Cannabis, how is it legalized?

"The real question is why was it ever made illegal."

A quick search came up with these two reasons. Both of which are totally absurd.

He believed that smoking pot would result in their having sex with black men. Aided by an eager news media—and such propaganda films as Reefer Madness (1936)—Anslingereventually oversaw the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937, which effectively made the drug illegal across the United States.

Despite its medical usefulness, many Americans’ attitudes towards cannabis shifted at the turn of the century. This was at least partly motivated by Mexican immigration to the U.S. around the time of the 1910 Mexican Revolution, according to Eric Schlosser, author of Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market.
“The prejudices and fears that greeted these peasant immigrants also extended to their traditional means of intoxication: smoking marijuana,” Schlosser wrote for The Atlantic in 1994. “Police officers in Texas claimed that marijuana incited violent crimes, aroused a ‘lust for blood,’ and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’ Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.”
I remember in the early 70's the anti drug propaganda films they showed to us as a early teenager. Just ridiculous, they implied that if you used pot you'd hallucinate and touch the flame of a gas burner, because you thought the flame was a flower. I still remember that and even then I knew it was BS. I smoked a lot of pot from about 15 to 17 and then stopped. No reason that I can remember, I just found other interests I suppose but I think about trying it again to relax and maybe sleep better. All I remember about being stoned was the laughing and eating BLT's and frozen ding dongs. Ahh good times indeed.
While we’re talking about this, I just happened to see that a Cannabis legalization bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate today. The odds of passing probably aren’t great, but maybe it’ll get the federal move a step closer.
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Long-time fan of this too, started before I got my driver's license at 16. But I will say - these vape cartridges with +90% THC are just frickin' absurd. I had some really bad experiences with a small, single hit off them, and have sworn them off forever. Considering that many strains of flower are 20-40% THC, the cartridges are just a huge problem begging for unwanted attention.

These days, it's a single "supertinybabyminitokeytoke" every evening (single-hitter chillum), about 30-60 mins before bedtime. Some mucked up music, chillin', and everything is right with the world imho. Any residual pain from riding is gone, every night is a good night's sleep, and I can honestly say I've never had anything but good, happy thoughts.

It's still very illegal in my state, but it's made my quality of life so much better, I'll take the risk until the gub'mint gets its s*it together.
While we’re talking about this, I just happened to see that a Cannabis legalization bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate today. The odds of passing probably aren’t great, but maybe it’ll get the federal move a step closer.
There is only one reason Mr. Schumer proposes the bill and that is for the opportunity for more taxes. I preferred NY’s reason for legalization, i.e., to release improperly jailed inmates who could go back to their families and very likely be very productive citizens. Too often legalization becomes a racial issue.
There is only one reason Mr. Schumer proposes the bill and that is for the opportunity for more taxes. I preferred NY’s reason for legalization, i.e., to release improperly jailed inmates who could go back to their families and very likely be very productive citizens. Too often legalization becomes a racial issue.
Well if the two reasons I found for my post above are correct then certainly the reasons it was banned were racial.
“Police officers in Texas claimed that marijuana incited violent crimes, aroused a ‘lust for blood, and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’"

Yeah that's why Woodstock was so much like 1/6.

Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.”

Mexican was the most available weed, remember the seeds, in the early 70's but in my neck of the woods it was Gary Boyd that had distribution down. Growing it was figured out pretty quickly to bypass him and his ditch weed.
“Police officers in Texas claimed that marijuana incited violent crimes, aroused a ‘lust for blood, and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’"

Yeah that's why Woodstock was so much like 1/6.

Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.”

Mexican was the most available weed, remember the seeds, in the early 70's but in my neck of the woods it was Gary Boyd that had distribution down. Growing it was figured out pretty quickly to bypass him and his ditch weed.
Yes, ditch weed. We had 1/4acre of 9 foot tall hemp plants growing on my parent’s farm until County wardens came and chopped it all down. My grandfather hung several plants in the garage to dry, but alas, hemp does not contain THC.

It is a great agricultural product indeed, however it stinks. A farm near me grew 20 acres or so two years ago and it made the whole area stink like hundreds of skunks while it ripened. They did not plant it again!
“Police officers in Texas claimed that marijuana incited violent crimes, aroused a ‘lust for blood, and gave its users ‘superhuman strength.’"

Yeah that's why Woodstock was so much like 1/6.

Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this ‘killer weed’ to unsuspecting American schoolchildren.”

Mexican was the most available weed, remember the seeds, in the early 70's but in my neck of the woods it was Gary Boyd that had distribution down. Growing it was figured out pretty quickly to bypass him and his ditch weed.

Yeah, the seeds were like fireworks, and 3 or 4 people could get high from smoking a “lid”. Sometimes we’d be sick from the smoke before we’d feel a buzz. Then we found Thai Sticks and hash oil, so life was good.
The former speaker of the house, you remember the one that cried. Voted down a cannabis bill. Retired and invested in cannabis and is now a promoter of medical cannabis investments. Atta boy John!

“His embrace of marijuana legalization marks a sharp reversal for Boehner since his time in Congress. In 1999, in his one and only vote on the issue, he voted to prohibit medicinal marijuana in Washington, D.C. In 2011, he wrote a constituent to say he was "unalterably opposed to the legalization of marijuana."”
Here, in California, grow farms are highly regulated. I’d only ever now buy from a dispensary. You do have to show your drivers license and get “registered” to their system, much like getting a supermarket rewards card. You check in at the front desk and are asked to wait (it’s never a long wait), then you are invited back when a budtender is available. You work one-on-one with them. They are much like the wine sommelier, but for weed. It’s great!

The way the warehouses are regulated fascinate me. The state needs access to the video security system and frequently does random batch quality checks. The flower is tested for pesticides and other chemicals, such as rubbing alcohol. When cutting/trimming the flower, your scissors get really sticky. Some trimmers would use rubbing alcohol to clean as they go. This rubbing alcohol gets in to the weed and appears on the tests. The warehouse can get fined or shutdown. Oh boy, to enter a warehouse, there is an armed guard in the entrance to the property. You better have a good reason to be there or you’ll be promptly escorted off the property. The people that trim and cut are contracted in. It’s just amazing how well regulated the operation is.

The way edibles are handled and regulated are similar. The nice thing with this is, you don’t end up with some brownies being stonier than the one next to it. All the edibles are the same. Either 5mg or 10mg. Nothing higher than 10mg can be produced. Perfect for Disneyland or zoos.

I’ve been a daily smoker for over 30 years and have had bad weed. Dispensaries are THE WAY to get your weed need. You know exactly what you are getting and where you are getting it from, a LOCAL grower.

Please support your local grow operations.
The former speaker of the house, you remember the one that cried. Voted down a cannabis bill. Retired and invested in cannabis and is now a promoter of medical cannabis investments. Atta boy John!

“His embrace of marijuana legalization marks a sharp reversal for Boehner since his time in Congress. In 1999, in his one and only vote on the issue, he voted to prohibit medicinal marijuana in Washington, D.C. In 2011, he wrote a constituent to say he was "unalterably opposed to the legalization of marijuana."”

Oh, you mean he was opposed until he could get his cut? What’s new?
When the Japanese started eyeing China in the 1930's, one thing they did was to flood the place with cheap opium. As food became scarce, people turned to opium - - it was so cheap and available. In a few years, the Japanese military figured the population was weakened enough to sap their will/ability to resist invasion.

Now think about how ubiquitous marijuana and meth have become here in the US. Think about how we have an "epidemic" of obesity, how young people must now face climate change and economic injustice that we didn't have to deal with. They need every bit of real mojo, gumption, perseverance, creativity and mental acuity they can muster just to compete in this world. But if they've got cheap and too strong dope, they can't compete. They have trouble getting the courage to get up off the sofa.

So if you want to know how legalization is going here, IMO, it is not a good thing. High rate of drug-induced psychosis. Kids effing up their brains permanently. Many necessary jobs unfilled because people can't pass a drug screen. And try to get some customer service out of people who couldn't think their way out of a breadbox. "It's all too hard. Have another toke, dude."
Well, that's your opinion, but I think you're generalizing a bit. A lot of kids nowadays choose to not smoke it.
The new generation is not all dope addled morons inflicting brain damage on themselves.
My older brother was a professional student, so to speak. (three degrees and a masters) He was still taking classes at the local university into his late '60s prior to passing away at 69. He said his young classmates were really gung ho, and real sharp. If these kids were any indication of who was going to lead us into the future, we were in great hands. He was real impressed with them.
Pot is legal up here in Canada. The black market has essentially tanked and I believe the two main reasons the gov't legalized it was, they couldn't reign in the underground market, AND MAINLY because there were huge untapped TAX $$$s available to them that they were missing out on. As tobacco smoking declines up here the taxes on that just keep getting raised to counter the loss and now they get the pot taxes too.
They've learned they can have their cake and eat it too. The same people that always smoked pot still do, some people have decided that since it's now legal have started consuming it, but a lot choose not to, and many have quit. All the problems that legalizing it was supposed to cause haven't panned out, a bunch have been resolved and the only difference where I am is you catch the smell of it more in public now. Big deal.
It's probably like most agriculture jobs, hard work for minimum wage.
The underground has always paid real well up here, and tax free to boot, but with more legalization in the US it's dying up. I don't know about the private industry. I don't know how you can make it fly. The price is real cheap now. A fraction of what it was.
I suppose you pay the price if you have no access to the underground that does remain. I always thought the pot in legal outlets was 'meh' but always had access to decent stuff. My smoking days are over now but I would refuse to give the gov't any more money than the rip me off for now.

As far as dealing with the money that can't go in banks? CASINOS!
Just Google 'River Rock Casino money laundering' It was a travesty what went on up here and the gov't will never end up being held accountable.
There's no reason it won't continue. The jig is up and the greed will have to cool down some to not raise eyebrows.
They'll just find another way to do it. Always have, always will. The law is always two steps behind.

I have been a regular cannabis user for over 50 years and very rarely ride without it. Edibles only for the past few years. I have also been and continue to be a very vigorous athlete in several sports which can lead to associated muscle and joint pain and injuries.

For me cannabis is not so much a pain reliever, but more of a pain distracter. My doctors have no problem with my imbibing and agree it is less harmful physically and mentally than alcohol or prescription drugs. And it keeps me regular vs. the constipation associated with OTC pain pills. Everyone should be free to use whatever works for them.
I'm thinking this post is no mystery to a lot of you here, but if you don't know of it or don't have any need for it, carry on once you get the gist of it.
I have supplemented Turmeric Curcumin for years and and know any number of folks who do too for age related aches and pains.
If I go off it I am a mess in about 2 weeks. I have tried a few different brands and settled on the one now.
Price and effectiveness is what I go by.
It can be found at any vitamin place. I make sure it has a complement of black pepper to help absorption, apparently. I take about 1000mg per day (that's me, YNMV) in capsule form. The wife uses a powder.
Some brands were too damn expensive, some gave me horrible gas, some were not effective. The one I buy now I always look and buy when it's on sale, so I never pay regular price.
I'm not sure I know anyone it doesn't help but I do know some brands work, or don't work for some but IDKW? This stuff truly works for me.
I'm Canadian so likely Americans have their own brands etc, so you'll need to look around. I have seen it in Costco here and down south.
For Canadians, I have settled on bottles of Nature's Bounty brand. It often goes on sale at Shoppers Drug Mart. Superstore has it, but I never see it go on sale. The regular price is something like 90, 1000mg capsules for $22-$24?, but I usually buy it for about $15 on sale. They have various sizes of bottles and numbers of capsules in each. I find the least expensive way is the 90 cap, 1000mg Value size, on sale at SDM.
I have tried the Recovery brand....too expensive and too much gas.
Sierra Sil........never even tried. Just too expensive.
Tried a yellow labelled one at Alive stores for ages. Price just kept creeping up and no black pepper.

Here's the one I use and have for about 5 years straight. I'm not sure it would work for some of the chronic pains I see commented in this thread, but it saves my a*** for the daily old fart pains. Try it. You have nothing to lose. You have to preload it a bit but I never did with this one. Maybe just take two or three caps a day for a few weeks until you notice a difference is my suggestion, then figure out what dose keeps you there. CN

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Similarly Alpha Lipoic Acid

Some years ago I was put on Gabapentin for a buzz down my arm from the neck. It helped some, and they raised the dose with no extra effect. I looked through Wiki regarding neuropathy which led me to this inexpensive supplement. One footnote mentioned it was a prescription drug in Germany and used for neuropathy So if it’s good enough for them… I’ve used it ever since only stopping for surgery prep…and within two days symptoms returned. Unlike Gabapentin Alpha Lipoic Acid seems benign.
busted by Honolulu Vice Team with 3 pounds in a Hotel Suite in Waikiki.
The cops did not arrest me all they did was confiscate my buds and warned me not to distribute in Waikiki. They punch me in the belly a few times and let me go.
That sucks, man-- I mean, I'm glad you didn't get busted, but they shouldn't have roughed you up.

No disrespect to the 50th state whatsoever, and I've never been to Waikiki, but the stories I have heard about the Kauai police department were... not encouraging. And very surprising, given how friendly and welcoming most locals were. (Except, possibly, for a very small percentage of lifeguards who do not understand that every old white guy with a body board is not necessarily a total grom. There is a reason I wear duck fins, and it's because my home break in Cali is, at least to me, more treacherous and unpredictable than most usually-easy-but-tricky spots in Kauai, like Kekaha.)
I'm thinking this post is no mystery to a lot of you here, but if you don't know of it or don't have any need for it, carry on once you get the gist of it.
I have supplemented Turmeric Curcumin for years and and know any number of folks who do too for age related aches and pains.
If I go off it I am a mess in about 2 weeks. I have tried a few different brands and settled on the one now.
Price and effectiveness is what I go by.
It can be found at any vitamin place. I make sure it has a complement of black pepper to help absorption, apparently. I take about 1000mg per day (that's me, YNMV) in capsule form. The wife uses a powder.
Some brands were too damn expensive, some gave me horrible gas, some were not effective. The one I buy now I always look and buy when it's on sale, so I never pay regular price.
I'm not sure I know anyone it doesn't help but I do know some brands work, or don't work for some but IDKW? This stuff truly works for me.
I'm Canadian so likely Americans have their own brands etc, so you'll need to look around. I have seen it in Costco here and down south.
For Canadians, I have settled on bottles of Nature's Bounty brand. It often goes on sale at Shoppers Drug Mart. Superstore has it, but I never see it go on sale. The regular price is something like 90, 1000mg capsules for $22-$24?, but I usually buy it for about $15 on sale. They have various sizes of bottles and numbers of capsules in each. I find the least expensive way is the 90 cap, 1000mg Value size, on sale at SDM.
I have tried the Recovery brand....too expensive and too much gas.
Sierra Sil........never even tried. Just too expensive.
Tried a yellow labelled one at Alive stores for ages. Price just kept creeping up and no black pepper.

Here's the one I use and have for about 5 years straight. I'm not sure it would work for some of the chronic pains I see commented in this thread, but it saves my a*** for the daily old fart pains. Try it. You have nothing to lose. You have to preload it a bit but I never did with this one. Maybe just take two or three caps a day for a few weeks until you notice a difference is my suggestion, then figure out what dose keeps you there. CN

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Similarly Alpha Lipoic Acid

Some years ago I was put on Gabapentin for a buzz down my arm from the neck. It helped some, and they raised the dose with no extra effect. I looked through Wiki regarding neuropathy which led me to this inexpensive supplement. One footnote mentioned it was a prescription drug in Germany and used for neuropathy So if it’s good enough for them… I’ve used it ever since only stopping for surgery prep…and within two days symptoms returned. Unlike Gabapentin Alpha Lipoic Acid seems benign.
This is getting interesting. Yeah, my pain generally goes far beyond what would be normal for my age, but... why wouldn't it be helpful to tamp down some of the garden-variety aches and pains? The impact is cumulative sometimes. Like, maybe I could stand the migraines if everything else didn't hurt so much!

Muscle and joint pain I have very high tolerance for-- even some kinds of dental pain. I walked around with a massive blood clot for three months before it was diagnosed. It's headaches that set my teeth on edge.
Getting punched in the belly is better than the "wooden shampoo" the LAPD was fond of in the early '60s in Los Angeles.