After a whole week off the bike I was determined to get out today, the weather locally wasn't very nice so I looked further afield and noticed it was looking more promising down Peebles and Moffat way! So I put the bike in the car and headed towards Peebles to ride from there to Moffat and back in a big loop which is usually around 70 miles! The wind was from the SW and was due to strengthen throughout the day so I went for the anticlockwise route which would mean the first 25 miles would be right into the wind and uphill all the way, starting at around 600ft and peaking at just under 1400ft!
I usually go all the way into Peebles and use the car park just as you enter the town but as I was driving along the road towards the town I decided to stop about 5 miles short and park in a quiet layby which would give me a flattish start to warm myself up for the 25 mile climb ahead! The first 2 miles were on the main A72 and then I turned south on to the quiet back roads towards Stobo where I stopped for a couple of photos!
The daffodils have really sprung up now despite recent frosty weather, it has been fluctuating from -3C to +10C though!
The road runs alongside the River Tweed for quite a few miles!
It started to rain a little here but thankfully it never got heavy, the forecast did say there might be light rain at times but clearing up as the day progressed and amazingly they were pretty accurate for once! I passed through Stobo which is a tiny village and then crossed over the River Tweed and was heading for another village called Drumelzier!
The river was flowing very quickly!
After Drumelzier there is a nice descent down to the main A701, it was time to use the main road which wasn't too busy thankfully except for the odd logging truck! Those guys don't hang about but they gave me lots of room, the views were lovely along the main road despite the lack of sun at this point!
I continued up the climb fighting the headwind all the way up, eventually arriving at the summit at just under 1400ft and the sun eventually made an appearance!
It was now time to descend down the awesome Devils Beeftub down into Moffat, although I was still battling the headwind but it was so much easier than that 25 mile climb...
All the way down the descent I had to stop for photos, it was just stunning with the clouds shrouding the hills!
My bike had to get in on the act!
I really love the next 2!
I arrived in Moffat and for the first time I had the wind at my back and it was just as well because it was straight into another climb followed by many ups and downs for about 11 miles, starting about 300ft and reaching 1100ft at the summit! Then it was a cracking descent down towards the lochs, the first loch is just a small one and is called Loch of the Lowes! I stopped here for my lunch while the sun was still shining, you can see the water was a bit choppy as the wind was now picking up!
Right after this loch comes the much larger St Marys Loch, its the first time I have actually seen swans here!
I continued round to the far side of the loch where I stopped for this photo!
After a few miles I turned off the main road and headed north at the Gordon Arms Hotel and it was straight into another climb, this is part way up looking back down towards the hotel!
The climb goes up to 1165ft and then its a rapid descent down towards Traquair, with the wind at my back it was an absolute blast but the road isn't in the best shape in parts although I still managed 41.1mph! At Traquair I took the back road to Cardrona to avoid the main road at Innerleithen which can be very busy with large trucks!
Innerleithen is surrounded by hills!
I passed through Cardona and was now only 4 miles from Peebles, arriving in the centre of town at the bridge over the River Tweed!
I had covered 65 miles now and I was only 5 miles from my car but my second battery had lasted well with the wind at my back, I still had 62% left! So I decided to extend my ride and head north for Eddleston where I used the excellent cycle path which zigs and zags for quite a few miles! I was cycling along the path when I saw my first lambs of the year, I just love the sound the young ones make! They were staring me down!
Near the end of the path there was a gang of them having fun pushing each other about!
The path then twists and turns up into Eddleston where I thought I would have to join the main road!
When I say twists and turns I wasn't joking...
I was just about to join the road when I got a lovely surprise, a brand new cycle path!
The path ended after a mile or so but it looks like they are going to extend it further! I was just about to take to the main road when I saw a sign for the village of Lamancha which I knew would be on my route on the way back to the car so I decided to try the back road, it was straight into a climb and my summit software said it was a 3.1 mile climb with an average grade of 4.5%! It was quite a road, some very smooth parts and some very rough!
At the end of the road it was time to turn directly into the wind on the main A701, the wind was very gusty now and I had to endure it for over 7 miles before turning SE just after Blyth Bridge and what a relief that was! My battery had dropped to 30% but I only had around 4 miles to go so I knew I was safe! Its a lovely road at the start and although it was uphill I had the wind at my back, just after these photos there is a big descent but the road surface is truly awful!
Its a real bone shaker but it smooths out again and the final part to the car was just awesome, I reached the car with 88.7 miles covered and I was wishing I had taken my 3rd battery as I could easily have made it a 100 miler! Never mind, there will be many more opportunities! What a brilliant day that was, I'm so glad I thought of this route! One day I will do this route all the way from home but the conditions will need to be perfect with light winds as it will be around 150 miles with at least 8000ft of elevation gain, possibly even around 10000ft! I will plan it carefully...