Cannabis, how is it legalized?

I've read that you need at least some THC for the CBD to have an effect... Hence the 1:20 cocktail.
I've seen many other ratios and you'll have to experiment to see what works best for you.
I’ve used weed with about 20% THC, via a vaporizer, in the past for pain and it was tremendously helpful.
That’s my experience. But COPD makes it difficult
I would say the benefit from CBD is erratic. I always use it with at least some THC, even if it's 20:1. The research says that there's tolerance for THC but not CBD, ut I have my doubts about that.

There was one morning I remember when the pain was just unbelievable. I took about 25 mg. of CBD with maybe 3 mg. of THC at 5:30 AM. I decided, "If I feel the psychoactive effects at all, I'll call out, to hell with it. I never call in sick for work, my clients will understand."

Holy mother of God, for some reason, on that particular day, it worked BETTER than any narcotic or NSAID ever had-- blew the pain and stiffness away completely, minimal psychoactive effect that was gone by the time I had to start work.

But on other days, exactly the same dose just works a bit better than Advil used to (I can't take NSAIDs anymore), which was better than nothing, but not much. And on some days, it did nothing.

I used to take CBD every single morning at about 4-5:00 AM, because my $300-an-hour cannabis doctor, who was a serious researcher, told me it was best to keep some in my system at all times. When I did that, it didn't make much difference.

Now, I save it for really bad days, and the percentage of days it works the way it's supposed to is definitely higher.
It’s just nuts. If I don’t vape THC I can have fentanyl. Nucking futs
Why is that-- because you get piss-tested for opiates? That sucks!

My doctor and I had to navigate that. She knew the doctor who prescribed the cannabis and my shrink, so she was okay about it.

The ghastly 2016 opiate prescribing guidelines have been REVISED -- in favor of patients who have a legitimate need for pain medication. Depends on the laws in your state, I guess, but your HCP really shouldn't be piss testing you anymore.

I never complained about the piss tests for medical reasons, though I did tell my HCP that I wasn't happy about my HMO spending my premium money on them-- that it was a waste of resources. I think she kind of agreed, and my HMO stopped the whole piss-test thing a couple of years ago, thank God.

In my opinion, there's a special place in hell for Kolodny and PROP, aka "Physicans for Responsible Prescribing of Opioids." Prescription opiates did not have very much to do with the overdose epidemic, even before 2016. But after 2016? They made it far worse. The overdose rate for opiates skyrocketed after 2016, because so many patients went to the street to treat pain their doctors should have been treating.

And the thug selling bootleg Percocet that's probably fentanyl isn't checking the PDMP (prescription drug monitoring program) to make sure you're using it as directed. Your doctor, however, is REQUIRED to do so-- that's one regulation they got absolutely right, IMHO. Stops doctor shopping, catches overuse before it escalates to addiction.

I'm a major hater of anti-opiate hysteria and benzophobia, as well as SSRI prescribing. This is one reason I can't get too angry at antivaxers. The CDC really does get it wrong sometimes-- a lot of the time. And that scares the crap out of me.
I don't smoke, but pot should be treated like alcohol, regulated and taxed, but not taxed to the point that it creates a black market, like is being addressed in Calif. now I read recently. I actually think most drugs should be legalized along with prostitution, criminalizing a behavior won't stop it, if there is a demand for it. The war on drugs was lost long ago. Sorry Ms. Reagan, just "say no" didn't work.
Post #16 @Catalyzt .
Edibles and oils are tightly controlled here.
All it takes is complaints from people that they got sick will cause investigation.
Here a couple dispensers were shut down because they were selling gummy bears canabis candy which was very high in THC levels
Edibles and stuff like that I wouldn't advocate for it's safe use.
Some people are experimenting with an inhaler type similar to those asthma attacks remedies.
I got few bucks$$$$$ riding on it.
It will be labeled properly for it's safe use.
My preferred way is smoking it from a bong filled with peace schnapps or in a cigar . I Monte Cristo brand.

I’ve actually found that riding my bike and sitting in the hot tub provide enough pain relief these days. Sometimes I’m amazed at how much better I feel after a ride. So, I prefer to forgo the weed, and simply go with the cigar (not too frequently though).

Monte Cristo cigars are decent, but Padron’s Family Reserve series is my preference….admittedly, with a couple of alcoholic beverages, which perhaps I do a little too often, but not too heavily. We all have our vices, right? 🙂
As was mentioned earlier in this thread, the fact that marijuana is illegal on a national level prevents the stores from using the banking system, thereby offering an easy and cash-rich target. Another got hit north of Seattle this evening;

This is a relatively frequent occurrence, and even resulted in the shooting death of an employee in at least one instance. A tribal-owned store in this area does have electronically operated locks, so entry is controlled by someone at a kiosk inside, and a security guard outside (really, just someone in a uniform) directs customers to look directly at a camera before entry as well. They haven’t been robbed, to my knowledge. It’d be great if Congress would fix it though. I mean, would the guy inside not open the door if the “security guard” outside was approached by masked criminals and had a gun to his head?
Why is that-- because you get piss-tested for opiates? That sucks!

My doctor and I had to navigate that. She knew the doctor who prescribed the cannabis and my shrink, so she was okay about it.

The ghastly 2016 opiate prescribing guidelines have been REVISED -- in favor of patients who have a legitimate need for pain medication. Depends on the laws in your state, I guess, but your HCP really shouldn't be piss testing you anymore.

I never complained about the piss tests for medical reasons, though I did tell my HCP that I wasn't happy about my HMO spending my premium money on them-- that it was a waste of resources. I think she kind of agreed, and my HMO stopped the whole piss-test thing a couple of years ago, thank God.

In my opinion, there's a special place in hell for Kolodny and PROP, aka "Physicans for Responsible Prescribing of Opioids." Prescription opiates did not have very much to do with the overdose epidemic, even before 2016. But after 2016? They made it far worse. The overdose rate for opiates skyrocketed after 2016, because so many patients went to the street to treat pain their doctors should have been treating.

And the thug selling bootleg Percocet that's probably fentanyl isn't checking the PDMP (prescription drug monitoring program) to make sure you're using it as directed. Your doctor, however, is REQUIRED to do so-- that's one regulation they got absolutely right, IMHO. Stops doctor shopping, catches overuse before it escalates to addiction.

I'm a major hater of anti-opiate hysteria and benzophobia, as well as SSRI prescribing. This is one reason I can't get too angry at antivaxers. The CDC really does get it wrong sometimes-- a lot of the time. And that scares the crap out of me.
Agreed. After years of fentanyl I woke up one morning and realized I’d become a zombie and the drug had taken over and my pain was no longer managed. I flushed it and went through hell. Next I titrated off oxy and managed with a medical cannabis state prescription. But the worsening degeneration and stenosis et all have me back with a low dose opioid and a MS drug that blocks leg pain. Just enough to manage a 5-6 hour comfortable sleep. The hassle is using medical systems in two states. I was ever only tested years ago by the VA and my Dr knew ( in the illegal state ) I had been using medical cannabis BUT she in now audited and must have contracts and piss tests to continue my Rx. All this bullshit when my medical records MRI data is clear. Severe stenosis, arthritis, disc degeneration and even bone degeneration through most of the lower 1/3 of my spine. Mild to moderate for the rest. My mother had spine supports SS rods and screws and when she asked for medial cannabis referrals the asshats told her she needed to get of all opioids first. It’s a suck system.
I can't take NSAIDs anymore
Here either. They shut my kidneys down. And IB does the best of all non Rx over the counter products. 55 years of kidney disease management. Without serious incident as long as I maintain a diet like Forks Over Knives for a majority of meals. Very little of foods that have a mother.
Poor parenting I have observed. I find that young people are no more entitled than any other group of people-- that entitlement affects young and old, privileged and disenfranchised, and men and women equally.

Young people take social media more seriously than older people, and may have slightly more problems putting down their phone than anyone else does, but I'm not even sure about that. My wife and I both have a terrible time getting off the computer.

Let's also remember that young people were targeted for exploitation by big tech, and are innately more vulnerable because they have poor impulse control due to the normal process of neural development, so yeah-- it makes sense that they fall harder for digital addiction, and it takes more work for them to recover.

And remember that young people are also the demographic that created the idea of digital fasting. I do sometimes get college-age student clients who have quit social media for three months who come to my office to see if they're going crazy. Basically, I tell them, "Hell, no," and they are usually on their way after one to three appointments.
I agree with most of what you say.... My point was that it is not the result of cannabis.
I have been a regular cannabis user for over 50 years and very rarely ride without it. Edibles only for the past few years. I have also been and continue to be a very vigorous athlete in several sports which can lead to associated muscle and joint pain and injuries.

For me cannabis is not so much a pain reliever, but more of a pain distracter. My doctors have no problem with my imbibing and agree it is less harmful physically and mentally than alcohol or prescription drugs. And it keeps me regular vs. the constipation associated with OTC pain pills. Everyone should be free to use whatever works for them.
As was mentioned earlier in this thread, the fact that marijuana is illegal on a national level prevents the stores from using the banking system, thereby offering an easy and cash-rich target. Another got hit north of Seattle this evening;

This is a relatively frequent occurrence, and even resulted in the shooting death of an employee in at least one instance. A tribal-owned store in this area does have electronically operated locks, so entry is controlled by someone at a kiosk inside, and a security guard outside (really, just someone in a uniform) directs customers to look directly at a camera before entry as well. They haven’t been robbed, to my knowledge. It’d be great if Congress would fix it though. I mean, would the guy inside not open the door if the “security guard” outside was approached by masked criminals and had a gun to his head?
My dispensary's focus is on medical patients, though they serve recreational users as well, and has armed security and cameras. The guard is either outside the door or watching via a video monitor. When I first went there, they would often spot my EDC and very respectfully ask me to leave it in the car, though now they don't seem to mind, I see plenty of customers carrying knives. (In Los Angeles, a lot of blue collar folks carry knives.) Sure, a crew with autos could ambush the place, but I feel very safe there.
Here either. They shut my kidneys down. And IB does the best of all non Rx over the counter products. 55 years of kidney disease management. Without serious incident as long as I maintain a diet like Forks Over Knives for a majority of meals. Very little of foods that have a mother.
There used to be a great online forum for people who have my disorder. It was eventually discovered by the drug companies who advertised there, and was destroyed-- they made it so difficult to use everyone had to leave, but before they did, we collected some informal stats, etc. The folks who had been taking Advil for 30 years had NO stomach lining left-- they were just screwed, I don't remember a single good outcome. In some ways, my history of blood clots was a good thing. The risk of bleeding is too high, so they never tried to force me down that road. I had heard about kidney problems with Ibuprofen, sorry you had to deal with that.

The vegetarian thing is very hard for me. I have cut back my meat consumption considerably, moved more towards chicken and fish, try to have vegetarian lunch, or maybe rice pasta with a single slice of cooked chicken. I've never enjoyed eating much-- there's not a lot that tastes good to me, and I need a lot of protein. It's also hard to swallow because of dysphasia. I do a lot of mechanical eating -- just making myself eat food that tastes neutral -- to keep calories on. When I drank it was worse, because I had so many empty calories!
I've been a vegetarian for more than 30 years now, just finished a mozzarella, tomato, and onion sandwich on whole wheat, 1/2 cup of homemade bean soup and an apple. I'm not a fanatic about though, if I were out and served me meat of some kind I'd just take a few nibbles and not make a fuss. I just prefer to not kill animals for my food.
I have been a regular cannabis user for over 50 years and very rarely ride without it. Edibles only for the past few years. I have also been and continue to be a very vigorous athlete in several sports which can lead to associated muscle and joint pain and injuries.

For me cannabis is not so much a pain reliever, but more of a pain distracter. My doctors have no problem with my imbibing and agree it is less harmful physically and mentally than alcohol or prescription drugs. And it keeps me regular vs. the constipation associated with OTC pain pills. Everyone should be free to use whatever works for them.
I think it has a bad stigma attached that is inaccurate and exaggerated.
I've been using for 40 years and I'm not addicted 🙃
I have been a regular cannabis user for over 50 years and very rarely ride without it. Edibles only for the past few years. I have also been and continue to be a very vigorous athlete in several sports which can lead to associated muscle and joint pain and injuries.

For me cannabis is not so much a pain reliever, but more of a pain distracter. My doctors have no problem with my imbibing and agree it is less harmful physically and mentally than alcohol or prescription drugs. And it keeps me regular vs. the constipation associated with OTC pain pills. Everyone should be free to use whatever works for them.
50+ years for me as well. Never had a problem with it of any kind. Never made me sick. Never gave me a hangover of any kind. I generally just imbibe in the evening either using a Volcano vaporizer or a little homemade tincture mixed with OJ. I've found it lowers my blood pressure and is a good sleep aid.
Funny story; When I was about 19 or 20, I went camping with a few friends in Grays Harbor County, on the Washington coast. One night we were driving along the highway, passing a doobie around the car, and we were pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy. I was the driver, so I rolled down my window as the officer walked up. He was greeted by a cloud of weed smoke, leaned down toward my window, and said “You boys camping around here? I’d suggest you drive directly to your campsite and stay there. If the State Patrol pulls you over, you’ll find they don’t take kindly to this sort of thing. Have a good night.” And with that he walked away.

Needless to say, we counted our lucky stars and followed his advice. At that time, 1973 I believe, we could’ve be been charged with a felony. 😰 Maybe better yet, the next day we were smoking and giving nose hits in a tent, and my future father-in-law (I hadn’t dated my wife yet) walked up, “what are you fellows up to? Oh….” and with that he walked away. His sons had done worse, so I guess that’s why I got a pass a few years later.
I just find it humorous that I live in a proudly right-to-farm county which has had multiple moratoriums on approving marijuana farms.

And honestly, when I first went into a weed store (in Sedro-Woolley, WA) in 2014 I don't know when I've ever been more proud to be an American.
The real question is why was it ever made illegal. The Taliban is actually considering legalization as a way to address their burgeoning heroin addiction. Cannabis is one of the…if not the most…useful plants known to humankind. Quite possibly it was the first one to be cultivated. Countries (Australia—1800s) survived famine with it’s assistance…Egyptian mummies buried with it…wars fought with it, and for it (1812). In Virginia it was once AGAINST the law not to grow it. Here’s a photo of me upholding the law.
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