2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

And we Americans learn how to swear from the English. I had a weightlifting coach (Joe Mills) who, at the age of 13 immigrated to the US (about 1920). In a few years he had saved enough of his factory wage to bring his mother and sister over from Liverpool. 50-60 years later I was in his house when his mother (90+) came in the living room raging about Joe coming home drunk the night before. This was the first time I heard the word c#nt used in conversation, and from an old lady yelling at her senior citizen son. I learned a lot from that man whose schooling ended at eleven. Because I was in college English he assumed I had read Proust. He was the coach of the great Bob Bednarski who won a world championship In Poland during the Cold War. The Russians tried to steal the victory but the Poles in the audience rioted at the shenanigans. And that is some of the baggage associated with learning a new word.
Curious, where in SoCal did you take the photo with the 4 big military helicopters? The date-time stamp coincides with my Saturday ride between Carlsbad and Del Mar. I think I saw that same flight — right off the beach and VERY loud. Was probably somewhere between Del Mar and Cardiff around that time.

See many, many military choppers offshore here in North County, but that group was pretty distinctive.
this was on Sunday at San Clemente the funny thing is that i rod to the Marin Base and on the way back to the car got a visit from them :cool:
I always say dudes to scallywags on bikes asking me loads of questions.
'How fast does it go.'
'My brothers got one of them...but better.'
Once I got my rebuilt Vado (without the number plate), I'm being asked questions by senior men.
'Is that thing electric?'
'How far does it go on the battery?'
'How much does it cost?'
My answer to the latter is 'Too much!' But these men want to get the figure. When I say 'Twenty-one thousand' they look as if they were getting apoplexy 😊

The last time the price question was asked by a man between 30 and 40 who has just bought a PLN 2,000 bike. After mine 'Too much!', a friend who was together with me said 'I don't want to make you feel bad but the thing is worth ten of yours" 🤣

Interestingly, no-one asks me any questions about my Vado SL! It was only a very little girl who said 'It's an e-bike!' — 'How have you determined that, honey?' — 'Simple! It's got a display full of LEDs!'
We need all the public good will we can get, and kindness pays. When people ask about your ebike or ebikes in general out of genuine interest, just buck up and answer as best you can with a friendly smile — even if you've been asked a thousand times before.

In the end, you'll come away feeling good about the interaction, and so will they.

A blustery day but it was lovely in the sunshine, the forecast said the winds would be around 20mph but they were way stronger! With the wind so strong I tried to pick a route to take advantage of it and for the most part I succeeded but I made the mistake of picking the road from Forth to Lanark where the crosswind was a bit scary at times! I stopped to take some photos and the bike was blown over, I made sure the drivetrain was placed into the wind as I had a feeling it would happen...

Just after this photo down it went....no damage thankfully!


This young lamb had the right idea and lay in the grass ;)


Thankfully I now had some trees for cover as I was heading for Cleghorn, the snow has finally disappeared from the hills so here's hoping Spring is around the corner!



While I was taking the photos this youngster appeared, I'm certain its going to be huge in the not so distant future!



I arrived in Lanark where I knew I would probably have to deal with a lot of traffic in the town, I wasn't wrong but I didn't have any problems thankfully! The clouds had started rolling in but the wind soon blew them away again, not a single drop of rain so all was good in the world!

Looking back towards Forth to the north!



I was heading into the valley now where the wind wasn't a factor for a bit, it was like it had disappeared and it sure was a welcome relief! The valley was bathed in sunshine, time for a photo before the big climb up to Braidwood!


This road is tree lined for miles so the wind was held at bay for a while, I arrived in Braidwood and decided to get back off the main road and enjoy a lovely descent for a bit! I passed this pond which was unusually free of wildlife, normally there are lots of ducks but I guess they were having a siesta today and there was just a lone gull enjoying the peace and quiet!


I was having so much fun riding on the back roads with very little traffic around but the wind was becoming a problem again, I decided to take the big climb up to Law Village which is tree lined and it was a very wise choice! I would rather climb with some shelter than take the flat roads with a crazy crosswind trying to blow you off the bike! I was back on the main road again once I passed through the village but when I reached Newmains I took to the back roads again and actually had the wind at my back for a bit, that was so much fun! :D

I reached the village of Bonkle where it was time for another big climb up to Hareshaw, this road is really well sheltered so it was a no brainer to take this route! Eventually I had to join the main road again but only for a short time as I decided to make use of the new cycle path at Newhouse to avoid the busy roads! I arrived home a short time later and despite the windy conditions I had a great ride on lovely dry roads, I love getting home from a tiring ride and not having to clean the bike as it was spotless for a change!;)


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I did 24 miles today, which is a longer ride for me. For those that don’t know I was always amazed at the great pictures people posted. I live in the middle of mostly farm country so I started posting “barn of the day” pictures. Todays barn of the day is a modern hay barn and an old silo, I’ve just about takin pictures of all the interesting barns near me and I don’t want to repeat.