And the car driver never stopped...

Designated bikeway or not those bikers should have been riding single file with cars behind. Share the road goes both ways. Still not right of the Volvo driver to run the guy over and take off however.
Wtf? Seriously, must have been one of those bike haters driving the Volvo or the SMS was more important than the cyclists in front of him. I'm speechless at the ignorance of the driver for well being of the rider, hope the long arm of the law comes to deliver what he deserves or karma will get him one day.
The Dean of Students of a school was the automobile driver. Students are quite often bike riders. So...this could have been one of his students. Doesn't speak well of the compassion of this person. The school should review his employment status.
The irony is that if the driver would have stopped he probably wouldn't have had any liability since cyclists are required to ride single file on that road.

Hopefully he will lose his license and driving privileges. Permanently.

The states would do well to adopt laws like the Netherlands have. There a motorist who collides with a cyclist automatically has 50 percent liability and has to make a case that they deserve to retain their driver's license.
I dislike those "May Use Full Lane" signs. Largely because it implies that where those signs are not present, cyclists do not have the right and the responsibility to use the full lane.

The law is crystal clear that cyclists are vehicles and have just as much right to the road as any Volvo.

99 percent of my riding is on narrow, twisty county roads with no shoulders and lots of blind corners. I would be axle dressing if I did not ride assertively where I could be seen and avoid the debris-covered shoulder -- if there even is a shoulder.
I don't trust any drivers out on the road, share the road signs or not. Regardless if it is a nut job like this guy or someone distracted by whatever , do your best to prevent it by riding as defensively as possible at all times.

It will be interesting to see what penalties occur with this case. Generally there is not much done here in the U.S. with this type of incident. Hopefully he gets the message loud and clear but somehow I doubt it. His little story about someone throwing a bicycle at him was pretty strange and one might wonder if he is all there mentally to begin with.
But the Alternative Facts are that "a man and woman where standing in the middle of the road and threw a bike at his car." Who you going to believe, the Dean of Students, or that lying GoPro camera?
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Well, fortunately the cyclist was not seriously hurt; that's amazing and the car driver was arrested. This was on the national news this evening. Have a hard time believing the driver's statement that "he didn't see the cyclist at all or hear the wreck" ...remember, there was another cyclist behind Tyler, the guy that was hit! Our state laws allow a cyclist to take a full lane when there are only two lanes and no shoulder.
Well apparently now he says he doesn't remember what happened. He said there were "cyclists everywhere" and thought someone threw their bike at his vehicle.

That doesn't make sense. Who throws something that might cost thousands of dollars? And who can throw a bike very far?
That's an 'Alternative Memory' @Mr. Coffee :D. I think all of us may have indulged in that as children! Now I have to report myself for getting political :eek:
The driver of the car has had a lot to say, according to the arrest affidavit and public statements.

I think I'm most repulsed by the Dean trying to claim victim status now. I wanted to see him only get his just deserts, knowing he'll likely get a plea bargain that will reduce the felony to a misdemeanor. Then the bike rider gets a settlement.... Fair? What's fair anymore? The Dean is making everything more difficult, with every utterance.

"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging" - Will Rogers
I honestly think that what would be fair here is probation, restitution, and the permanent loss of driving privileges. If you've ever been to Franklin, TN, like many American towns if you can't drive you are effectively a second-class citizen.
Marshall Grant Neely III; "I'm a good man, "and not the kind of guy who would hit someone and leave him behind." BUT HE DID!
Just another inconsiderate jerk. I wonder where he was going in such a big hurry...
Hit and run sucks, but I would never ride out in the inside edge of a lane, that's crazy
I know this is an old thread, but leaving the scene of an accident in Texas (wherever I live) is an automatic
felony if there's an injury.
I know this is an old thread, but leaving the scene of an accident in Texas (wherever I live) is an automatic
felony if there's an injury.
Automatic charge, not automatic conviction. A lot information will be gathered to determine whether or not a deal will be offered to bring about a guilty plea. I'd bet this guy will not have a felony when all is said and done. It'll be something like time served, big fine and restitution, in addition to a year or so suspension of driving privileges. Translate: big money to the court, attorney's fees and the cyclist. A pain to his family and friends whenever he needs a ride (maybe he'll be forced to ride a bike:eek:) and he might not be insurable for some time to come. Add that, he seems to have lost his job. He's got a brand new normal, from a really stupid minute in time.
Automatic charge, not automatic conviction. A lot information will be gathered to determine whether or not a deal will be offered to bring about a guilty plea. I'd bet this guy will not have a felony when all is said and done. It'll be something like time served, big fine and restitution, in addition to a year or so suspension of driving privileges. Translate: big money to the court, attorney's fees and the cyclist. A pain to his family and friends whenever he needs a ride (maybe he'll be forced to ride a bike:eek:) and he might not be insurable for some time to come. Add that, he seems to have lost his job. He's got a brand new normal, from a really stupid minute in time.
You're right, I should have been more clear on the felony charge. A conviction will only happen at trial. Depending on
the D.A. the driver may be allowed to plead to a lesser charge. Time will tell. Glad he got caught!