Average age of EBR riders

Average age of EBR riders

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Seems very sensible to me that those who exercise look younger and die older than those who watch tv. And leave a better looking corpse 😁
Or...those riding now abused and neglected their bodies (or inherited REALLY bad genes like me) and they’re trying desperately to reverse some of the damage.
Or...those riding now abused and neglected their bodies (or inherited REALLY bad genes like me) and they’re trying desperately to reverse some of the damage.
You will find plenty of both on here. Accidents, abuse, junk food, even overtime desk work for years all take a toll. I've been told Id never walk much less bike again. Keep moving ahead and never look back ... the docs maybe gainin on ya ... 😄
You will find plenty of both on here. Accidents, abuse, junk food, even overtime desk work for years all take a toll. I've been told Id never walk much less bike again. Keep moving ahead and never look back ... the docs maybe gainin on ya ... 😄
Understood - my left arm and leg were literally paralyzed 4 years ago. So to be able to ride a two wheel bike again is nothing short of miraculous to me.

I am a doc so I generally don’t trust them bastages😎
Understood - my left arm and leg were literally paralyzed 4 years ago. So to be able to ride a two wheel bike again is nothing short of miraculous to me.

I am a doc so I generally don’t trust them bastages😎
Not a Doc but closely related, and still respect them. And constantly amazed at what modern medicine can do. Even more amazed at what modern medicine can do with an already healthy body to start with... Ancient medicine ... get up and exercise ... eat a healthy diet ... get enough sleep ... pretty boring compared to todays stuff.
Been in a nursing home lately? Now there is the reason to not live to an advanced age. Assisted living places still have all the functional and sharp elders. Nursing homes are just warehouses for the elderly waiting for an organ to fail. And with the Alzheimer's epidemic, those places are filled with emotionless shells. My Mom died in 2018 in a nursing home. Took her body 11 months to finally give up at the age of 87. I saw and experienced things I can never forget. If it weren't for my cycling, it would have taken a prescription to endure that year. I'm only 19 years away from that, scares the s*it out of me.
I'm still waiting on the over 80 yo bikers to chime in on the poll. Problem is they are all out riding ...wait there's 1 now ...
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Been in a nursing home lately? Now there is the reason to not live to an advanced age. Assisted living places still have all the functional and sharp elders. Nursing homes are just warehouses for the elderly waiting for an organ to fail. And with the Alzheimer's epidemic, those places are filled with emotionless shells. My Mom died in 2018 in a nursing home. Took her body 11 months to finally give up at the age of 87. I saw and experienced things I can never forget. If it weren't for my cycling, it would have taken a prescription to endure that year. I'm only 19 years away from that, scares the s*it out of me.
Yes , the drummer whose memorial sculpture (rust bucket art) I posted in the wierd pics thread died in hospice. I was completely ignorant before that, now just mostly ignorant.
Yes , the drummer whose memorial sculpture (rust bucket art) I posted in the wierd pics thread died in hospice. I was pretty ignorant before that.
I’ve worked in both nursing homes and for a hospice. Well aware of the blessings and curses inherent in both.

And I joke, but I do have immense respect for doctors, especially the neuroradiologists who put the stents in my brain and brought me back from the brink four years ago. And the cardiothoracic surgeons who did my cardiac bypass 12 years ago.

The neurologists never thought I’d recover to this degree. If you just met me and didn’t know my history you’d never know I’ve had multiple strokes.
I think the average age may be dropping with newer cheaper e bikes. My son, 17, just started riding his Ride1up500 and loves it. Younger riders in cities I think. However they will not be found on EBR forum, or facebook or other platforms older people use. They are on snapchat, instagram, etc.
Glad you got your second or maybe 3rd lease on life. No doubt eBikes have benefited many of us on here in ways none of us expected. Exercise being perhaps, on that bottom of the list and not at the top as one would expect.
Hi folks,
I’m just curious what the average age of EBR members is, and if anyone knows, the average age of e bike adopters in general?

I just got my first e bike at 54, following some severe health problems (multiple strokes with hemiparesis that eventually resolved.)

When I was younger I spent several years avidly riding rails to trails but had to stop after developing severe tendinitis on the outside of both ankles (peroneal tendinitis.)

Because of my health problems I could not have resumed riding a bike if it were not for e bikes.

My age, 67, was not the primary reason I got an ebike kit this winter. My 2 heart attacks left me with heart damage, so I have no chance of hill climbing unless I have e-assist. I started biking when I was 42, and had my first heart attack when I was 55. So I had 13 years of long distance biking.
My age, 67, was not the primary reason I got an ebike kit this winter. My 2 heart attacks left me with heart damage, so I have no chance of hill climbing unless I have e-assist. I started biking when I was 42, and had my first heart attack when I was 55. So I had 13 years of long distance biking.
I had triple bypass at 42, so I took up riding bikes on local rails to trails afterwards for continued cardiac therapy. After getting up to about 20 mile rides, I got chronic tendinitis in both ankles and had to hang up bike riding. (I’m a foot and ankle surgeon, so I knew there weren’t many satisfactory treatments for this kind of tendinitis except to stop the activity that caused it).

The strokes destroyed my balance, so I test drove several tadpole trikes. I had not been on bikes for 8 years at the time, but the tendinitis recurred within a day of test driving the trikes.

Fortunately e bikes supply enough torque that I don’t have to pedal as hard going up hills, which caused the tendinitis in the first place.

I’ve only put about 75 miles on my new e bike, but so far no recurrence of the tendinitis.
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I turn 53 soon. A bad knee, torn ACL and Meniscus drove me to a ebike. 10 mile slow painful rides on my analog bike were no longer fun. The ebike has allowed me to ride the mileage and speeds I rode prior to the injuries. I love to bike it is the most enjoyable exercise, physically and mentally.
I had triple bypass at 42, so I took up riding bikes on local rails to trails afterward for continued cardiac therapy. After getting up to about 20 mile rides, I got chronic tendinitis in both ankles and had to hang up bike riding. (I’m a foot and ankle surgeon,n, so I knew there weren’t many satisfactory treatments for this kind of tendinitis except to stop the activity that caused it).

The strokes destroyed my balance, so I test drove several tadpole trikes. I had not been on bikes for 8 years at the time, but the tendinitis recurred within a day of test driving the trikes.

Fortunately, e bikes supply enough torque that I don’t have to pedal as hard going up hills, which caused the tendinitis in the first place.

I’ve only put about 75 miles on my new e bike, but so far no recurrence of the tendinitis.

Thanks for sharing your story... and long may you ride! 😉
I’m 65+ and had a triple bypass and valve repair about 7 years ago. I spent almost two weeks in the hospital and was lucky I made it. I started back on a bike (after decades of not riding) about 5 years ago and it’s helped me tremendously. I have a number of longer term distance goals I’m working toward and I really feel like an ebike is important to me achieving these goals.
This site and the people in it are a daily inspiration to me!😎👍
I also think it's because people in this age bracket are also traditionally at their peak buying power, they can afford them.
So many YouTube comments I see on Ebikes say I can't afford it, mostly they must be coming from the under 50 crowd.

Of coarse now people aren't spending their money traveling so they can spend that 3K they were going to spend in some far away place, on a great new Ebike and that's why almost everybody is out of stock of their 2020 inventory and there is a waiting list right now for most competent Ebike vendors. I bet a new company like DOST wished they tripled their opening orders, but who could have predicted that COVID-19 would spark all bike sales, there was no way to see that coming and look how many companies there are now, people who started Ebike companies 5 years ago like Sondors were visionaries.

I think it's interesting that in this case it's the old people that are early adopters of new technology