Cloud 9 elastomer cruiser seat squeak


Active Member
Hi all, I recently put on a Cloud 9 cruiser saddle with elastomer suspension. The problem that I have is an annoying squeak when I pedal, particularly on the right downward stroke. I haven’t seen any posts with a fix for this so I was just wondering if anyone has one.Like some kind of lube or something? I already tried only using my left pedal but that proves ineffective:) Seriously, on a quiet country road the squeak is annoying. Thanks in advance.
I'm a believer in "silent bikes are golden" as well. Same seat, front point where it pivots as the springs collapse, can use a dab of grease or shot of oil.

Seat post, where it enters the frame, is just as likely to be the source of your evil, and needs just the lightest layer of grease to stop that, and eliminate any chance of it ever seizing. Maybe do the same to the inside of the clamp while you're at it.....

That should grant your request for silence!
Best of luck! -Al
I'm a believer in "silent bikes are golden" as well. Same seat, front point where it pivots as the springs collapse, can use a dab of grease or shot of oil.

Seat post, where it enters the frame, is just as likely to be the source of your evil, and needs just the lightest layer of grease to stop that, and eliminate any chance of it ever seizing. Maybe do the same to the inside of the clamp while you're at it.....

That should grant your request for silence!
Best of luck! -Al
What type of grease do you recommend? The springs are exposed to air and dust etc., under the cloud 9 seat.
The springs won't make noise. It's where the seat pivots up near the front as those springs allow movement. Additionally, the seat post, where it enters the bike's down tube, and the clamp that's supposed to secure it, can all contribute to a creaking noise if not lightly grease with SOMETHING. About anything will work. I use wheel bearing grease that's been wiped off mostly with a paper towel.
Same issue... Thought the squeak came from somewhere else back there... I have found as I get older similar squeaks come with age lol

Actually been wanting to deal with this but since I ride every now and then right now I totally forget about it until I start moving and it begins .. seems only directional... Need to remind myself to check the seat clamp and make sure its tight and add silicone spray to it I have.. Thanks for the reminder..
Oh, good lord, I would never put anything on the elastomer. Sorry if what I said was confusing if that's how it came across....
No problem, Al. "Diagnosing bike squeaks" on the internet always seems to be like a dog chasing his tail! We can also file that under "my motor is making a noise...."