Analog bicycle? Acoustic Bicycle??

How about bicycle and motorized bike because the moment you add and use non-human power it's a different thing altogether, kind of like taking a sailboat and powering it with a gas engine.

Nah that's silly, because an ebike in practice is still 90% closer to a bike than anything else on the road, though things like the Juiced Scorpion are pretty in the middle.
Motorized bike is one with the throttle (and cruise control); the pedals are there for a show.
I'm aware I might generate hatred but when I see a photo of an electric scooter with pedals, I think that's the major reason to include the e-bikers into the "motorized" class. I have to point out such "scooters" are classified as "mopeds" in Europe and are ridden mostly illegally here.


Spotted in Warsaw, Poland. This e-bike is technically illegal here.
I use the term "acoustic" because for me, it's reminiscent of when Bob Dylan had the audacity to bust out an electric guitar at folk festivals in the mid-60s.

This upset folk music snowflakes for several years, who booed him worldwide. Still, he likely helped save the folk scene from non-amplified obscurity...

So go ahead and smack me on the back of my helmeted head with this book - it's considerably smaller than most dictionaries!

Motorized bike is one with the throttle (and cruise control); the pedals are there for a show.

To say that categorically is just false. It strongly depends on the user. Juiced commuter bikes have throttles and usage is all over the map - most use throttle occasionally or not at all. I used it to speed through left turns and to accelerate, but otherwise always pedaled.
Human-powered? Pedaled? My ebike won't go anywhere (except downhill, of course) if a human doesn't pedal on it. And unless you are using your hands to turn the crank, manual doesn't apply to non-e bikes. Ebike/non-e bike? Quite specific, but it defines a regular bike by what it isn't, which is backasswards.

I like the acoustic /electric dichotomy best. But you can call them whatever you want.
There are:

• Acoustic tiles
• Acoustic curtains
• Acoustic fabric
• Acoustic panels
• Acoustic pucks

Here's a kick in the pants, there are acoustic guitar amplifiers:eek: That's like jumbo shrimp! Once amplified it can't by definition of the word be acoustic! But there it is.

So now, as much as I hated it before, there are acoustic bikes:oops:

Oh well. When a company like BH, who have been making high end European bicycles for more than 100 years, used the word acoustic to describe unassisted bikes, I gave in and accepted it. Now I'm FREE from the annoyance I once had.

Acceptance shall set you free!
There are:

• Acoustic tiles
• Acoustic curtains
• Acoustic fabric
• Acoustic panels
• Acoustic pucks

Here's a kick in the pants, there are acoustic guitar amplifiers:eek: That's like jumbo shrimp! Once amplified it can't by definition of the word be acoustic! But there it is.

So now, as much as I hated it before, there are acoustic bikes:oops:

Oh well. When a company like BH, who have been making high end European bicycles for more than 100 years, used the word acoustic to describe unassisted bikes, I gave in and accepted it. Now I'm FREE from the annoyance I once had.

Acceptance shall set you free!

smh... Please read a dictionary before I have to §£¢©€¢¥
All of those items use the term acoustic with a reference sound.
Even an acoustic guitar amplifier is correct as the amplifier is just doing that. Amplifying the sound of an acoustic guitar via a microphone and speaker... Very different from an electric guitar
BH and others are trying to stay cool and relevant.. But it's not cute, clever or acceptable and I will go to my grave before I speak the forbidden!
smh... Please read a dictionary before I have to §£¢©€¢¥
All of those items use the term acoustic with a reference sound.
Even an acoustic guitar amplifier is correct as the amplifier is just doing that. Amplifying the sound of an acoustic guitar via a microphone and speaker... Very different from an electric guitar
BH and others are trying to stay cool and relevant.. But it's not cute, clever or acceptable and I will go to my grave before I speak the forbidden!
"Cute and clever". Pot meet kettle. I could go down the rabbit hole on the acoustic guitar amplifier with you as more accurately it is a sound amplifier designed to amplify an acoustical music instrument, not an acoustic guitar amplifier.

Acceptance will set you free;)
Here's a kick in the pants, there are acoustic guitar amplifiers:eek: That's like jumbo shrimp! Once amplified it can't by definition of the word be acoustic! But there it is.
So now, as much as I hated it before, there are acoustic bikes:oops:
Oh well. When a company like BH, who have been making high-end European bicycles for more than 100 years, used the word acoustic to describe unassisted bikes, I gave in and accepted it.
Now I'm FREE from the annoyance I once had.
Acceptance shall set you free!

I still cannot accept acoustic even if used by BH Bikes (see my sig)... must resist! 😉
I still cannot accept acoustic even if used by BH Bikes (see my sig)... must resist! 😉
It used to bother me too, but it's what many call them. When I was younger I actually disliked the way step-thru was spelled by many.

So we figured out we can't call them anything acceptable to all. Ironic thing is I call my e and non e bikes, just bikes. I call my Harley a bike. Simple.
Acoustic is just the “oppo” of electric... but if we are going to use analog, then ebikes should be called digital?
"Cute and clever". Pot meet kettle. I could go down the rabbit hole on the acoustic guitar amplifier with you as more accurately it is a sound amplifier designed to amplify an acoustical music instrument, not an acoustic guitar amplifier.

Acceptance will set you free;)

All with some connection to?

Acceptance is for sheep... Run with the wolves my friend.