy lot of false imprisonment drones.
These junk rules are not applied to professional sports teams or movie production crews and actors no matter how many gather together without masks or cross borders in herds on planes or sing together.
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We agreed to the fact they said that already. Where we disagree is the idea that you are pushing. The fact it was said that wearing them was said to spread the virus. That's BS. Never happened.

Then there's the idea that the surgeon general (and a few other positions in authority) might have been taking talking points from the white house at the time.
Fauci has been saying things like that. I'm totally in agreement if you go with the idea that these scientists and high officials, just like Fauci, the highest paid official in the US government, are willing to bend the truth for political reasons or to save their jobs or climb higher.
And that is right in line with what I'm saying so you go with that if you like, Mr Hicks. Not trustworthy. Compromised. Invested. Professional cheats
and liars. Fauci claims he hasn't visited any of his family in a different household for a year. Dr. Birx already resigned and admitted cheating. Dr Theresa Tam has a confidentiality pledge with the WHO which conflicts with her duty to her Canadian post. She was announcing there was no evidence of person to person transmission even after the WHO and China had given up playing that game and anyone in the western world could have heard that human to human transmission was known.
Buncha dangerous liars, so point taken!
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Watch Fauci answer deceptively on questions asked. The interviewer is brilliant.
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That's ok; just hope you continue to socially distance and wear your mask(s), and don't mix households even after your 2nd or 3rd booster because no symptoms does not equal no infection. If the vaccine lowers your odds of becoming very ill, then you would be even more likely to not know when you are infected. Stay Safe!
I don't wear one. Here in Virginia, Executive Order #63 allows an exemption for anyone with a breathing problem, and you don't need to provide the reason or any medical proof. I flash a printed copy of that EO when entering any store that asks me to put on a mask and have had no pushback, except ironically enough, the state liquor store!

Why wear a device that offers no protection?

If you have a strong immune system, you don't need to worry about Covid-19.
Masks do work. Ask the Japanese and South Koreans:

South Korea95635184932

The most loving word in the English language is look. All you have to do is look and it makes sense.

And no, there aren't any compounding factors that are messing this up. The Japanese and Koreans are lousy at social distancing and their cities are very crowded and they heavily use public transportation, which is also very crowded. It is hard to explain the stark reality of those numbers unless masks work.
Every Covid patient is a waystation in the landscape where the virus fuels up and heads out, and infects others. Innocent others who haven't flouted common sense or civic decency. Somebody's mother or brother or friend. Some nurse or orderly or grocery store checker. Don't wish for that.
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Every Covid patient is a waystation in the landscape where the virus fuels up and heads out, and infects others. Innocent others who haven't flouted common sense or civic decency. Somebody's mother or brother or friend. Some nurse or orderly or grocery store checker. Don't wish for that.
Every patient is innocent unless they knowingly participated in a human trial or otherwise infected themselves on purpose.
Even the first one in your chain, the waystation. The metaphor is weak because it presents a picture of "one customer in, one customer out" but with a virus one infected person can infect many at a time and many more over time. Maybe more like it creates a little explosion but drawn out in time.
And no, there aren't any compounding factors that are messing this up. The Japanese and Koreans are lousy at social distancing and their cities are very crowded and they heavily use public transportation, which is also very crowded. It is hard to explain the stark reality of those numbers unless masks work.
Armchair statisticians are pretty reliable.
Watch Fauci answer deceptively on questions asked. The interviewer is brilliant.
The reason I say the interviewer is brilliant is because he exposes the deceptions so gently and carefully that it allows one to understand the potentiality for creating fatal outcomes that any deception at all in the matter of covid, might create.
For example, if double or triple-jabbed people think they can flout the safety restrictions, they may spread disease. Many would never have guessed that.
I have that poster on ignore, so I have no idea what blather he was spouting, but for you, I have this to say: Be careful what you wish for, because $h!t ricochets. See this:

Every Covid patient is a waystation in the landscape where the virus fuels up and heads out, and infects others. Innocent others who haven't flouted common sense or civic decency. Somebody's mother or brother or friend. Some nurse or orderly or grocery store checker. Don't wish for that.

I totally agree with you... But...
We are destroying the planet and a big part of the problem is over population. The innocent are already dying in too great a number from covid due to in part by moronic conspiracy theories found around every corner and a total lack of common sense thinking that your rights are being violated by being asked to wear a mask.
As I've come to realize... you can not educate the deliberately obtuse... so I have no problem with a Darwinian response to rid the world of them before they spread more fear which is just as dangerous as the virus.
As for me... I'm one of two shots in and will continue to wear a mask until all are safe. If I become ill, I'll do my best to contain and if be, die peacefully alone knowing that I did all that I could.
I have no problem with a Darwinian response to rid the world of them before they spread more fear which is just as dangerous as the virus.
The trouble isn't fear; a false sense of assurance is what's dangerous.

Supposing such a wish was granted ... the outcome would certainly be fatal to untold numbers of innocents...and that would, apparently, be a desirable outcome, to the mind of that philosopher.

Now let's take a deeper look...the philosopher could point to how removal of the elderly would greatly reduce many stressors to the planet, affecting food supply, petro-emissions, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, financial resources and pensions...that's picture the philosopher conjures up. Right?

Not really. Old people do not have much travel and eating and heating time left. And they aren't the majority of the population.

Nor do they reproduce very often.

It's the young ones.

Just so you know how elimination actually works if you're the type who buys into that stuff.
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As expected.. you missed the point.
Deliberately obtuse is the trait that requires a Darwinian response... the innocent and elderly are already dying in part because of people like you
That's about all the stupid I can do for one day, double espresso or not
But your point was that reducing stress on the planet is necessary and what would do that would be the good outcome you desire.
Just look if you don't believe me!
We are destroying the planet and a big part of the problem is over population.

You'd have to "take care" of the young, in order to take care of that expeditiously. Maybe it's you who misses your own point.
As expected.. you missed the point.
Deliberately obtuse is the trait that requires a Darwinian response... the innocent and elderly are already dying in part because of people like you
That's about all the stupid I can do for one day, double espresso or not
You haven't explained how people are dying because of people like me. I was wearing high quality masks and doing social distancing and households isolation when health officials were telling us to not wear a mask, when health officials told us to gather together in Chinatown restaurants to fight xenophobia, and when health officials told us to keep the border open to flights from China for many many months.
Now we could show more health officials saying not to wear a mask because it's not advisable for the public health, but you get the idea by now, I hope - that officals were telling us not only for reasons of preserving the masks for health workers, but for the general public's personal better odds of not getting sick and spreading it even more.
