6'5" 220 looking for a bike that will take me up hill on throttle only

Throttle only is possible on a relatively short hill with a bafang 500w or more mid drive. Look at the FLX (Superhuman) bikes. Sorry but at 250lbs, it's asking alot. But it really depends on the hill. Some of those California Coastal Range hills are over 4000 ft of climbing. No way throttle will take you up.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!. No, 4000 feet of continuous climbing will burn most anything. But the 1000 W 48 v geared hubs from Cutler Mac will start on a 15% grade at 330 lb gross. Accelerate up to 6 mph if I don't help. My grades are 100' long., but there are 3 or 4 at the end of my 30 mile commute. Unfortunately, you can only buy the Mac motors in quantity of 8 from alibaba. Shipped from China. No US seller will stock them. Select the 12t winding for climbing. I use the front variety, as I have a cargo bike that loads my weight on the front wheel. Front wheel powered bikes are not useful for steep grades on grass or dirt. The Mac12t came with a 50A ASI controller, but rain burnt some pins off that one. Don't buy an ASI controller except for desert racing. A 30 A controller seemed to have the same performance climbing hills. I use 12 g battery and phase wires.
As far as spokewrench, I don't like to travel over 12 mph, except downhill on perfect pavement with no water or turns. I love the climbing power, as I carry 60 lb food & ag supplies out to my summer camp weekly in nice weather.
I have never been stopped by a policeman and never questioned whether my bike met the 750 w nanny limit. Old men with groceries grinding up steep hills are so dangerous - to squirrels maybe. I did build it, instead of buying it in a store.
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,.. But the 1000 W 48 v geared hubs from Cutler Mac will start on a 15% grade at 330 lb gross.
,.. Unfortunately, you can only buy the Mac motors in quantity of 8 from alibaba.

I found this link,..
I like that 12T Mac motor.

It only goes 32 kph, but that's as fast as I go anyway.
I'd be at maximum efficiency at top speed, and way more efficient across the entire speed range.

You might have to get the 750 Watt motor to be legal, but being a 12T it may do very well on the hills?


I believe torque is the key to getting me up the hill on throttle only.

I want to be able to ride on the roads in California so something that still meets the regulations for an ebike.

Would like to be able to do 20 mph up a reasonable grade so I can keep up with traffic.

Tire preference would be 29" not much wider than 2".

Seems wider tires make it tough to navigate around obstacles.

If ever you are interested in a moped, cafe biker look there's the lyrics bikes which seems to have a lot of power and has pedals that are belt driven. A lot of youtube videos. Its the lyric graffiti x ebike.
But the 1000 W 48 v geared hubs from Cutler Mac will start on a 15% grade at 330 lb gross. Accelerate up to 6 mph if I don't help. My grades are 100' long., but there are 3 or 4 at the end of my 30 mile commute. Unfortunately, you can only buy the Mac motors in quantity of 8 from alibaba. Shipped from China. No US seller will stock them. Select the 12t winding for climbing.
I had a load of logs on my Abound. My gross weight must have been at least 450 pounds. I encountered a 16% grade in tall grass. The ground was soft from rain, greatly increasing rolling resistance. If the 750 watt motor wouldn't do it, I'd be struggling to push the bike. With just a little throttle, the direct drive motor had plenty of torque. I think "12t winding" refers to the number of poles. I don't know how many poles my Abound motor has, but it's enough.

If you can get a running start of 20 mph, your kinetic energy should pretty well handle a 15% grade 100 feet long.