Aventure upgraded cadence sensor or programming?

R Hudson

New Member
I've ridden other ebikes with cadence sensors that react MUCH quicker than the one in my Aventure. I feel like I have to get in a full 360 degree rotation (seems like more) before the motor assist kicks in which makes climbing steeper switchbacks where you're on and off the brakes in corners MUCH harder. In flatter conditions/less technical I feel that it is fine.

Does anyone know if a higher resolution sensor is available for the Aventure or is there anything available in programming to adjust for higher sensitivity?

I find myself plowing into corners way too fast (in order to maintain power) by staying off the brakes, otherwise I am afraid that I'll stall and tip in a precarious location (dropoffs). I know I'm probably riding the bike beyond what it was made for but am looking for a possible solution short of buying a different bike with a mid drive and torque sensor.

Any input would be much appreciated.
Befang has an internal setting which sets how much peddling before it activates, but its not user changable. On another Befang bike I have it takes a programming kit. But definitely, a torque sensor is better, but doesn't need to be a midmotor.
Befang has an internal setting which sets how much peddling before it activates, but its not user changable. On another Befang bike I have it takes a programming kit. But definitely, a torque sensor is better, but doesn't need to be a midmotor.
That is what I suspected but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.