And the car driver never stopped...

Speaking of costs, I was on a motorcycle when a van pulled out in front of me 11 years ago. That accident cost
the van driver's insurance company 100 grand.
I saw the other day that he is being brought up on Federal charges, which still doesn't mean that he won't walk away as most sadly do in situations like this.
>>>> The law is crystal clear that cyclists are vehicles and have just as much right to the road as any Volvo.

As a pedestrian or bicyclist, I never TAKE (or assume) the right-of-way . . . I wait until I'm given it (and not by the government). Physics favors the automobile every time.

That being said, intentionally trying to hit a bicyclist/pedestrian, and/or leaving the scene of an accident is a very serious offense. Just inhumane.
Which ever way you choose to view it; at least now there is some level of justice for a cyclist killed by a car driver. Whatever motivated this man to change his plea it is a scintilla of light for the lost person and possibly for future car/bike interactions.
Both were at fault. The bike rider was hugging the lane and causing a traffic jam of cars behind. The bike riders should have ridden in single file and provide motorists passing room. Motorists also oath to be considerate to the cyclists making sure they are not in harms way.

Either way, nobody should act like jerks when they're on the road.
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Both were at fault. The bike rider was hugging the lane and causing a traffic jam of cars behind. The bike riders should have ridden in single file and provide motorists passing room. Motorists also oath to be considerate to the cyclists making sure they are not in harms way.

Either way, nobody should act like jerks when they're on the road.
Just my opinion:

I suppose there are many drivers who would intentionally run down cyclists if:

-it would not damage their car and if

-they would not be seen and recorded and reported.

The high cost of paint and body repair, plus the present day possibility of cameras on bikes, modifies the behavior of the homicidal driver. Below is the reaction of a driver to my own accident three months ago.
Robert Malerba I dislike them terribly. We have them and their little helmets and tight leotards all throughout my state here in the North East . I've been riding a motorcycle for 45 years so I respect two wheels, but I hate those arrogant clowns on our streets. They should be outlawed.
They usually ride in a whole group like a pack of dogs, right smack in the middle of the road. And they will not move over you have to cross the double lines in your car and go around them. May they all crash

Mark, I see your point and do not entirely disagree, except that a cyclist has unequivocable right take up the entire width of a lane even if he holds back automobiles.

Having five thousand pounds of mechanical muscle does not give any legal weight or extra moral right to an automobile driver.
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No decency and really stupid with cameras everywhere. The driver will have some down time to think about it now.

That roads only about 40 minutes from me. Like I said it's dangerous out here with a small thin roads and very curvy and hilly that was just stupid to be right in the middle of the road. I always ride as close as I can to the white line. None-the-less cars are not supposed to be within 3 foot of any side of you while passing. Thank God the guy was okay.
$1210 in restitution does seem pretty light, but certainly the plaintiff can go after him in civil court for additional damages, which after his criminal conviction should be straight forward. But 10-months in prison for an otherwise law abiding middle-class citizen (assuming Neely doesn't have any priors) will be a significant wake up call for him. I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle it. Plus he now has a felony conviction so good luck in getting a decent job after release.
Restitution is intended to make the victim whole, not punish the offender. If the victim had medical insurance that covered his ER visit his major loss was the destruction of his bicycle, and $1210 is a plausible price for a bicycle.

I'd like to see permanent and automatic revocation of driving privileges in these kinds of incidents. Forcing people who hate cyclists to become one to have any freedom to travel seems to me a very fitting punishment.
I find that quite a few people will "cut it close" to try and intimidate riders. They are more often that not big trucks with 4 wheel dirve out here in the PNW.
I think it is pretty lame that he claimed that he thought someone threw a bike at his vehicle. He is trying to play the victim to get himself off at the expense of the injured cyclist. I do believe the man is lying through his teeth by making that kind of statement. God bless the GoPro!
Today I was approaching an intersection (two-way stop for the side street and I was on the main road), and the driver was looking down as he pulled to a stop. As I approached he was still looking down. I could just picture him looking up and acellerating without seeing me, so I slowed and waited. He did just what I expected and was surprised to see me, nearly stopped, a few yards short of passing in front of him.

Be careful out there, everyone!!!
Today I was approaching an intersection (two-way stop for the side street and I was on the main road), and the driver was looking down as he pulled to a stop. As I approached he was still looking down. I could just picture him looking up and acellerating without seeing me, so I slowed and waited. He did just what I expected and was surprised to see me, nearly stopped, a few yards short of passing in front of him.

Be careful out there, everyone!!!

Well said. I do this also while driving my motor vehicle. It is a terrifying thought the amount of drivers out there that are sitting in their vehicles with eyes planted downward. I even see it on a regular basis in expressway/highway traffic conditions. Surely an epidemic IMO!
It's nothing new if you ride either a bicycle or motorcycle. I never expect a motor vehicle to see me and proceed accordingly. I'm always supprised at cyclist who expect cars to see them. Yes, they absolutely should! But the fact is that we often aren't what they are looking for or expecting.
Today I was approaching an intersection (two-way stop for the side street and I was on the main road), and the driver was looking down as he pulled to a stop. As I approached he was still looking down. I could just picture him looking up and acellerating without seeing me, so I slowed and waited. He did just what I expected and was surprised to see me, nearly stopped, a few yards short of passing in front of him.

Be careful out there, everyone!!!