I know that this isn't the best bike out there but the price is nice for a 1st time e-biker like me. It is at the bottom of my list but not scratched off for financial reasons. (I can spend two grand if I wanted to but I am trying to make the smartest investment. I work ten months a year and would normally spend a hundred dollars a month on gas without an average five day per week commute.) I know it is middle of the road. I know it is heavy. (However, it is 20 lbs lighter than the Currie bike that I was going to originally purchase before discovering folders.) What I don't know about this bike from Court's video and review is: Does it malfunction? Are the disc brakes still good after a few months? Does the battery get wet and die? How about that front shock? Is it nice or just there? Is throttle power always available? Any info will be helpful!