Age demography for members.

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No one under 40 ? :eek:

I am 26 and just bought an e-bike to commute to college everyday on! Parking at my University is atrocious, however, they are having a big push toward electric cars and biking, so literally every building has a bike rack and most of the main roads have a bike lane! Therefore, I decided that my hilly 16-mile round-trip would be much better on an e-bike!
I knew I was one of the younger ones at 28, but didn't realize this forum was so 50+ bias. I guess it makes sense because most people my age (including me) can ride a regular bike just fine, so there is less of a need for e-bikes.

I have gotten a few comments like "you don't need an e-bike, you are so young", but then I tell them I ride it 20 miles a day for work commuting and then they understand. I hope more people my age realize how great of a commuting tool e-bikes really are, I suspect a lot of people my age could make bike commuting work if they had an e-bike.

Chris, I am 26 and commute to school everyday on an e-bike! My commute is a hilly 16 miles/day and I also don't want to be too sweaty when I get there. An e-bike was the perfect choice!
Been on two wheels since I was a child, always enjoyed bicycles and motorcycles. Gave up the motorcycle about 10 years ago at my wife’s “request”, and went full on bicycles. The past few years have seen me riding shorter distances, and not as often.

Age 65 now, got an eBike a bit over 3 months ago and have over 1500 miles on it. I’m truly back in the saddle again :)
Mea culpa, but note I did end my critique with a return to the joy felt by primarily older riders at what is actually a new sport or activity.

It wasn't like bicycles were banned for the thirty years I was away from them, and now I'm hooked!
Even our dog, who is also over 70 (in dog years) has an ebike. Well, it's a basket on the bike. She can barely see and hear but still loves the wind in her face.
And I will say THAT is the point! Here is a new opportunity and a new sport, if you will, sharing two wheels with ordinary bicycles, but taking it to another level, allowing people who have given up on cycling another chance.

History will show how this develops, as a second chance for the mature rider, or a completely different genre.

In the meantime, I ride, which I have not done of late.
allowing people who have given up on cycling another chance
YES! :)

I'm also seeing a lot more young ones on ebikes in my town. Today I saw two teens on ebikes. I talked to another mom who got an ebike for her 13 year old to get to swim practice--they live at the bottom of a huge hill. I see several ebikes in the high school bike racks, too. The young generation is arising!!!