2025 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

Stefan...I saw your pictures and short ride on Strava. Beautiful bike.
A good friend in New England told me the other day he was finally breaking down and 'thinking' of an e-bike. When he visited last fall he rode my guest bike...a Trek Allant 7s. We did a ten mile circuit, hills like where he lives, and he confessed to really enjoying the riding experience. I looked at his usage stats at the end of the ride...and he rode fully half the route unassisted...so...Vado2 would seem to be made for him. he's 76 and his PT (another roadie) has been telling him to switch.
Specialized Turbo Vado SL 2 6.0 Carbon EQ: DEMO RIDE at Specialized Warsaw Soho

To make the beginning short: I pedalled for 27 km (Vado SL 1) to get to Specialized Warsaw Soho this morning. (Specialized Warsaw (Powsin) announced its unavailability this Saturday). The weather was not very warm but it was not cold either. I pedalled against headwind on my outward leg of the ride using 80/80% SL assistance.


Both Specialized Warsaw and Specialized Soho belong to the brand and work together as a team. "Soho" is a gentrified housing estate in Kamionek, Praga South, Warsaw. (The railway is just a decoration).

As I approached the showroom, a nice man opened the door for me. 'Oh no, thank you! I need to remove the helmet and the other stuff first' I said. 'A good day to you!' he replied -- 'Do we know each other?' -- I wanted to know -- 'Oh, we know you very well, sir! You have tested many our bikes!' :) (He was the store manager). As we talked, a man finished his ride. ' Is it a Vado SL 2 Carbon?!' -- I inquired -- 'Yes, indeed! Fancy a test ride?' -- 'You don't need to ask me twice! Only I'd need the saddle raised a little'. When the manager went in the store for the tool, I engaged in a conversation with the rider and his smart looking wife. 'You must tell me everything about this e-bike post your ride!' she demanded. Now, we raised the saddle to the proper height by a simple sizing method and my feeling.

A 38 second video from my ride filmed by the potential buyer.


Now you know what the rail track is for :)


Actually, I made several loops to test the e-bike.


A big grin of happiness!



A closer view.



Remember I was testing a carbon fibre e-bike, which is more lightweight than the alloy one. When I lifted the SL 2 Carbon it felt like my de-equipped SL 1 with a Range Extender and water bottle. You could feel it was not the slim SL 1 but the weight was not prohibitive at all. (One can get used to it).

Geometry, ride comfort, sizing
The e-bike felt like it were a suit sewn by a tailor for me. The riding position was moderate and comfortable. I felt I could pedal the e-bike for many hours without fatigue. I was riding a paving block surface. I think it was the carbon frame/fork, 47 mm tyres and Future Shock 3.2 that the ride feeling was totally buttery (Alloy SL 2 has the FS 3.1, which is still an advanced damper).

Riding unassisted
Of course, it was just several loops over a short distance but I first tried an unassisted ride. The handlebar remote is of a new type. It has the On/Off switch at the top and the "S" button at the bottom, and what is between them is a lever: You push it up for + or down for -. I was not particularly fond of that control to be honest. Riding unassisted was pleasant and easy.

Riding assisted
I found the rider before me was in SPORT. I pushed the lever to see ECO on the display and was only riding in ECO mode. Now, the SL 1.2 has the max Assist of 2.3x and 320 W maximum motor power. It was a pleasure to ride up and down the alley; the acceleration of the SL 2 was excellent!

Motor and battery
The motor was very very quiet. I simply could not hear the motor but again it was a short test in quiet but still urban environment. Cannot say anything about battery only need to remind you the capacity of SL 2 battery is greater than the SL 1 main battery + Range Extender. Besides, a bottle cage for Range Extender was already installed on the demo e-bike.

Drivetrain & brakes
As much as I accept the presence of SRAM drivetrains in bikes nowadays, I loved the fact the SL 2 6.0 was equipped with the Shimano Deore XT 12-speed drivetrain. I'm used to the Shimano shifter and was glad I could shift the way I'm used to. Of course the drivetrain was impeccable. The brakes are TRP (Tektro Racing Products), the brand I value very much (I have TRP brakes on my big Vado). Again, nothing to test on a short ride.

Wheels, tyres
It is 700x47 tyres. The SL 2 6.0 Carbon has the structural weight limit of 125 kg. With my 104 kg + clothes + shoes + backpack, I was approaching the weight limit of that e-bike. If you are a heavy person, consider Carbon might be not for you (and it is not for me, either!)

The new H3 display is good but I have some comment to it. The display is clear and readable. The most important parameters are displayed in a big type. However, some data such as Cadence are shown in a very small font size. No issue for me as I can read the display when riding in my glasses but it could be harder to read for some of you!

Equipment, lighting
Nothing to comment on lighting. It is bright, and there is a STOP indicator controlled by TRP brake levers. I was impressed very much with the rear rack. It is solid, sturdy, heavy duty! No comments on mudguards, as these are similar to ones found on big Vados: the standard Specialized fenders with long mudflaps. There are bosses for three water bottles! (Or, a Range Extender, a water bottle, and for a toolset bag).

If someone of you already owns a Vado SL 1 then there is no reason for buying the SL 2. SL2 is a perfect crossover between a lightweight/low power and a heavy full power Vado, and as such it will certainly find buyers among the new users!

A nice chat with the rider and his wife
After the demo ride, I had a long talk with the married couple. They are buying two Vado SL 2 so they could ride together. Wife wanted to know everything: Any fear against the battery fire? How to store and charge the e-bike in the winter? (They have a garage). They didn't know of the European speed limit of 25 km/h! I shared my experiences with pleasure: 64, ailing, owned four e-bikes (of which two Specialized) starting in 2019, my yearly kilometrage, riding all year long etc etc. I think I finally convinced them to do the purchase!


Turbo Porto, or the European answer to the U.S. Globe Haul. A mid-drive 2.2 motor, no throttle :)

Continuing the ride
Then I (traditionally) rode up to "Fregata".


Pork Roast with potato and cooked cabbage (not Bigos).


@Brix arrives to Warsaw on April 9th. We will be living in this block of flats in Krucza, Warsaw Midtown. Notice a remnant of a pre-WWII house joined with a 1960s block of flats!


A short stop in Szczęśliwice Park. See my new fingerless gloves!


As usual, I was zooming the Aleje, one of the arteries of Warsaw. Know one thing: If you hit 35.8 km/h on your bike and suddenly it all becomes silent then the tailwind is blowing at the exactly the same speed! :)


I can't remember when I hit 48.5 km/h. It could be the Tamka descent, one of the steepest in Warsaw!


Ride Map. I made a detour to avoid riding into new construction works by the Warsaw West Station. There are two grassy parks called Mokotów Fields, where the first Warsaw airfield used to operate. The official name is "Mokotów Field", singular. How can you name two fields "one"? :)
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Nice review and piccies, I watched a 3 month review of the Amflow and I nearly spit my coffee out when the reviewer commented on how quiet the motor and bike is on the trails, not like the Levo he passed that sounded like a bag of nuts 😂
Great review. At this point:
The e-bike felt like it were a suit sewn by a tailor for me. The riding position was moderate and comfortable. I felt I could pedal the e-bike for many hours without fatigue.

I thought Bingo! That's it! He's definitely buying one.

Then at this point:
If you are a heavy person, consider Carbon might be not for you (and it is not for me, either!)

Uh oh.

Then this slammer:
If someone of you already owns a Vado SL 1 then there is no reason for buying the SL 2. SL2 is a perfect crossover between a lightweight/low power and a heavy full power Vado, and as such it will certainly find buyers among the new users!


(You should think positively! Spring is in the air! With all the excited riding you'd get on a new steed the weight would come down and the carbon limits would be safe!)

Given the abuse carbon road bikes take - look at the way pro sprinters twist them going hell for leather at 50mph, or emtb riders abusing their bikes in the worst terrain with jumps and drop offs, I'm surprised by that fairly low weight limit. Especially as a commuter bike designed to carry things to work etc.
The Amflow in full song
That Dji motor will be appearing next in another (and pretty unknown) Chinese brand called Teewing!

Sounds like the DJI motor could launch dozens of new Chinese emtb brands a la Chinese cars.

Good for consumers perhaps (lower ££$$€€) but not amazing for established and already feeling battered Western brands.
If someone of you already owns a Vado SL 1 then there is no reason for buying the SL 2.
My wife paid you to say that, didn't she?

Now, the SL 1.2 has the same max Assist of 1.8x but 320 W maximum motor power.
Are you sure about that boost factor of 1.8 for the 1.2 motor? When I was building my interactive Turbo PAS model, I found a boost of 2.3 in some official Specialized online document pointed out by @Allan47.7339 , I believe. Wish I still had the link.
That Dji motor will be appearing next in another (and pretty unknown) Chinese brand called Teewing!

Sounds like the DJI motor could launch dozens of new Chinese emtb brands a la Chinese cars.

Good for consumers perhaps (lower ££$$€€) but not amazing for established and already feeling battered Western brands.
Bit gaudy, 3 quid satin black spray can reqd
Given the abuse carbon road bikes take - look at the way pro sprinters twist them going hell for leather at 50mph, or emtb riders abusing their bikes in the worst terrain with jumps and drop offs, I'm surprised by that fairly low weight limit. Especially as a commuter bike designed to carry things to work etc.
This is also related to the wheels (the front one with 24 spokes). Not every commuter is a heavy person... I wouldn't take a risk anyway. Additionally: I ride two good e-bikes; no space for yet another. Besides, I really could not find the structural weight limit for the alloy version in support.specialized.com.

(You should think positively! Spring is in the air! With all the excited riding you'd get on a new steed the weight would come down and the carbon limits would be safe!)
That's why I'm riding my 17 kg Vado SL 1 de-equipped on the gravel group ride in the Military Range today :) Taking 3 Range Extenders!

Aha i thought i recognized the railway museum. Been a while since I was in Warsaw.
You were reasoning well, of course.
Warsaw Railway Museum

My wife paid you to say that, didn't she?
Yes, of course, she did :)

Are you sure about that boost factor of 1.8 for the 1.2 motor? When I was building my interactive Turbo PAS model, I found a boost of 2.3 in some official Specialized online document pointed out by @Allan47.7339 , I believe. Wish I still had the link.
You are right Jeremy. It is 2.3x max Assist. Correcting it in the review.

Perhaps if Stefan hadn't been so enamored with the man's wife he could have sold him his Vado and bought the new one.
She asked me why I wouldn't sell my two e-bikes to get one. My answer was: "Old e-bikes do not sell well" :)
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After dealing with ailments (and bad weather) this past winter I've begun riding again. The last few rides with conditioning improving have been very enjoyable


Rear pastures...An energetic weather front came through the other day. Afterwards I looked out and discovered the rainbow...I was actually looking for deer which I failed to notice until later.

IMG_0165 (1).jpeg



I rode this route yesterday...big changes since my last tour in the fall. I've bought round rolls for my stock from this hayfield...that clover...I'd eat it if I were a cow.
My pastures are turning green and thickening, the cardinals redder than the robes that borrowed their name, all kinds of energy making me long for another herd.


My bike and my thoughts parked in the front pasture
After dealing with ailments (and bad weather) this past winter I've begun riding again. The last few rides with conditioning improving have been very enjoyable

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Rear pastures...An energetic weather front came through the other day. Afterwards I looked out and discovered the rainbow...I was actually looking for deer which I failed to notice until later.

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I rode this route yesterday...big changes since my last tour in the fall. I've bought round rolls for my stock from this hayfield...that clover...I'd eat it if I were a cow.
My pastures are turning green and thickening, the cardinals redder than the robes that borrowed their name, all kinds of energy making me long for another herd.
. . .
Mulezen, where is this? Beautiful!
2025 Gravel Poligon Group Ride

The Poligon (Military Range) group ride is an annual event by Centrala Gravelowa, a gravel-bike-centric LBS located at the ride start. It was co-organized by the Gravel.Love, the club I mostly ride gravel with nowadays. I got to the gathering point by railways (had an exceptionally good connection on the day!) My Vado SL was the ride of the day.

Before I start the story, see what I have found :)


It is a Chinese CYCTRON Infini x1 with the suggested price of US$4,600. It is a carbon frame with an integrated cockpit, a 660 W peak power Ananda mid-drive motor, a 672 Wh battery, and the thing weighs 18.5 kg. It is literally loaded with integrated electronic features such as a camera, fingerprint unlocking and many more. Before you get carried off and start thinking of a purchase, consider what has happened to Van Moof though :)


Over fifty riders showed up at the ride start!

Why It Partly Went Wrong
The good news was the scary local river had almost dried out, and the crossing was improved with new concrete blocks. The bad news was a massive headwind making my batteries discharge pretty fast. On my way, I helped some wretch fixing a flat tyre (he asked for a pump but we worked together). We continued riding together. I was weak post pneumonia, and 15 km into the ride I released my new mate; I decided to ride on my own terms.


Eventually, I shortened the ride by 14 km (Blue: planned; red: actually ridden).

Now, I was being overtaken by various groups. I admired my brother Jacek riding at a high speed with one of the packs! I joined my old riding mate Michał A (I am fond of him; he works in the cycling industry) who rode together with his buddy. We had many happy kilometres together (with a tailwind!) until the guys stopped at a grocery shop in Sulejówek. I finished my ride alone, making 60.5 km.

The Burger :)
On one of my previous Poligon rides, I was introduced to the best food-truck around!


I certainly didn't regret the visit!

Why It Went Totally Wrong


I think that the actual name of this small train stop is "Wet Meadow" but if you translate it literally, it becomes "Warsaw Wet Lye" :)


Waiting for the train.

Don't even ask me how come I missed the only return train in hours! :D


I was totally infuriated with my stupidity. I could have ridden for only a few kilometres to the next big station but I decided to punish myself and rode all the way to Warsaw City Centre 'on the wheels' :D

Railway Inferno
While at Warsaw City Centre and on the return train I felt like in a dark fantasy horror. Nothing worked, no information was correct! The train I got onto stopped on the way and then (after an announcement and a short stop at a station) went at very high speed to the city I planned to get to, no intermediate stops! I was so glad to get home... in the rain :)

87.8 km ridden for the day.
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I can't believe it has taken me so long to realise why Stefan likes Specialized, he thinks they are Polish.
I'm only patriotic when good things are made in our country. I recommend DT Swiss wheel rims from Oborniki, Greater Poland, or Garbaruk drivetrain components from Nowa Huta, Kraków, Lesser Poland :)


In case you ask why Greater and Lesser. This map is for 14th c. Once Poland was small/weak and only consisted of Greater and Lesser Poland connected by the Land of Sieradz :) Greater Poland started first, hence the name.
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