
I cant believe Walmart is getting 1400 bucks for that bike. My goodness. My 899 I paid Lectric years ago is looking like a steal!


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The OP said, in post #10:
Thank you for pointing the brake failure, I missed that. My opinion, 'Fishwagon' experienced a catastrophic life threatening brake
failure situation on a 4 month old 300 mile bike. I cannot see a responsible Local Bike Working on the repair from a liability stand point. I would not
want or ride the bike, based on the information provided. This isn't amateur hour any more.

Makes you wonder why some Adults have such a time with mechanical devices,OTH, these days my fingers turn into "sausages" working on small delicate parts( sign me "Jimmy Dean")
$1200 eBike. That easily explains the issue. XOD hydraulic brake sets are pretty cheap. replacements are readily available.

I’m suspecting a lower tier ebike with all budget components is being ridden like a motorcycle. it’s just not capable of handling the hard use riding down “the steepest” street in town.

i’m not clear on the stated temperature. when the outside air temp is over 70F?

the only sensible solution means upgrading to a good lower priced brand name brake system with LBS support.

i don’t understand why buyers think a bike priced that low would be an able downhill bike. my quality motor, controller, battery alone are significantly higher buying components with parts purchased with dealer discounts.
The brakes work when the temp is under 70° after that they fail.
The likely problem is air in the system.
Personally I would start with bleeding the brakes if there are no leaks. So you can...
A. Take it to a bike shop.
B. if you are handy with tools there are videos on YouTube on the procedure. You'll need to buy the correct oil and kit for your system.
C. Replace the system with something more reliable.