Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

The teams are from businesses, organizations, city, for your state. There is an EBR team, and some of you are on it?
Yes, any group can makeup a team and you can be on more than one team. It's all very obvious when you sign up, you aren't obligated to anything and can dropout at anytime. It's free... take two;)
I mix regular and ebike. actually most of the time now I'm on regular bike but this morning I mounted the Turbo and went so fast I was freezing ;-) really. on the way back home a regular bike ride of 70 minutes was conquered in 38minutes. What a thrill. Go Team EBR!

P.S. I was surprised at the overabundance of ebikes in NYC last weekend. Almost every Chinese takeout uses cheap throttle ebikes as well as many others. I have easily seen an ebike on every block of the city and more.

Paddling tomorrow and flying to Azores on Sunday where we will rent bikes only. Expect to put on similar mileage as during my work commute.

I mix regular and ebike. actually most of the time now I'm on regular bike but this morning I mounted the Turbo and went so fast I was freezing ;-) really. on the way back home a regular bike ride of 70 minutes was conquered in 38minutes. What a thrill. Go Team EBR!

P.S. I was surprised at the overabundance of ebikes in NYC last weekend. Almost every Chinese takeout uses cheap throttle ebikes as well as many others. I have easily seen an ebike on every block of the city and more.

Paddling tomorrow and flying to Azores on Sunday where we will rent bikes only. Expect to put on similar mileage as during my work commute.


Such fun, bon voyage!
I mix regular and ebike. actually most of the time now I'm on regular bike but this morning I mounted the Turbo and went so fast I was freezing ;-) really. on the way back home a regular bike ride of 70 minutes was conquered in 38minutes. What a thrill. Go Team EBR!

P.S. I was surprised at the overabundance of ebikes in NYC last weekend. Almost every Chinese takeout uses cheap throttle ebikes as well as many others. I have easily seen an ebike on every block of the city and more.

Paddling tomorrow and flying to Azores on Sunday where we will rent bikes only. Expect to put on similar mileage as during my work commute.

I think that i joined team EBR. But when I looked for the team, I got the comment,
The selected team was not found in the rankings
Only 9 names of team EBR, are shown? I I see that I can look up names, but it would be nice if we could see the full list.
OK, Irene!!! Welcome to The Team! Pedal , pedal, Pedal. Giddy up Go!! Keep looking up! Ken.
Only 9 names of team EBR, are shown? I I see that I can look up names, but it would be nice if we could see the full list.
When you get to the team page it defaults to the current month and riders that have logged miles for the current month. If you click the red banner that reads "challenge period" it will than show you the full membership, with full stats for the full challenge period up to today.

Get out and ride! Note, five days of riding 10 miles each day gives you more "points" than one day riding 50 miles. If you want to see members miles click on the individual member's name.

Like many of the others, I too ride e and non-e, it's no matter log them all and have fun! Enjoyment is the real point of it all:)
All is aok with the challenge website/registration. I of course, also joined with the WI.
Tomorrow I will get going on my eBike.
Any of you use one of the apps, to log miles, etc.?
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Any of you use one of the apps, to log miles, etc.?
I saw how cool Map My Ride looked (Grench uses it). So I dl-ed the free version.
I'm still logging my rides manually, as I am afraid to change horses in the middle of the stream.
That said, I do enjoy the elevation and speed profiles this app gives me. It is compatible with the National Bike Challenge, but—as I said—I'm going to keep entering miles the old-fashioned way: manually.
One thing I learned early on in the challenge: don't save up your miles and enter them at the end of the week. (You get points for each day you ride, so it's best to log each ride.) The NBC website is a bit wonky but it's fun to be part of a team.
Brambor is our captain and KenM. is the leader of the cheerleading squad.
Welcome from all your teammates.
Go Team EBR!
Thanks ! :)

I could only see 9 of the 21 names mine included, and I only have 1 day/12 miles.

Aren't many of the 21 actually participating?

- Irene

I saw how cool Map My Ride looked (Grench uses it). So I dl-ed the free version.
I'm still logging my rides manually, as I am afraid to change horses in the middle of the stream.
That said, I do enjoy the elevation and speed profiles this app gives me. It is compatible with the National Bike Challenge, but—as I said—I'm going to keep entering miles the old-fashioned way: manually.
One thing I learned early on in the challenge: don't save up your miles and enter them at the end of the week. (You get points for each day you ride, so it's best to log each ride.) The NBC website is a bit wonky but it's fun to be part of a team.
Brambor is our captain and KenM. is the leader of the cheerleading squad.
Welcome from all your teammates.
Go Team EBR!
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Here is one of me next to my grandfathers motorcycle .
Hey KenM. your Grandfather had one sweet ride. Which Indian is that; a Super Chief?
Being a Grandfather is fun (I am one myself). When my eBike grows up, it wants to be an Indian!
Go Team EBR!
Hi Mr. Kilowatt , no it is just a regular 48 chief. He always kept his motorcycles in good shape!
He had a 51 chief when I was just old enough to get my driving license. I thought he was going to give it to me, but he sold it.
Oh well, I would of just made a mess of it . Like everything else I had as a teenager! Keep looking up ! Ken.
I've been a happy camper with my 2012 rmbp. Still works great. Best portable computer I've ever owned by a mile.
Yes indeed JayVee:
rMBPs rock! Mine is a 15" late-2013 and it runs about sixteen hours a day, since I use it as a server at work and for movies and such at home. Best laptop on Earth, but whatever computer has that distinction always wears an Apple badge. (If you cut me, I bleed six colors.)
Go Team EBR!
Hey Jay, You are going to have to get a Stromer , or your country men will be very mad at you! Keep looking up! Ken
OH, I see, you are in trouble no matter what you do!!
Might as well get a GenZe 101 Sport, Then nobody will be mad at you!! Keep looking up! Ken.
I have been traveling quit a bit lately...took the oportunity to ride a couple of the specialized bikes in Tulsa Ok. Here are a couple of pics. I was able to cruize at 28mph on the S in Tubo mode...only 25mph in ECO 70. Not to bad for a 300lb guy. I passed a road bike guy and got one of those 'what the hell' looks :D. The throttle only option is irritating. It comes on and off and limited to 13 mph. The speed limit didn't bother me but the cyclic power was less than enchanting. I will upLoad my miles shortly..
. image.jpgimage.jpg
I guess we have to call you Mr. Turbo Grench , now!
It must be fun to pedal at 28 mph. Good for you.

I got passed by one of those fast e-bikes this morning, I an glad it was not you. He did not say anything , no (on your left), no good morning, no wave. Just another stuck up e-bike rider. I an glad I was on the Schwinn . He would of made the GenZe look bad! Keep looking up! Ken.
That bike looks sexy grench. I wouldn't mind one myself... :)
Yes very well integrated and very quiet. I would have to raise the riding position as it is fairly aggressive and forward leaning. I was surprised how much I liked the bike. The assist was very smooth.
One of the things I do not like about the bike challenge is You Do Not Go Anywhere !
I have logged in over 4,000 miles now sense the beginning of the challenge . And have not gone anywhere !
That is enough miles to have Pedaled from Sebastian , FLA. to KeyWest, FLA. then on up to Seattle, WA.
But here I am still in Sebastian . OK, rant over. Keep looking up! Ken.