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I wasn't over-politicalizing it any more than you just did. I doubt we can discuss these issues without them being in the shadows of politics.Curious by your use of the past tense 'had'. You do realize that the USA has continued to be a net exporter of energy under the current administration. No need to over-politicize it either, both Trump and Biden arguably have less to do with it than GW Bush and a virus.
I suggest you read some Daniel Yergin if you care to go deeper on the subject. Energy has been a primary driver for a lot of the US's entanglements and policies.
But you're correct & I was wrong, as I dug a little deeper, America is still a net exporter : Not even 7am and I learned something!

I'm well aware that energy is a driver of many of US entanglements. But to suggest it is the only driver, as m@R did, is naive, that's all was trying to point out.
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