Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Legs are doing fine. Butt is trying to break in a brand new Brooks B17. Even with chamois shorts & Thudbuster, my derriere is feeling the flare.
Wish me luck. I'm going to be a reluctant eBike commuter today. The WX forecast sucks but I have no choice but to bike into work (my boss is taking his car to Torrington to be serviced).
Oh well, I don't reckon I'll shrink and I'm bringing a couple of plastic grocery bags to cover the dashboard while I work. Come hell or high water, I'm getting my ten miles logged today (hoping it isn't either of those though).
Oh me, oh my…the sacrifices we make for our team, huh?
Happy Trails. Go Team EBR!
Greetings croo'
Thank you for the prayer Ken. As usual, the big guy was looking out for me.
Home again, home again; jiggity jig!
Just rolled up to my cottage with another ten miles on the Grey Ghost's odometer. Logged in to the National Bike Challenge tout de suite and updated our numbers.
The roads were a wee bit wet on the way in to work, then at lunchtime a line squall marched through and it rained cats and dogs, and finally, the sun came out and I enjoyed a swell, refreshing ride home on nearly dry roads. The Dame's Rocket along the roadside smelled so heavenly. (You don't smell the flowers in a car.)
Another day in paradise. The plastic grocery bags worked a treat keeping the electronics on my handlebars dry and I put the rain snood on my terminally-hip Brooks saddle. So it's all good.
Tomorrow's WX augurs well. Since there is a really nice Wednesday evening AA meeting at my church, I should be putting in fourteen miles tomorrow.
Go Team EBR!
Alright Allen, You Are The Man! Keep looking up! Be safe, and watch out for the cars. Had another close call yesterday , and she waved to me as she almost hit me. Nice of her to at least wave as she went by. Ken.
Was she waving you goodbye? :D:D
Keep safe out there Allen. There is no such thing as luck. I will pray for The Lords Blessing for you. And a safe and dry ride there and back to your home. Good for you Allen. Go team.
Keep looking up. Ken.

Luck means, as Spock said, "Random circumstances operated in our favor". :)
I look up to see Vulcan in the evening sky!

Speaking of things coming out of the sky, my ride got cut short to 4 miles because of rain (lightening) today.
Who wants to try and let us know how it works. No me. I have zapped by 240 volts enough times for me. Ken,
that would be one hell of a story in heaven , how did you get here? Oh i got strike by lightning while riding a bike
that would be one hell of a story in heaven , how did you get here? Oh i got strike by lightning while riding a bike
That's like the one about the two guys flying through the air; one downward bound, and one heading up.
The guy coming down yells to the other, "hey, do you know anything about parachutes?"
And the guy going up says, "no, do you know anything about lighting gas water heaters?"
Good weather week so far for the most part! Nasty storm Monday evening, but I got home in time. It's nice to have the dust, pollen and bugs knocked down, when you're not in it!

I stopped at a red light in town and a bike pulled up to me and stopped. He glanced over at me and I nodded at him and I said, "ebike huh, nice!" He then said, "how did you know? Nobody ever notices!" o_O He was riding a front hub conversion. I said to him, "look close!":cool:
Hey, Power Me, you inspired me with your 26 mile ride the other day. So I did my longest moring ride this moring 26 miles just like you. Now we are tied. Only my bottom end is not sore , I have devolved calluses on my bottom! Do not know why. I used to ride a lot more 10 years ago, and did not have calluses . Keep pedaling , Keep looking up! Be Safe! Ken.

I didn't really know "devolve", so I looked it up - "to transfer or delegate to a lower level" - so I guess that's appropriate usage after all. ;)
Hey Team:
I had a really nice commute to work and back but I almost hit a suicidal chipmunk on the way home. Look out chippy!
Hope he had spare underwear in his back pocket cuz' I missed him by this much…
Another ten miles for the log and I have a meeting at church tonight so I'll put up another four later.
Go Team EBR!

Ok Steve, thank you for pointing out my miss spell. I failed every spelling test I ever had, even the retakes. Spellcheck can not even tell what I an trying to spell most of the time. That is one of the reasons it takes me so long to write a reply.
You think I am bad now! You should have seen some of my post on Helifreak, two years ago when I first started this forum stuff. About one word a minuet . Now I can do three or maybe four words a min,( if they are small)! Ken.

We have JRs, rain down here now, no riding tonight. Keep looking up! Ken.

Well, I figured you would not use the word evolve and as it turns out devolve is perfect! Not a spelling error at all! ;)
Took longer way home during perfect commuter weather logging 4 extra miles. Plus lunch break with 7 miles. :)

Go team!