Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Just rolled into my road from work. Perfect weather for biking. Logged into National Bike Challenge and put in my ten miles.
for the prices my dentist is charging the service ought to come with an airbag for when the reality hits
Rock, diggity, dog!
Today was another stellar day for bicycle commuting and I remembered I forgot to log four miles for a meeting at church last night.
So another fourteen miles logged today for Team EBR. Go Us!
Kicking a** and taking names.
My miles have been weak this week. Average 3 miles with the grandkids. I will be back on the clock Monday. Glad you guys are picking up the miles!
The rainiest, coldest week in June I can remember!!! One commute day and just two short fun-runs so far this week. Looking forward to getting back to normal. It's funny that in winter I had several 12F mornings in the snow, but you just don't expect 49F with rain in June:confused:
IMAG0578.jpg Nov., 2014 commute.
My avatar pic and that snow pic are about 1/8 mile apart in distance, but worlds apart in enjoyment!
Lagging for the team, still riding every day, will log miles soon! If my Moves app accurately recorded what I ride, I would just use that...
Went on my morning errand run around town today - riding thru a parking lot of a gas station a guy yelled at me , "hey slow it down!" - i rode over to him and asked if i knew him , he said , " no i was just kidding". I then asked him if he knew what kind of bike i was riding he said - yeah a mountain bike - i laughed and said nope its an electric bike, he then noticed the battery on the downtube and i pointed out the rear hub motor - i said its like magic , as i sped away without peddling lol - Semper Rotans!

edit - i thought it was funny , guess you had to be there
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Another picture perfect day for bike commuting in the quiet corner of Connecticut, so I racked up my ten miles.
Just logged them on the National Bike Challenge website.
I work every Saturday, so I'll post another ten tomorrow I reckon.
Go Team EBR!
I added 4.4 pulling granddaughter in the trailer...non E lol. Feel like it should count double!
Ok grench, granddaughter can log 4.4 under her name!

This afternoon was as pretty as they come! 72 degrees, mostly sunny, a good day to be on two wheels! A great way to end a crappy week!