Battery Cost: $1,299

I was absolutely going to buy a juiced bike. Then I dropped one of the batteries for my present bike and had to replace it (cost $399). I would be buying Juiced to get the big battery so I wouldn't have to carry a second. So, after this event I wanted to see how much a Juiced battery would cost. They cost $1,299 dollars (1/2021). A while back I priced them at $899, which I though was just a little high. But $1,299? I think that price is really, really high. I paid around $1,100 for my present 1,000 watt bike. It works really well for me. I want to give it to my wife to get her into e-bikes, and then get a new one for myself. After accidently destroying a bike battery I realize that it can happen. But in any case you may need to replace batteries over time if you are an avid rider. So, Juiced bikes are off my list. I did talk to Juiced bikes about this, explaining that cost of ownership is always a consideration on consumables such as batteries. They said they had no control over the pricing. Which makes me wonder if this is another company that is "actually" controlled by mainland China. Which l want to avoid, because I want representation here in the US. I want real, timely support (without having to send photographs). I didn't actually "talk" to Juiced bikes. We only communicated by email. It took a few days for them to respond to my initial their sales department. I wonder how quickly responses would come for warranty issues...?
Inflation is already taking effect .
The Juiced 10.4Ah battery was powered by 26F 13S4P.
The Eunorau 14Ah battery was powered by 35E 13S4P.

So the number of cell was exactly the same as Eunorau.
My bad, I didn't take the time to calc the number of cells in each pack. BUT as I wrote, additional 26F cells in parallel would not be as saggy. Of course, 35E have a substantially higher output and 900 more Mah!
Yikes!!! Juiced called 10.4Ah "extended range!? To sad to even laugh. 26F long after most abandoned the cell. Luna stopped selling 26F cell packs in 2015. Is the bike that old?
10.4Ah was actually the high performance version of battery.
No way! That's almost funny, and would be if riders hadn't been ripped off.

SAMSUNG ICR 18650 26F 5.2A 2600MAH

May, 2009

SAMSUNG INR 18650 35E 8A 3500MAH

July, 9th, 2015
Can you post a screenshot of the conversation to confirm what you are saying? Specifically, Juiced saying they have no control over pricing. @mjorg
I don't know the legalities of doing that. Don't want to get sued. If you send me your email I'll consider forwarding that email to you on your word that it goes no further. You show it to no one.
That's a serious diff. :) Almost forces a try, right? Any bad safety reports on Sonders? Any reports on which cells they use? Estimated range by owners?
Sonders charges just under $300 for their fender/rear rack package. Divided that's $150 each for a rear rack and fenders. That's a real high price. I use pricing issues like this and with the Juiced batteries to judge the long term intention of a company. If a company does most things fairly for customers, you might find one that will be around...for support. Don't want to buy a new e-bike every two years because companies go out of business. Or, because their parts aren't there, or their prices are ridiculously high.
I don't know the legalities of doing that. Don't want to get sued. If you send me your email I'll consider forwarding that email to you on your word that it goes no further. You show it to no one.
There's nothing illegal about posting emails scrubbed of personal info, unless you signed a non disclosure agreement. It could be illegal to claim they said something when they didn't.
I know, that example is about the worst I ever heard.
It's change change change for the sake of change because their buddy has a new edition $450 book to sell. No better, not updated, just a change. Books don't need to change every year.

So..the student can go online now and get just about every textbook free. Serves the nasty hustlers right. They did it to themselves.
Y'all don't know as much about publishing as you like to think you do. Not just Handlebars, all y'all.

It's a good example of something that is high-priced, for which there are legitimate reasons. Are some textbooks high-priced for illegitimate reasons? No doubt. Not all, not by a stretch. The authors and publishers don't make as much as y'all seem to think. I've worked in print shops, and I know that the first volume of any book might cost $100,000 dollars. The next copies, only a dollar or two. But they've got to make that original investment back, and when there is a limited market for a given text, it's going to be expensive.

But hey, if you want to just dish on Juiced Bikes and not look at the realities of being in business, any business, say so. Quit pretending it's a principled stance.

Tora ain't getting rich by gouging people for batteries. He's getting rich by making bikes people want to buy. If you think Juiced Bikes products are flawed, visit a Tesla forum sometime. Or one of the other forums on EBR for that matter. Saw one just the other day about how expensive batteries were for their brand. Sorry, I don't remember the brand name. Not one I follow.

There was a time when the Juiced Bikes forum was a place to get useful information about our bikes. Yeah, there were problems. We talked about them. I remember @youth going through a lot with his original CrossCurrent.

Now it's deteriorated into people hating on JB so much of the time, instead of the knowledge sharing we used to have. I may just have to duck out. Every so often there are posts where someone has a real question or a real observation and it fills a purpose. But this thread is way too common -- someone starts with a complaint, the usual people pile on, and there's no information being exchanged. Seems like the purpose is to talk people out of buying Juiced Bikes.

@Court and @troehrkasse please take note.
There's nothing illegal about posting emails scrubbed of personal info, unless you signed a non disclosure agreement. It could be illegal to claim they said something when they didn't.
Because of your last sentence, I rescind my offer to send you the email. I'll produce it if ever I have to go to court. No need to be nasty. Not trying to hurt this company. I just used this forum to find out if there was any good reason for the high price. Could be that much technically superior. I really wanted to buy this bike.
Y'all don't know as much about publishing as you like to think you do. Not just Handlebars, all y'all.

It's a good example of something that is high-priced, for which there are legitimate reasons. Are some textbooks high-priced for illegitimate reasons? No doubt. Not all, not by a stretch. The authors and publishers don't make as much as y'all seem to think. I've worked in print shops, and I know that the first volume of any book might cost $100,000 dollars. The next copies, only a dollar or two. But they've got to make that original investment back, and when there is a limited market for a given text, it's going to be expensive.
You misapprehended, maybe because of your attachments. I'm not under an illusion that publishing is not very expensive, it's that the university admin culture is sick and corrupt at this point and simply encouraging more spending, not even attempting to curb the excesses. There's absolutely no need to have most textbooks replaced as often as they are. No wonder students come out with life-crushing debt and can't think of having a family until they are well past their "best before" date.
@Bruce Arnold, why are you tagging moderators in an implicit request for them to censor the forum over truthful brand criticism? Forums here have always served to disseminate multiple kinds of information, both mutual aid and consumer awareness. This thread is about the latter, on a topic that consumers often ignore, the long term cost of ownership. Forums both general and brand specific are as much for current owners as they are prospective owners - and often, like you, they are both at once, because they are current owners mulling buying again. Plus, in this thread, including you, people have shared pointers about alternative sources of batteries (which personally would make me a little skittish if it needed modding).

Forums evolve over time as the obvious ground is covered - from building on open land to modifying existing structures, in city planning terms. Threads are naturally now focused not on low hanging fruit but changes in Juiced's offerings, battery pricing among them. (Juiced used to sell a 922 wh battery for $900-100.)

There have been dubious criticisms occasionally on EBR, of people making false claims about a brand, but that's not what is happening here. If the OP is being truthful about Juiced saying it has no control over its own battery pricing, then it's likely just the opposite, the brand is lying.

Without seeing the company's finances, it's impossible to tell if charging 2.5-3x cost for batteries is necessary to turn a profit or not, and neither you nor I have that info. Circumstantially, it seems highly doubtful, because Juiced was operating with lower battery prices and much lower volumes before, and it doesn't appear to be a venture capital funded company that can afford to lose money on sales for years at a time. It doesn't ultimately matter. What does matter is what Juiced is charging and what the alternatives are charging, and people can decide accordingly.
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Because of your last sentence, I rescind my offer to send you the email. I'll produce it if ever I have to go to court. No need to be nasty. Not trying to hurt this company. I just used this forum to find out if there was any good reason for the high price. Could be that much technically superior. I really wanted to buy this bike.
Lol whatever man. It doesn't seem like you have much awareness of the law, and when I shared some, you took it the wrong way. If someone writes you a letter where there's no presumption of privacy and you share what they said, there's no claim of slander/libel. It's only a problem of slander or libel if you misrepresent what they said, and a screenshot request is deliberately an ask for what they said unedited and unfiltered.

My ask was actually to potentially exonerate Juiced, in case you had claimed they said something they didn't actually say (that they have no control over battery pricing). I wanted to confirm the allegations against the accused.
Sheesh. Telling others what those others think they know but don't. Double mind-reading and calling in the gendarmes.
It's not. It's just bashing. Over and over.

I'm not asking for censorship. You made that up. I'm saying this subforum has gotten sick and needs attention from the mods.
To me your posts seem a little like maybe you work or have stock in Juiced . Instead of screaming foul do like I did , I got the Georgia Democrat thing killed and will on every P threads that come along but what I didnt do was participate in it . Either step up or shut up .