Bosch Eplus Advanced chip


New Member
Just bought a used 2016 Cannondale Mavaro and am thinking about getting the Eplug Advanced chip to de-limit the motor and get access to fun data like wattage input/output etc. Has anyone here used one of these?? Seems like its $20-40 more than a Speedbox 2 but way more functionality!

It also claims to have a "engine immobilizer" which is neat but I wonder how that is supposed to work...

On ebay to ship to USA:
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
So I bought Eplus Advanced Bosch speed unlocker and here are my thoughts. The first few points are generic to really any speed unlocker:
  • I used to ride in turbo all the time and just cruise at around 19mph and I could basically just pedal harder or use less effort and the motor would make up the difference. I found once I had the speed unlocker that I would use the different assist levels almost as I would a derailleur. On the flats I find myself preferring to ride in Eco or Tour so that I don't waste tons of electricity on wind resistance and on hills I typically bump up to sport or turbo to keep my speed up. At first I was frustrated at the change in use mode but now I'm used to it.
  • I picked up a few minutes on my 9 miles commute with the speed unlocker (traditional bike commute 45mins, 20mph limited ebike 30-35 mins, speed unlocked 28-30 mins). I do have a lot of stop lights and 3 small hills.
Specific to Eplus:
  • You use the walk button to unlock the speed each time you turn the bike on.
  • Its nice that you can read battery life in 1% increments and you can see your power input.
  • The "Code/Motor immobilizer" works like this per Eplus: If you activate the immobilizer, after two rides the engine is turned off. **What I found is that if you activate the immobilizer then the computer will turn off when any wheel speed is sensed, which I actually like better than giving a thief two rides... So it just turns your ebike into a super heavy normal bike until you unlock it again. I was hoping it could do more to prevent ANY movement by locking up the motor (using the battery) like the Stromer's do but alas, no.
  • Current speed/odometer/range work per normal which is great but the trip time/distance and average/max speed all freak out and display crazy numbers regardless of whether you are riding in "unlocked" mode or not.

Overall, the Eplus Advanced is not that much more expensive than other basic speed unlockers so hopefully you find the extra features worth it.
*Edited* it seems like the Android 10 bug got fixed! Yay!
**Edited to add how the code immobilizer seems to actually work, as opposed to what ePlus told me
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It seems like the bug is fixed! Also, there does still seem to be a weird issue with Google auto-fill for login user name and password so I just manually login. But it works! Now I just need to log some rides to get data!
Hopefully someone can jump in to help soon. Thanks for updating and sharing your experience with us!
Which Version of the Module did you get and is it still working fine ? I consider buying the new V8.05 for my Cube because its the only one which offers Data Monitoring & removes Speedlimit for gen3 and gen4 motors. But i cant find any Reviews about ePlus exept yours, which kinda worries me a little so any help would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards from Germany :)
Not sure the version I got, but the speed unlocking works great with the "walk" button and worked through the app. The app is specific per your region so you might have a slightly different experience than me (USA for me). I'd download their app from your respective app store, create a login, and check out the basics before you buy a chip.

Also, when I had contact them to resolve an issue they responded promptly. I think that's pretty great for USA to Italy communication.

You also might have an easier time returning the chip if you decide you don't like it since you're MUCH closer :) Just make sure to check their return policy.
Thanks for the quick response, its good to hear that you are satisfied.

I dont worry at all about returns because basically anything bought online from Europe can be returned without many questions in 2 weeks ,starting that day i got the Item delivered.

App installed without Problems so thats nice.

Now i Just Hope that their way of tricking boschs anti tamper works as good as they say ,but to test it i have to wait a bit since estimated shipping is at least 2 weeks it comes from italy.
I bought this de-restrictor from epic ebikes in Australia and have had zero problems with this unit for a year and a half.
The secret is to NOT turn the unit off when you stop for anything for finish your ride. You can wait for the unit to do its countdown, but I just leave it running until it shuts itself off.
I don't use the countdown method, because knowing my memory sooner or later I'd forget to wait and turn it off before the countdown had completed its cycle.