Can I program the Bafang Ultra 510/620 throttle for full power in all pas levels?

maybe i will take a peak this weekend and find out, pretty sure i still have one those bafang cables lying around.
If you have the stock thumb throttle, most are using 1.1(11) and 4.2 (42) for start and end voltages respectively.
My numbers are for the generic half twist. Best method is to measure the actual of your particular throttle for the widest range.
Be very careful setting the start voltage as if set on the borderline you could get instant throttle when the bike is turned on. Set too low should throw an 04 error
My motor is a UART based Ultra but it is completely stock, i have never altered any parameters, you touch the thumb throttle and it is nearly instant full power!
I just avoid using throttle altogether on that bike, maybe ill take a peak inside and try to tame things a little.
I think you'll find a couple of minor tweaks can make a big difference.

I use my throttle to get the bike moving and that's about it. Even then, it's not given a big blast of power. 1/4 throttle for a second is plenty to get the bike moving well enough for me to collect my balance. PAS and torque sensing take over from that point.

I'm curious, as I don't remember my rides with stock settings real well. Are you happy with the stock torque sensing? I remember thinking mine never really worked until I installed the "Smooth" set up.

Take notes on what you change!
I think you'll find a couple of minor tweaks can make a big difference.

I use my throttle to get the bike moving and that's about it. Even then, it's not given a big blast of power. 1/4 throttle for a second is plenty to get the bike moving well enough for me to collect my balance. PAS and torque sensing take over from that point.

I'm curious, as I don't remember my rides with stock settings real well. Are you happy with the stock torque sensing? I remember thinking mine never really worked until I installed the "Smooth" set up.

Take notes on what you change!
Funny.... with the things being discussed I was going to ask you what you've done with the Torque settings.
Have you implemented anything other than the Frey Smooth such as the ProphetZarquon method?
Funny.... with the things being discussed I was going to ask you what you've done with the Torque settings.
Have you implemented anything other than the Frey Smooth such as the ProphetZarquon method?
Me? I'm pretty happy with the "Smooth" tune and a couple of small changes on the initial throttle. Going to need a good reason to mess with it any further.

I'm an old IT guy that's learned you don't change a thing until you need/have to. NOT into changes to see if I can get it to "work better".
Me? I'm pretty happy with the "Smooth" tune and a couple of small changes on the initial throttle. Going to need a good reason to mess with it any further.

I'm an old IT guy that's learned you don't change a thing until you need/have to. NOT into changes to see if I can get it to "work better".
There is a fine line between "don't fix it if it ain't broke" and there's room for improvement.
That said I'm very happy I did my own tuning on the BBS02B as all that was offered by others fell well short of what I came up with. Understanding that these can be very personal in use.
That, that said.... If it is in the near future I'll try what I receive compared to the SMOOTH for sure... but eventually go full personal again.
maybe i will take a peak this weekend and find out, pretty sure i still have one those bafang cables lying around.
I recommend starting your programming journey here:
I think you'll find a couple of minor tweaks can make a big difference.

I use my throttle to get the bike moving and that's about it. Even then, it's not given a big blast of power. 1/4 throttle for a second is plenty to get the bike moving well enough for me to collect my balance. PAS and torque sensing take over from that point.

I'm curious, as I don't remember my rides with stock settings real well. Are you happy with the stock torque sensing? I remember thinking mine never really worked until I installed the "Smooth" set up.

Take notes on what you change!
I would not say im happy with the torque sensing but i dont hate it, makes me work harder than the torque sensor on my other bike and thats not all bad, i always get a great workout.