30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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A study in the New England Journal of Medicine this month showed that coronavirus can remain on plastic and stainless steel for up to 72 hours.

People touch their own face, mouth, eyes, or nose 16 times per hour on average.

Look, whether you have a face mask on, or not, its not a matter of if you will get it, its only a matter of when.

“What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks,” Adams told Fox News, explaining that the practice often leads to increased touching of one’s face and can produce a “false sense of security.”

He also warned that “we still have PPE shortages across the country,” and promoted reserving masks “for the people who most need it,” health care workers.

Although “there may be a day when we change our recommendations — particularly for areas that have large spread going on — about wearing cotton masks,” Adams said, “the data is not there yet.”
Reason a)
People touch their own face, mouth, eyes, or nose 16 times per hour on average.

Look, whether you have a face mask on, or not, its not a matter of if you will get it, its only a matter of when.

summed up; it doesn't matter, you will get it. But if it doesn't matter, why is he trying hard to convince us not to do it?

Reason b)
“What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks,” Adams told Fox News, explaining that the practice often leads to increased touching of one’s face and can produce a “false sense of security.

summed up true that you may touch your face more, but false in that anyone can learn to not touch the face, or else it doesn't matter because doctors and nurses are human and if they can't learn there is no justification for reason c in that case.

You can learn if you try. If it means everything. It takes a day or 2 at most. Health care workers need them (see reason c) and can use them because they have learned. If they have not learned, and cannot learn, then those masks will not help them. See reason a and b).

So why Mr Adams, are you so against it again? Run that by again? We're going to get it anyway, so we shouldn't wear a mask because then we'll get it? Huh? But not health care workers. They need them, forget reason a and b, healthcare workers need them most! a and b no longer viable reasons.

Reason c)
we still have PPE shortages across the country,” and promoted reserving masks “for the people who most need it,” health care workers.

Although “there may be a day when we change our recommendations — particularly for areas that have large spread going on — about wearing cotton masks,” Adams said, “the data is not there yet.

summed up true but very false. Officials neglected their duty and sold out their nations for 30 pieces. It is really a bad idea to give false hope, like that you could avoid it, so don't you go and try to do what we used to tell you works and everyone knows works.
You know it in your heart and in your mind, but the truth is that now we need them for professionals...they need them because they work (forget reason a and reason b) so don't you dare do something so dangerous to all humankind, like making your own masks by the hundreds for others and the healthcare workers can make some for themselves too, using high quality 3M 2800 electrostatic furnace filter...because it's data that's...

Not there yet.
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The main reason why everyone should wear a mask when out in public is that someone could be infected, but not show any signs and go out in public thinking,"It's okay, I'm not sick." If they're wearing a mask they have dramatically cut down the possibility of passing on the virus to others.

How can anyone with a modicum of intellegence argue against this? The only reason Canadians are being told not to wear masks is we don't even have enough for our own health workers. Trudeau, Hajdu, and Tam are the three stooges of Canada.
The main reason why everyone should wear a mask when out in public is that someone could be infected, but not show any signs and go out in public thinking,"It's okay, I'm not sick." If they're wearing a mask they have dramatically cut down the possibility of passing on the virus to others.

How can anyone with a modicum of intellegence argue against this? The only reason Canadians are being told not to wear masks is we don't even have enough for our own health workers. Trudeau, Hajdu, and Tam are the three stooges of Canada.
And Adams as Surgeon General, I am thinking, did not prepare his country for what was counted as inevitable by so many. It was thought about and modeled, of course, by many...therefore my simple opinion is that he fights against masks using his idiot's logic, because he was remiss in his duty to plan ahead, and perhaps that he should be taken to military court, if it was his duty.

I believe he's trying really hard with his bizarre nonsensical stuff, to cover someone's (?) negligence and he's also terribly hurting the nation's chances.

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The main reason why everyone should wear a mask when out in public is that someone could be infected, but not show any signs and go out in public thinking,"It's okay, I'm not sick." If they're wearing a mask they have dramatically cut down the possibility of passing on the virus to others.

How can anyone with a modicum of intellegence argue against this? The only reason Canadians are being told not to wear masks is we don't even have enough for our own health workers. Trudeau, Hajdu, and Tam are the three stooges of Canada.
Worse still, I saw an interview today, I believe it was Dr. William Haseltine who said recent studies show a person might still be able to pass the virus on for up to 8 days after all symptoms are gone and the patient is off quarantine.

We are seeing many doctors change the story line to advise wearing masks. Seems like we will soon see the government advise anyone with a mask of any kind to wear it.
Indeed, even our State TV bootlickers slightly probed the idea because they see it coming. Real doctors will begin speaking up once the political charade is exposed sufficiently that they are not at risk of reprisals from the highly corrupted political machine.
My understanding is much of the transmission is via contact, and it involves the hands and fecal matter. Thats why many are saying Masks arent really going to stop the spread that much.

A New Hope
The Right Way to End this
I wouldn't be so sure. The 1st video suggests washing hands (especially medical personnel), washing all working surfaces and wearing masks. There is also social distancing if your situation allows. Think of it as belt and suspenders.

Each one of these ingredients work both ways - you protect yourself from others and protect others from you. Btw, doctors are practicing this distancing extensively now - I had a couple of Dr's appointments recently and both were done over the phone. Not that phone consultations work for everybody.

Saying "it's not if but when" is also a questionable conclusion. The virus will peak, the curve will flatten and then taper. You might not get sick at all.

Wuhan is (probably) past the peak now, but their statistics is somewhat questionable too. As it turned out, they didn't include the cases when people tested positive but didn't exhibit any symptoms. Consider also a significant pressure from the Political Bureau to start running industries full speed again, so as not to jeopardize the great goal of conquering this world (and not to lose their well-paid government posts either).
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That's why we should keep a distance of six or more between us, it can travel through the air and be inhaled. And, the Chinese aren't wearing face masks because they think it's fashionable, face masks help.
Where is the political insistence coming from that we not wear masks and the idiotic stance that chloroquine is very very very bad and an unknown and that we need to be locked down permanently and socially tracked for every heartbeat?
end of story. f 'em.
The Surgeon General needs to explain why it isn't a good strategy to have partially effective behavior and device, which means, generally, accidental introductions of a small viral load and subsequent immunity. Why is an imperfect mask or a mask worn imperfectly, a bad thing, again? Why is that, please?
Chinese aren't wearing masks? May I ask where you found that? My Chinese sources think we're dullards for not wearing them.

View attachment 48819
Since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that caused coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the use of face masks has become ubiquitous (found everywhere} in China and other Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan. Some provinces and municipalities in China have enforced compulsory face mask policies in public areas; however, China's national guideline has adopted a risk-based approach in offering recommendations for using face masks among health-care workers and the general public. We compared face mask use recommendations by different health authorities (panel). Despite the consistency in the recommendation that symptomatic individuals and those in health-care settings should use face masks, discrepancies were observed in the general public and community settings.

8 For example, the US Surgeon General advised against buying masks for use by healthy people. One important reason to discourage widespread use of face masks is to preserve limited supplies for professional use in health-care settings. Universal face mask use in the community has also been discouraged with the argument that face masks provide no effective protection against coronavirus infection.
Please re-read the sentence. :)
"This is not the End of Days. Yes, this period will be challenging and will push us to new levels of discomfort, but it WILL end. I find it helpful to approach this situation like a nasty set of intervals: if I think about the end of an interval set when I’m only on repeat 1, then it feels as if I will never make it. This feeling is exponentially worse if Coach doesn’t tell me how many efforts are on the plan for the day. But if I only think about the current interval I’m on… well, I can do ONE interval, can’t I? For sure. And if I keep just thinking about the single effort that I’m engaged in, eventually I will have done an entire set and the workout is over. I’m applying the same thinking to this crisis: thinking only about today - or at most, this week - and trusting that the end will eventually appear if I continue to string these discrete moments together."- Haley Smith
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Why is it, again, that after the Chinese planted spies and thieves into our foremost research labs why we need to have our western research biolab being partnered IN China at the source of this, after they were caught stealing the virus from Canada's research center.
Wow- this is weird to see your post 3 months later .... not to hijack your post, but was there more detail about this and was it Covid 19 related?
Canadian government: holy sh*t this virus is actually coming to Canada and we gave most of our masks back to China, and then we didn't bother to buy any more.

Dr. Tam (top Canadian medical doctor): That's okay, I'll just tell the dumb Canadian public that the masks don't work, so they shouldn't wear one.
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