Greetings from the Netherlands.
Coincidentally, I bought my first ebike about about ten years ago.
It was intended for the Dutch market,..
I got it for $400.
It was completely punched and worn out, but it came with new batteries (three 10ah 12V SLA), and it worked !!
The suspension forks wobbled front to back more than they moved in and out.
You guys over there on the other side of the pond put your throttle on the wrong side of the handlebars, so when it was imported to the New World, they just flipped the handlebars over to get the throttle on the proper side but now my gear shifter is Really Messed Up !!
So am I in 2nd gear or 5th gear??
Am I going slow or fast, or forwards or backwards or am I riding upside down??
The only way to know for sure what the Hell is going on is to look at it through a mirror, and that's really hard to do when riding along in reverse and don't know how fast your going.
The thing is a tank and just keeps going, but it WILL NOT Go faster than 25 kph.
The power cuts out at 22 kph, and when you hit 25 kph, the regeneration kicks in. The harder you pedal the more you pump your energy into the battery. The regeneration is progressive and automatic, so there is simply no way to go faster.
In my research attempts to find out how the hell to bypass that crap, I found this info,..
There was one for sale in England,..
Same price I paid. Bucks pounds, whatever?
It's definitely not a "manman" ebike.
It's a "girlgirl" ebike.
I'm pretty sure it was designed for young Dutch girls to deliver tulips to the market?
You guys do like your tulips

So in an effort to "man it up" I rode the snot out of it half corked and the other half stoned.
Couldn't ride it no hands though, cause I would go into a HUGE Speed wobble within 2 seconds.
I like this ad,..
"Willing to trade for a ride on lawnmower".
I'd trade mine for a lawnmower too,..
At least it burns gas like a real "man machine" is supposed to.
An electric ride on lawnmower would be a gutless piece if crap that would kill the batteries in 20 minutes regardless of how big the batteries are.