Thank for your comment and be clear mine was simply a comment based on personal experience , not more than that.
I'm 67 y.o , 1,78cm tall ,floating in between 73-75 kg weight ,with an average power on road of 200 watt at 135 bpm . I have accumulated thousand of kilometers with muscular bike till serious health problem forced to switch to an assisted bike.Surely not the most serious issue in my life , but it has been quite hard to digest as I could not longer attend amateur's race like the Grandfondo quite popular down here.Today I make my mind and completely modified the approach not longer focused on the performance ( not any sense with an assisted bike) but simply to the journey and the company

Nevertheless something from the good past remain and I ask the motor to assistance only when the heart rate is entering in the so called < red-zone> , which for me now is around 145-150 bpm.So far on flat I can ride in between 28-32 km/h at 130 bpm , while on uphill with gradient over 6% Eco mode is a must.
Just as example ,last summer ,I rode to Colle delle Finestre (2180 mt ) ,20 km length at 9% gradient in ECO with an average for bpm at 135 , and 14km/h speed.