Chili Verde

She apparently received a 30,000 Rubles fine ... about 280 US Dollars or one Pennsylvania traffic ticket. So the courts don't seem to be listening to the Kremlin much yet. The population though ...

And the image isn't an allusion, it's an optical illusion; the ruffles in the girl's dress are teeth in a skull.
That is very popular in Mexican art. The idea that you can see something two ways and that death is always present.
Ha! I didn't even see it! I must be a very glass-half-full kinda person. Or completely oblivious...
Ha! I didn't even see it! I must be a very glass-half-full kinda person. Or completely oblivious...
Today I showed a father and his daughter about the cocktail weenie in the sky. You focus at a distance such as on a cloud. Point your index fingers together, then slightly pull them apart. A cocktail weenie will be floating in the cloud. Don't take my word for it. Try it.
Step back 5 feet from your screen. You will see a skull.
I have been following related events on the war. USA and the most powerful militaries in Europe are quickly building up fighting forces near Ukraine. Consisting of the most advanced (MBT) main battle tanks and aircraft and carriers. Led by England. They calling it secret agenda. WW3 maybe?
I suspect it is a show of unity and power. And not a planned invasion of Russia. Invading Russia would be dumb.
Step back 5 feet from your screen. You will see a skull.
I have been following related events on the war. USA and the most powerful militaries in Europe are quickly building up fighting forces near Ukraine. Consisting of the most advanced (MBT) main battle tanks and aircraft and carriers. Led by England. They calling it secret agenda. WW3 maybe?
Who is calling it a secret agenda? Putain? Fox News? Because if it was an actual secret agenda, I don't think "they" would be calling it a "secret agenda" in public or on any forum where you or I were allowed.
Step back 5 feet from your screen. You will see a skull.
I have been following related events on the war. USA and the most powerful militaries in Europe are quickly building up fighting forces near Ukraine. Consisting of the most advanced (MBT) main battle tanks and aircraft and carriers. Led by England. They calling it secret agenda. WW3 maybe?
Nope. If it were secret it would be called Super Sekrit. And of course there is buildup in that area. Why wouldn't there be at the present time?
Shenzhen will partially reopen in about an hour. The partial opening is economic, not health related.
Speaking of economics (!)

ExxonMobil made a $23 billion profit in 2021, its largest in seven years. It's expected to make nearly $33 billion this year. BP, meanwhile, earned $12.8 billion in 2021 and is forecast to earn $15.6 billion in 2022.

Something Mulezen posted in the Green Room a while back

Consider that we boomers were both the largest age cohort and the first generation to grow up with widespread household electricity and gasoline powered transportation.

And Mellenials were the first generation to grow up with all the Chinese made imports in their homes ... In history.
It's Spring officially.

A substantial severe weather event -- including potential for significant tornadoes -- remains evident over the Lower Mississippi Valley/central Gulf Coast" this week, the Storm Prediction Center said Sunday.

Beginning Monday, more than 20 million people along the Gulf Coast could be affected by damaging winds, very large hail, and tornadoes.

Texas has been ravaged by fires during the past week along with worsening droughts. More than 90% of the state is now in drought, according to the US Drought Monitor update released Thursday morning.

But before the much-needed rain arrives Monday, low humidities and gusty winds ahead of the cold front will bring an increased fire threat.

Sigh. CNN is always so cheerful.
So preparing the gardens for spring planting. These little guys were in the ground when things froze last fall, and I just picked them yesterday. Not verde but I don't know the word for orange...

Edit these are carrots not chilis, in spite of a bad photo.
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Naranja, in Spanish. Funny, in Urdu there is no word for orange (the color). They use the English, with a strong Urdu pronunciation, OH-runj. I wonder why certain languages have words for some colors but not others?
Naranja, in Spanish. Funny, in Urdu there is no word for orange (the color). They use the English, with a strong Urdu pronunciation, OH-runj. I wonder why certain languages have words for some colors but not others?
Very few Urdu speakers around here, but the PA Dutch and Germans don’t really have a German word for ‘orange’. Same spelling as we "Anglish" use, but pronounced differently, of course.
@EMXG, I just made this one. It feels like a Como but with more power. Supper smooth. Check out the HB. It is a perfect day for a ride. The owner is picking it up in five minutes. I like cultural linguistics. The Greeks did not have a word for blue, hence they sailed the "Wine Dark Sea." The Mediterranean sea is blue, not purple but that is culture for you.


but the PA Dutch and Germans don’t really have a German word for ‘orange
I guess I've never heard an Amish person refer to the color of their buggy, but they pretty much all look like this in New Wilmington where I grew up:

I suppose ochre is a more accurate description than orange.
^ I must admit the ochre gives the buggy a sleeker appearance than those I’ve seen in the backwards Shenandoah. I bet its fast