Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

I have no excuses. The weather was just fine. I didn't ride at all this weekend. I just wanted to nap and then nap some more, so that's what I did. Oh and watched stuff on my Tivo.

Hail... 60mph winds, lightning and rain today... no riding today:( Did all my chores yesterday to clear the decks for today and yesterday was a pretty day:mad: A big fat zero miles this weekend.:rolleyes:
Does your church sing the old Hymns of the Faith. That is the worship service that I like.
Don't know about that, but as it was Trinity Sunday, we sure had Holy, Holy, Holy. That's always been one of my favorite hymns, and I know it by heart from my childhood.
I was raised a Methodist but I'm an Episcopalian now (That church is only a mile away; at the end of my road.) As I have lost my license for drunk driving, a church within reach by bicycle is an overarching requirement. (Sober now for 610 days.) Though being a drunk was the first thing I was really good at, it's a young-man's (or woman's) sport. Thankfully I didn't hurt anyone, but it was time to lose that habit.
With regards to church, I've found that for me it's not the denomination, but the congregation that matters. And it's not really about the people anyway, eh? (More about your relationship with the big guy.)
Episcopalians use the Nicene Creed all but three Sundays a year, so I miss the Apostle's Creed. Even my priest prefers that affirmation of faith, but she says the bishop told her to keep using the Nicene for now. So the next time we affirm our faith with the Apostle's Creed will be Whitsunday, I reckon. Bummer, since it's easier to commit things to memory when you're eleven, than when you're 61
Go Team EBR.We are kicking a** and taking names, eh? Glad you're riding with us DWE; all new members to the team are welcome. (Those in TX and OK are temporarily excused from logging any miles; I've heard eBikes and deep water don't mix!)
Saturday was more like this 4 members of our family riding:

Sunday and today ...
not so much :)
works fine here even if I log out and browse to the thread. Let's see other's post whether they can see the photo or not. Here is another from Saturday:
It must be on my end, I use an I pod. All I am getting on both of your posts is a little white box. I touch it and nothing happens . Ken.
There is an abandoned military bunker on Peaks Island know as Battery Steel. The bike was photographed there.
I need to get out this afternoon before the storms arrive. Every day looks like a call for an afternoon/evening T-storm.
Good for you, DWE. That is what I like about the e-bike. I can still do 13mph. with a 20mph. head wind. On the road bike I am down to 8mph.
Hey where is everybody ? I check in for my loged in moring miles. And I am the only one there for June! Do I have bad breath, or worse ? Ken. Keep looking up!
yeah i was bucking a 15- 20 mph south wind , average speed 15.2 mph
Some of us posted earlier today, Ken. Scroll up! It's Monday and thus a work day for those of us not retired or unemployed.

Don't know if the weather will hold for a bike ride after work. It's ridiculously humid out (realfeel temp is 96 degrees) and we are supposed to get a Thunderstorm.
Serious thunderstorms hit here in central PA about 30 minutes ago. Forecasted to rain for awhile. Lucky, I didn't ride anywhere today!