3/14. The perfect tire pressure! šŸ™„


Well-Known Member
I generally measure my tire pressure in Bar ( but my floor pump shows psi as well)
Today I realized that the perfect pressure in Bar must be 3.141592653589793
Iā€™m sure this will make my wheels as circular as possible for smooth fast riding
Happy pi-day! šŸ˜„
Iā€™ve memorized 15 decimals as Iā€™ve read somewhere that Nasa Jet Propulsion Laborarory says thatā€™s fine for them. šŸ˜Š
45 psi (or 3.14 bar) is the pressure I use for my back tire - 38 psi (2.6 bar in front) . I weigh 205 lbs (93kg or 14.64 stone).
With all of the variables in play, even if we were all running the exact same size and brand of tire, the "perfect" pressure is going to be different for everyone no matter how you measure it.

There is no way on earth you are ever going to find YOUR perfect pressure without playing with it a bit. Adjust a little higher, then a little lower to see which "feels" better. Continue in that direction to see if it continues getting better. If not, you're close. Back up or down to the last setting and you should be good to go.

I would note that just a couple psi in 4" fatties can make a noticable difference, where it might take 5-10 psi in smaller tires.

When you find that "perfect" pressure, the trick will be keeping them at that pressure without weekly checks. Products like Slime will all but eliminate that issue, giving you the ability to let those weekly checks go to monthly or even bi monthly....
45 psi (or 3.14 bar) is the pressure I use for my back tire - 38 psi (2.6 bar in front) . I weigh 205 lbs (93kg or 14.64 stone).
Iā€™ll take your rear tire pressure as proof of my pi-day theory šŸ˜Š
To be more serious I need to experiment more with tire pressure. This far Iā€™ve played it safe and read what it says on the tire And kept pressure ā€safelyā€ above minimum.
With all of the variables in play, even if we were all running the exact same size and brand of tire, the "perfect" pressure is going to be different for everyone no matter how you measure it.

There is no way on earth you are ever going to find YOUR perfect pressure without playing with it a bit. Adjust a little higher, then a little lower to see which "feels" better. Continue in that direction to see if it continues getting better. If not, you're close. Back up or down to the last setting and you should be good to go.

I would note that just a couple psi in 4" fatties can make a noticable difference, where it might take 5-10 psi in smaller tires.

When you find that "perfect" pressure, the trick will be keeping them at that pressure without weekly checks. Products like Slime will all but eliminate that issue, giving you the ability to let those weekly checks go to monthly or even bi monthly....
I fully agree and I need to experiment more.
My original post was just to ā€activateā€ myself a little bit on this grey and not so cycling inviting pi-day.
I would bake a pie for pi day, but it isn't a good thing to do.

As for tire pressure, I squeeze the tire to figure out if it needs more air. Easy as pi.
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