@David Berry and
@Alaskan: I've got a story for you!
I went for a ride on my hub-drive Lovelec bike today. On my return, I tried to re-inflate tyres. By bad luck, I lost the inner tube (don't ask why). I drove to the small town of Brwinów, to the most local LBS for me you could even imagine. After buying new inner tube, ordering a high-pressure mini-pump (I need it for other purposes), and discussing the damaged rear hub in my Trance E+, I looked at bikes for sale the store had.
And I went insane. The small store is an Authorized Cannondale Dealer
-- Topstone Neo, sir? -- one of the twins owning the store asked -- There it is. Just in your size, sir. Feel free to buy it!

-- Well, guys... I'm almost sold on this Topstone Neo Lefty 3... Is if carbon fibre? -- I touched the bike.
-- Of course it is! No money now? Can we offer you some financing?
I could not believe my eyes. A 11,000 inhabitant town. A small LBS. And they had Cannondales. Including the Topstone Neo Lefty 3, my size... Was I dreaming?