How do you all use your E-BIKES? Do you go out riding with friends or do you enjoy the experience on your own?


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How do you all use your E-BIKES? Do you go out riding with friends or do you enjoy the experience on your own?
Ride with my neighbor 20% of the time when he's in town. Otherwise solo — partly for the solitude and freedom to do whatever I please, partly for lack of other riding partners in the area.

We've only lived here 2 years. Keep saying I'll try some local group rides to cultivate more riding buddies but never do.

About 10% utility riding, the rest for fun, exercise, and outdoor time.

Ride 80-90% pavement, the rest offroad but nothing technical. If there were more good offroad routes from my house, or if I were more inclined to put the bike on the Jeep, I'd ride offroad more.

How do you all use your E-BIKES? Do you go out riding with friends or do you enjoy the experience on your own?
And you?
No one has my patience. All bikers met pass me at 3 times my speed, nose to the ground, leading with the top of the helmet. The bikers probably get their groceries in a SUV or pickup. Whereas I carry mine on the bike. The local wheelman club meets at a school, unloading their bikes from their autos to ride together. I ride my bike past that school. All friends and relatives whiz around in automobiles. Burn the planet, who needs it.
I almost ride every day, weather permitting. I ride 70% with my my neighbor who has a comaparable eMTB, and 30% alone.
I ride with my husband. We are fairly compatible in riding styles. If he's not able, I go on my own. We have ridden with friends and have found they are not as able to keep up with our speed. (this was on the traditional bikes) Now with my electric they certainly won't be able to keep up as the hills are faster and easier now. Often I have my granddaughter in the wagon hooked on the back. That's fun, we explore.

I'm going to edit to add that I started with a traditional bike back just as we went back to school after Covid. But we had masks and distancing and 6ft and I had a group of second graders and all day we were in addition to teaching monitoring the safety precautions. I also stressed quite a bit about Covid because my sister had just died at 60 from cancer and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and thinking Covid was going be my early death. (probably a bit over reacting but couldn't help it.) So I biked every day afterschool alone to clear my brain and settle me down from the stresses of the day and it was so incredibly helpful.
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I used to ride my e-bikes solo in the beginning of my e-bike adventure five years ago. Still, the majority of the distance I ride is done solo.

Since 2020, I started riding together with my brother. The weekend or vacation adventures together have been great!

In the second year of my e-biking, I discovered group rides, either public or organized by friends of mine. It has turned out group rides were a big fun, and gradually I was attracted by gravel cycling. No one was against me riding an e-bike as long as I was pedalling and performing.

Third year of my e-biking was marked by me joining gravel cycling groups.

Fourth year meant starting in gravel races. At that time, I was not taken into classification (as an e-biker).

The fifth (this year) means I can eventually start in gravel races in the e-bike format. I have also organized several group rides myself. I am now meeting more and more e-bikers I can ride with.
Riding in the group means fun. Riding alone -- not much. Still, riding solo means one can explore the things in own time and at own speed, which is comfortable. However, it is always better to have someone with you when you set off off-road!
Both. Weather permitting, at least one ride per week alone, one with an ebiking friend and occasionally with an analog bike riding friend. Also several rides a year with the E-bike Lovers of Washington DC group.
How do you all use your E-BIKES? Do you go out riding with friends or do you enjoy the experience on your own
On my own. Roads and bike trails. Lucky to live just a few miles from a nice section of Acadia National Park that's not on the island. Several nice trails that are barely used even during tourist season. I can often ride those trails and see very few hikers or bikers and sometimes none at all.
Riding solo and fast has been my preference for years while also riding with or leading groups.

Most recently now I ride with my favorite partner: my bride of 53 years. She has always been a climber, now she also chooses the ride and often leads several sections of our rides. We average 16-20 miles daily. And I still ride solo occasionally. We also organize group rides.
I ride alone, and find it a very Zen experience.
That exactly how I feel about running. When I’m with someone, they just want to talk. I’m thinking to myself, “you’re wasting breath, bro.”. I only did that a few times, then no more.
Always ride with someone, now usually my wife. In younger days, it was with coworkers. Turned into "as a family".

From youngest days, ingrained not to go off alone.