Convert my 80s Peugeot to electric or get a new electric?

You're builds are so clean!
And this is more of a personal petpeeve than criticism... But we got to think of away to eliminate the plastic ties around the downtube... They're like salt in my eyes 🥵

Maybe some version of this... attached with some 3M VHB Tape?
Thank you. The new owner is so happy. She had me make one for her husband last June. It is lower cost to maintain and is higher quality than the ones from bike shops. I doubled the stopping power on hers.
A friend yesterday turned me on the the low profile ones. I mixed my own paint to paint the ones on that bike pink.
Hey Hey all! I'm resurrecting an old frame why not? So I decided since Pittsburgh has soooooo many pot holes and an ebike that goes 25mph probably could benefit from having some thicker tires. I think I'm going with a mountain bike. I'm turning in my cool road bike card.
That sounds like a plan, putting some good tires on a mountain bike and maybe upgrading the bar. Mountain bikes typically have a HB that is more like a straight pipe and not very comfortable. Maybe a riser too.
Hey all! I pulled the metaphorical trigger on a bike to modify. Got it on fb marketplace for $100 today. It's a Trek 730. I'm catching up to the 2020's, I'm at the 90's now folks! The frame is in great condition. I just filled up the tires and did a little test ride. It's a pretty smooth ride. Brakes need to be adjusted, a few of the gears don't shift smoothly, the spokes need to be trued and I need a better handlebar to give me some height and put me a little more upright. I think the seat may look a little goofy up so high.I need it a little higher for fuller leg extension. But honestly, the geometry on this bike may suit may suit Oh yeah, and the pedals need to go. I'll probably get some of those wide pedals that match the bike. Maybe get some sweet tire lights for night time. Now it's time to decide on which Tongsheng kit to get 500w or 750w which I'll probably order on PSW. Man I'm excited.

I guess I have to decide on the battery as well! The water bottle version that you suggested @PedalUma seems like a pretty smooth move.

Anyway, I'm excited! Thanks everyone for all the ideas and helping me think of what I want.


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If I already told this story, please forgive me. I guy who is an anesthesiologist and has an electric cargo bike I made for him brought in an old bike for me to fix up. When I added everything up, it would cost $695 to repair but would still be an old bike with old bearings... So I immediately went down to the LBS and purchased two bikes with all new parts for $549 each. The parts are worth more than the bikes. Here is one of them, converted.


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Last week a friend gave me a wild caught trout that he smoked. But when I tried smoking a trout I had problems with the rolling paper and keeping it lit. Something fun just happened. A bottling factory called with a broken chain. They would need to send the workers home. I had them up and running in ten minutes. They were worried they would need to wait for parts from Canada. All it needed was a #35 master link from the chainsaw store five doors down. I gave away a box of Hohner kazoos today. That was also fun and made people smile. I don't think that you can act like an A-hole taking yourself too seriously and play a kazoo at the same time.
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If I already told this story, please forgive me. I guy who is an anesthesiologist and has an electric cargo bike I made for him brought in an old bike for me to fix up. When I added everything up, it would cost $695 to repair but would still be an old bike with old bearings... So I immediately went down to the LBS and purchased two bikes with all new parts for $549 each. The parts are worth more than the bikes. Here is one of them, converted.
Thank you @PedalUma and everyone else on here for your help! I ended up buying a $100 Trek Multitrack from the 90s. Most all components had to be replaced. I knocked my head against the wall a lot learning about bicycle repair and the mechanics but it's so rewarding now I have my bike rolling with the Tongsheng TSDZ2 kit! Here it is:


Unfortunately the battery cover came off the battery when I was riding. @PedalUma may I ask what you use for the top of your batteries to make them look like a legit water bottle? Do you just take a water bottle cap off of a different bottle and fit it?


Thanks again!
You will need to cover that as soon as you can. You do not want any exposure to being bumped, dust or water. I recommend going to your local bike shop an purchasing a plastic water bottle. Saw the entire top portion of the bottle off including the threads. Use automotive gasket sealant to attach the portion with threads to the top of your battery. After several hours of curing, then thread on the cap. This will protect the vitals, give access, wile providing with the look you are after. It is so wonderfully subversive that you can now blow past that braggart from E. Europe and his fake Strava with your $100 bike. I love it.
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@doubleaxe, Make sure that you do not run any shift housing or wires between the motor and the bike's BB shell. You have the eight-pin display. You could take up the display wire slack by running it beside the rear brake housing along the top tube and then down back of the seat tube. Any extra can be made into a figure-eight by the motor mount to disappear. Or it can gently arch at the seat stay to take up extra.