My favorite bicycles all have names. Mostly, this started when the family "bike stable" got some twin models that were very different after personal modifications. It just made the bikes easier to talk about, and we talk about our bikes a lot! There is Ronald, Sylvia, Bluebell and Rosy. These are all traditional (not electric) bikes. Ronald is a lightweight (for the time) xc fs mountain bike. It only came in one color, yellow and red. When I first showed up with it at the trailhead for a ride with our buddies, they said it looked like I mugged Ronald McDonald and stole his bike, so that is Ronald. Sylvia is similar to Ronald, but silver, so Sylvia seemed right. Rosy is a pink-and-silver cruiser bike, the pink reminds me of one of my favorite roses in the garden. Bluebell is a city bike, you guessed it, blue. My young neighbor likes the bell that came on it, and she is the one who named Bluebell. Perfect. My first ebike is on the way, and will be named after I get to know it. Do your bikes have names?
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