Are you going to ride in snow?

The weather for tomorrow looks very promising here: -1.6 C (29 F), sunny, headwind on the outbound ride leg within reason. I can ride to see my daughter! (To avoid any doubt regarding the status of roads, I'm riding with Monster).
It’s currently -21 C here and the extreme cold warning has yet to be lifted. We're clearly not out of the woods and, around these parts, the first day of spring means squat. Looking forward to some milder days next week and hope to get a ride in tomorrow if the wind subsides.
It’s currently -21 C here and the extreme cold warning has yet to be lifted. We're clearly not out of the woods and, around these parts, the first day of spring means squat. Looking forward to some milder days next week and hope to get a ride in tomorrow if the wind subsides.
Pussy, the wind chill scares ya? -34 wind chill here, didn't stop my ride !
Pussy, the wind chill scares ya? -34 wind chill here, didn't stop my ride !
Good on you for getting out. 👍I was actually riding on one of coldest days of the month when the wind chill value was -37C and suffered a frostbitten nose as a result even while wearing a mask. It's on the mend but I'm definitely exercising a bit more caution on my rides now.
Hats off to you for getting out in it, and having 1000s of acres to explore. Keep us posted with an occasional picture ... maybe in David's words, pictures, and maps thread.
Hats off to you for getting out in it, and having 1000s of acres to explore. Keep us posted with an occasional picture ... maybe in David's words, pictures, and maps thread.
Thanks, I've posted a couple dozen pics there over the past year-plus.

FWIW when I posted the pics above, I was signed in to the account I originally signed up with back in 2015, but never used.
I'm waiting for an EBR Forum moderator to approve my name change - if they don't I may delete and repeat that post under this account
Thanks, I've posted a couple dozen pics there over the past year-plus.

FWIW when I posted the pics above, I was signed in to the account I originally signed up with back in 2015, but never used.
I'm waiting for an EBR Forum moderator to approve my name change - if they don't I may delete and repeat that post under this account
I thought I had seen your tag line about bycycles and mopeds on here before. Cool.
I ride in the snow. On ice as well. Extreme cold temperatures are dealt with on occasion too. Last Thursday morning the thermometer showed -22F as I trod out the door for my 3 mile ride to my job. My winter ebike, The Bee (see photo) is stored indoors prior to use and the battery is warmed as well. Chemical hand and foot warmer packs are necessary accessories to ensure the misery is kept to a tolerable level. By the time I've arrived at work the grease on the Bee has become pretty stiff and despite my preparation so am I. If the temp drops to -25F or below then I call for a ride.

I'm currently preparing for a ride into town to pick up some groceries and a tankard of coffee. I first hook up the Travoy trailer and slap on the panniers and then look for my Breadski which I consider to be essential and comical facial protection. I think it also compliments the yellow tape job that was applied to the Bee (for visibility issues}. The current temperature is -7F and while that IS cold it is doable. I wouldn't call it comfortable though.

The bike I purchased for my winter transportation has been a pleasant surprise. The form works well for the conditions and it has been dependable as well. If it lasts through the end of the winter season I'll consider it money well spent.
beardski 1.jpg

There is one thing that I'd like say about winter e-biking. It beat the heck out of trying to pedal a regular grease-stiffened bike in ultra cold conditions. Never again!
I ride in the snow. On ice as well. Extreme cold temperatures are dealt with on occasion too. Last Thursday morning the thermometer showed -22F as I trod out the door for my 3 mile ride to my job. My winter ebike, The Bee (see photo) is stored indoors prior to use and the battery is warmed as well. Chemical hand and foot warmer packs are necessary accessories to ensure the misery is kept to a tolerable level. By the time I've arrived at work the grease on the Bee has become pretty stiff and despite my preparation so am I. If the temp drops to -25F or below then I call for a ride.

I'm currently preparing for a ride into town to pick up some groceries and a tankard of coffee. I first hook up the Travoy trailer and slap on the panniers and then look for my Breadski which I consider to be essential and comical facial protection. I think it also compliments the yellow tape job that was applied to the Bee (for visibility issues}. The current temperature is -7F and while that IS cold it is doable. I wouldn't call it comfortable though.

The bike I purchased for my winter transportation has been a pleasant surprise. The form works well for the conditions and it has been dependable as well. If it lasts through the end of the winter season I'll consider it money well spent.View attachment 79020View attachment 79023

There is one thing that I'd like say about winter e-biking. It beat the heck out of trying to pedal a regular grease-stiffened bike in ultra cold conditions. Never again!
Awesome. If they say they can't see you on that, they are lying. No ifs buts or maybes.
Awesome. If they say they can't see you on that, they are lying. No ifs buts or maybes.
I'll admit that my tape job looks like....... I bought The Bee so that winter conditions wouldn't destroy my Vado 5.0. While I still take reasonable care of The Bee, it was/is somewhat liberating to not to have to worry excessively/obsessively about the thing.....hence the impromptu "tape job". I've never given a bicycle a nickname before so I guess that The Bee is growing on me. I hope that it'll forgive me when I abandon it in the spring for my true love, the Vado 5.0.
I'll admit that my tape job looks like....... I bought The Bee so that winter conditions wouldn't destroy my Vado 5.0. While I still take reasonable care of The Bee, it was/is somewhat liberating to not to have to worry excessively/obsessively about the thing.....hence the impromptu "tape job". I've never given a bicycle a nickname before so I guess that The Bee is growing on me. I hope that it'll forgive me when I abandon it in the spring for my true love, the Vado 5.0.
Hope it makes it through this year and next winter too. It goes in the snow, keeps the crud off the Vado, and shows up better for riding in snow, sleet, and fog.
Sounds like a win to me.
Edit And with the tape job, it might not shout 'steal me' the way a Vado does ...
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