Do you wear a mask when you ride?

I’ve not been outside at all without a mask (except for very short intervals eating or drinking outdoors) in a year. Now, with so many studies showing the risks of outdoor transmission are very, very low, being fully vaccinated, and the new CDC guidelines, I went for a ride with a mask in my pocket, not on my face Sunday.

It felt odd, made no difference to my breathing, and the majority of other people I encountered outdoors (mixed use paths, city bike lanes, etc) had masks on. The jury is out for me. Knowing that it likely makes no actual difference at all for me personally or anyone around me in the situations I’m in outdoors, I suppose it’s about perception at this point, and hopefully a gradual and graceful return to normalcy.
What legitimate reason is there for protecting Pharma from lawsuits, when that allows for contempt regarding safety issues? Just a few short years ago Pfizer paid the largest fine ever, $2.3 billion and that was for criminal fraud.
I doubt we will ever return to a pre Covid society. This era will define much of how we think, no different then the depression and WW2 defined our parents. Of course one defined grace and wisdom the other embarrassment :)
... the other embarrassment :)
I have a feeling this is all going to get retconned in everyone's collective memories to be a time where we all pulled together to get through a difficult situation. The adult temper tantrums and silly and obnoxious behavior by many will be edited out of the history of these times.
Covid Schmovid.... around here if you don't wear a mask when its hot you ingest a free lunch, one six-legged speck at a time.
I have a feeling this is all going to get retconned in everyone's collective memories to be a time where we all pulled together to get through a difficult situation. The adult temper tantrums and silly and obnoxious behavior by many will be edited out of the history of these times.
Now that you mention it, thereś a great deal of the last 4 years I would love to expunge from memory🤔
My wife and I, both fully vaxed (pfizer), carry masks for indoor use. We no longer wear them outside unless it feels appropriate to do so. We wear them if it makes others feel more comfortable. I'm not sure how much longer we will follow this policy. To my way of thinking we are almost at a point where there will be those who got vaccinated and those who chose not too. I actually want to get back to some semblance of normal and don't feel the urgency to "mask up" anymore, naturally my wife feels differently.

In my area, there is no more wait for a vaccine. Anyone who wants one can have one. In my eyes, that means it's over. The mandatory mask mandate should be lifted. If somebody chooses to go without the vaccine, that means they're accepting the risk, and there's no reason to continue destroying people's lives over it. Yes, some people can't be vaccinated for various reasons, and they should take whatever steps are needed to protect themselves.
Our house sitter for our roadtrip had to cancel out at the last minute, so we decided to just fly down to LA for the weekend. My husband's mother is 90, and we hadn't seen her in two years.

While we were there, we went to Good Friday service at St Sophia Cathedral (masked and at 50% capacity), had a few meals in restaurants (50%capacity), and socialized with vaccinated relatives and their vaccinated friends without masks. The difference is amazing. To meet new people without masks, to be able to see their expressions and to have a normal backyard party, was wonderful. To eat food I didn't cook: wonderful! I still hesitated to shake hands - - residual pandemic fear - - but I did, because to not do so would be rude. It's like getting one's human culture back.

As for cutting off nonvaccinated Covid patients from their insurance, that's a bit unkind, don't you think? People are awash in misinformation, fears, ignorance, and there is the matter of lack of access. Despite the fact that there is plenty of supply now, there is still the matter of transportation, time off from work and childcare, etc. You will get far more vaccine-hesitant people to the clinics by talking with them about your own experiences with the vaccine and allaying their fears, than by disparaging them and threatening them.

Do I wear a mask when I ride my bike? Only to keep my nose warm when it's cold out.
Covid Schmovid.... around here if you don't wear a mask when its hot you ingest a free lunch, one six-legged speck at a time.
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Reminds me of the time a motorcycle riding buddy of mine claimed to hit a swarm of bees or wasps or such in midair and got stung all over his face. One side swelled up to twice normal size. He didn't crash though, luckily.
I've never ridden with a mask. Last spring 2020, when you couldn't find masks, I tied a bandana around my neck and pulled it up as necessary when near other people. The rest of 2020 I kept a mask with me and put it on at stops/breaks as needed. 2021, I don't see anyone outdoors wearing masks and indoors in public spaces most do wear masks, many do not. Places where I ride I'm rarely close to anyone.

My experience and observations are from rural trails, paths and venues. My county has below average cases and deaths. Probably depends on where you work and play. Most people I come in contact with are prudent and respectful. Most people I know have been vaccinated. Countywide 40% of population is vaccinated. Under current eligibility regulations, we can't get to 100%, so 40% is very good in my opinion.
IMO this country is going to keep going through this since so many insist on ignoring the availability of the vaccine and won’t wear masks. This summer‘s huge outpouring of tourism by the unvaccinated/unmasked will make this a tough fall/winter.
... I tied a bandana around my neck and pulled it up as necessary when near other people.
Funny you should mention bandanas.

During the hard lockdown last year I ran some experiments. I set up a laser pointer in a dark room with a video camera. the idea being that the more visible the laser beam the more of my breath chunks were in the air. I cobbled together some software to estimate how bright the beam was over time.

I ran tests on disposable surgical masks, N95 masks, bandanas, homemade masks, and buffs. I also ran tests just covering your mouth and not your nose.

N95 masks were the best.
Bandanas, homemade masks, and disposable surgical masks were all about the same, with perhaps a triple-folded bandana being slightly better and the homemade masks being very slightly worse.
Buffs were clearly less effective.

Not covering your nose with the mask was the worst of all.
Funny you should mention bandanas.

During the hard lockdown last year I ran some experiments. I set up a laser pointer in a dark room with a video camera. the idea being that the more visible the laser beam the more of my breath chunks were in the air. I cobbled together some software to estimate how bright the beam was over time.

I ran tests on disposable surgical masks, N95 masks, bandanas, homemade masks, and buffs. I also ran tests just covering your mouth and not your nose.

N95 masks were the best.
Bandanas, homemade masks, and disposable surgical masks were all about the same, with perhaps a triple-folded bandana being slightly better and the homemade masks being very slightly worse.
Buffs were clearly less effective.

Not covering your nose with the mask was the worst of all.
Good to know! I get terrible hayfever and I often use a bandana when mowing the lawn. The best bit is looking like a cowboy 😏
The upside to senility is that I've already forgotten most of it.
Oh no. much is still etched on my brain. I´ve saved the Mueller report to make sure I don´t forget.
In the news today, it seems the DOJ wants to jog Barr´s memory. I have a few senior moments,
but my memory is fine.
I still keep 4 or 5 in my car to wear when I go inside anywhere. Once outside, I usually remove it and put it in my pocket. I haven't been riding much but when I do, I will not wear a mask. Most of the riders around here in Palm Springs are not not wearing masks. I went to a ballgame in TX a month or so ago and there seemed to be less mask usage than here...