BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km


Does anyone know of a BBS02 display with wh/km (mi) capability? I have an Eggrider that does but it is not ideal. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works fine but am looking for a simpler less messy approach. To me, the most useful information you can have is efficiency - easy to see how hard you are working and makes determining range simple and very accurate.
Does anyone know of a BBS02 display with wh/km (mi) capability? I have an Eggrider that does but it is not ideal. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works fine but am looking for a simpler less messy approach. To me, the most useful information you can have is efficiency - easy to see how hard you are working and makes determining range simple and very accurate.
Why make it so complex? Ride to LVC and never exceed. KISS
Does anyone know of a BBS02 display with wh/km (mi) capability? I have an Eggrider that does but it is not ideal. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works fine but am looking for a simpler less messy approach. To me, the most useful information you can have is efficiency - easy to see how hard you are working and makes determining range simple and very accurate.
I'd agree with that. But working from a practical standpoint, a game I play with myself is all about efficiency. Been doing this since I started riding ebikes, so it's pretty much automatic anymore. I watch my wattage like a hawk until I get to know the bike really well. No immediate range available like you might be looking for, but given a few charges (or maybe 20-30), I have a really good idea of how far the bike will go on a charge - on average. It's not hard to make changes in how you are riding the bike (eg. PAS levels and gearing) to tweak the load, which may or may not change your range much. Eventually though, you get to know how that bike likes to be ridden in a pretty clear manner. I know how far each of my bikes can go easily/reliably, and how much further they'll go if I'm able to cool it all the way through a charge.....

You do need to charge the battery when it gets down to a certain voltage to maintain consistency from one charge to the next. Like knowing how much gas you have available at the start of every charge. I use 46v +/-.

Oh, to answer your question about displays, I have a newer M600 based bike running an 850c display that has that ability. It's all based on an algorithym but I have no idea regarding accuracy.
OK - I'll take that as a no....
IMO and IME that data was important to understanding how my builds runs, but once seen I find I don’t need the constant feedback.
Somewhere I have the instructions for making a bracket for a simple watt meter. But I usually just do a tempo Grin CA3 and shunt. Use it for a few rides parse the data and then back to my spares box.
It is true to some extent that you get a 'feel' for how the bike performs with experience. The great value in tracking efficiency is that it allows accurate ride planning. I know I have at least 600 usable wh in my battery (measured). If I'm headed out on a 100 km ride I know I can't average much more than 5 wh/km so I adjust my riding (speed down and/or effort up) to keep it in range. I understand that my use case may be a little different but it is how I have always ridden - before and after the addition of the BBS02.
Does anyone know of a BBS02 display with wh/km (mi) capability? I have an Eggrider that does but it is not ideal. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works fine but am looking for a simpler less messy approach. To me, the most useful information you can have is efficiency - easy to see how hard you are working and makes determining range simple and very accurate.
Unfortunately, eggrider is the only solution at this time. I have two but dont like to use them as much due to the unreadable display and small/sticky buttons(the main reason).

In addition to wh/km, I also like total wh used. The two allow me to adjust my ride (speed/distance) on the fly to fully use the battery. If I am having a good day efficiency wise, I will ride longer and/or faster. Maybe I went too hard at the start and now need to tame it down for the rest of the ride.

These are both features on my Grin CA3 and I use them all the time.

My current 860C display only show volts and while I am getting used on how to interpret it, its less than ideal and requires mental math while riding.

I have the tools to write my own 860C firmware to do this (basically modify 860C TSDZ2 software for BBSxx) but havnt started the project yet.

I will put this on github when Im done and mention it here on EBR, dont expect anything soon.

Another option would be to modify this software

Basically you could make the wh/mile calculation on the BBSxx itself and then return this to the display as voltage so your voltage reading would be your efficiency. Many other data items you could replace with efficiency depending on your display.
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Unfortunately, eggrider is the only solution at this time. I have two but dont like to use them as much due to the unreadable display and small/sticky buttons(the main reason).

In addition to wh/km, I also like total wh used. The two allow me to adjust my ride (speed/distance) on the fly to fully use the battery. If I am having a good day efficiency wise, I will ride longer and/or faster. Maybe I went too hard at the start and now need to tame it down for the rest of the ride.

These are both features on my Grin CA3 and I use them all the time.

My current 860C display only show volts and while I am getting used on how to interpret it, its less than ideal and requires mental math while riding.

I have the tools to write my own 860C firmware to do this (basically modify 860C TSDZ2 software for BBSxx) but havnt started the project yet.

I will put this on github when Im done and mention it here on EBR, dont expect anything soon.

Another option would be to modify this software

Basically you could make the wh/mile calculation on the BBSxx itself and then return this to the display as voltage so your voltage reading would be your efficiency. Many other data item you could replace with efficiency depending on your display.
I do use the Eggrider but also find it less than satisfactory. It does work well when paired with a smart phone. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works very well. The Eggrider like all displays that I know can only work with the data from the Bafang controller which in my case outputs a voltage that is 0.6 v off. At least my watt meter is accurate. Of course, the CA3 is a nice piece of work.

I will definitely follow along with any code development - an interest of mine but probably above my skill level. Thanks for the links.
have two but dont like to use them as much due to the unreadable display and small/sticky buttons(the main reason).
Interesting! My down button also stick sometimes. In fact the first unit was replaced under warranty. I was eventually able to fix it by pulling out on the button which seems to be held by an elastic connection. I keep a spare 500C with me in case I can't fix it on the road. It is a nice piece of work compared to the other displays but it does have its problems.
My gut reaction is only a CA3 is going to have the ability to do exactly what the OP wants. O But then you have to suffer through the kludge that is the CA3 menus and display.
My current 860C display only show volts and while I am getting used on how to interpret it, its less than ideal and requires mental math while riding.

Maybe there are some features in that 860C you are missing? That is my favorite display of everything available.
  1. I never use it, but there is a built-in range calculation in its menu structure. Push the button a couple times and its one of the rotating items that pops up. I would imagine it to be more accurate as the ride progresses.
  2. The 860C can - via its graphic meter, show you watts expended. Pretty straightforward stuff commonly found on everything.
  3. the 860C can also, uniquely, display real-time current output. As in amps. By default it gives you a numeric value matching the watt output you are already getting with the graphic meter. But in the menu you can change that to give you amp output instead. Which gives you simultaneous wattage and amperage readouts.
The above give me all I need to be able to observe the bike's output and figure out what I need to do and not do after a short period of observation.
These are both features on my Grin CA3 and I use them all the time.
You’re the devil! What? A non color display. That you can’t even link a dumbphone to? But have more data than, well a
But then you have to suffer through the kludge that is the CA3 menus and display.
yeah. Why use you mac book, linux, Windoze or any other easybto use software? I mean i getbwhybthe love for APT, but thst North American kid is, well, a bright fellow.
Sorry m@ but you’re going all Ahicks on this one. I consider you two in the top ten generous experienced EBR family but you lose me when the Grin fades.
You’re the devil! What? A non color display. That you can’t even link a dumbphone to? But have more data than, well a

yeah. Why use you mac book, linux, Windoze or any other easybto use software? I mean i getbwhybthe love for APT, but thst North American kid is, well, a bright fellow.
Sorry m@ but you’re going all Ahicks on this one. I consider you two in the top ten generous experienced EBR family but you lose me when the Grin fades.
Yeah well too bad :D

The CA3 was out for years - arguably obsolete - before they finally published a (gasp!) instruction manual. Before that, you had to comb thru ES threads and talk to the right people.

When I was going to be using a Tangent Ascent for my GG Smash, I dug deep into the CA3 as it was going to have to be the display. It was extremely capable in terms of programming weird, esoteric power output levels and awesome PAS configs. But it was a geek's toy. I'd rather have no display really, all things being equal. Best display I ever had was a wattmeter I kept on my battery pack. I could check it after the ride and oooh look I peaked at 4000w and 65 amps (Cyclone, Kelly controller) but otherwise I rode a bike like I had been riding it for decades:

Without a damn superfluous data feed.
My gut reaction is only a CA3 is going to have the ability to do exactly what the OP wants. O But then you have to suffer through the kludge that is the CA3 menus and display.

Maybe there are some features in that 860C you are missing? That is my favorite display of everything available.
  1. I never use it, but there is a built-in range calculation in its menu structure. Push the button a couple times and its one of the rotating items that pops up. I would imagine it to be more accurate as the ride progresses.
  2. The 860C can - via its graphic meter, show you watts expended. Pretty straightforward stuff commonly found on everything.
  3. the 860C can also, uniquely, display real-time current output. As in amps. By default it gives you a numeric value matching the watt output you are already getting with the graphic meter. But in the menu you can change that to give you amp output instead. Which gives you simultaneous wattage and amperage readouts.
The above give me all I need to be able to observe the bike's output and figure out what I need to do and not do after a short period of observation.
Yeah, agree on all the points. I played with the range feature and found it less than reliable. I am getting good at determining voltage vs range but would prefer total wh used

Im not sure how accurate much of the data is for 52V (the battery bar indicator is off). I bought mine from Luna, as I recall their only claim was that the voltage was correct.
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You’re the devil! What? A non color display. That you can’t even link a dumbphone to? But have more data than, well a
Despite all the CA3 haters, I LOVE my CA3 despite its big clunky look. It shows me anything I would ever want to see, is easy to configure on the trail (I have only ever just 'skimmed' the manual yet can figure it out during a ride), has a nice big display that works in all lighting situations, defaults to a legal ebike setting on powerup (eggrider can do this as well). It has 3 configurable slots which I have set up as legal, pas only and torque sensor assist. A well though out feature rich device whos only downfall is 'looking' outdated.

I do have the harness to connect a CA3 and Phaserunner to a BBSHD but it seems like a $600 solution to a $100 problem.

Hopefully I can do exactly what I want with my custom 860C software