Well-Known Member
Visited last year, magical Island
update .... all went well both cams i had no trouble at all@Prairie Dog really enjoyed your Japan pics and vids as i am bike less ..under Dr orders
@RabH the same to you
all you guys are keeping me sane hate been off my bike but Dr knows best .. have had couple of dizzy spells and one blackout so off to hospital this sun 2-30 for a Gastroscopy cam down the throat and also a cam up the back passage Colonoscopy![]()
you need a e boat.2 minutes from my home
Wow. A great ride @RabH . But still no highland cattle...View attachment 167894
Almost another full week off the bike but today was looking much better and it proved to be the case! I waited until midday when the temp was around 5C so it was possible to use the back roads without fear of black ice and with little to no wind I could pick any direction! I decided to head NE towards Falkirk and then take the lovely back roads down to Bonnybridge, using the back roads to Slamannan first of all where I had a nice view of the mountains in the distance with their snow covered peaks!
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Now I had the awesome descent down into Falkirk where I had another lovely view of the mountains, it was so clear after a misty start to the day!
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After the big descent the road rises up steeply into Falkirk, as soon as I got into the town I turned west on to the lovely quiet back roads down to Bonnybridge! Passing the top end of the Callander Park Estate which has lots of mountain bike trails!
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Soon I had the Campsie Hills in view and it looked nice and clear and that's where I was heading to, so this view filled me with confidence!
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I arrived in Bonnybridge and grabbed a quick photo of the canal before heading NW to Stoneywood to start the climb up towards the Campsies!
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Its a 3.5 mile climb up through Stoneywood but the road is in excellent condition thanks to the World Champs back in August, I stopped for these photos just before climbing the Campsies and a roadie passed me and asked if all was ok! I said thanks for stopping but I was just taking photos and all was good!
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I passed over the River Carron which was flowing very quickly today, no surprise given the monsoon weather we have been experiencing!
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Another view of the river before starting the big climb!
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I was actually tempted to continue along past the Carron Valley Reservoir and climb the hills at the far end but I was worried about losing daylight on the road home, I made the right decision as I arrived home about 20 minutes before darkness descended! So I tackled the Tak Ma Doon road which leads to Kilsyth, my only real worry was the ford I had to cross before the steep part of the climb! Before the drop down to the ford I grabbed a couple of photos, the first is looking back down the road I just climbed and the second is looking at the ford in the valley and the climb up the other side!
On the climb I spotted the roadie that passed me earlier with his front wheel removed, the poor guy had picked up a puncture! I asked if he had everything he needed and he said all was fine, I was actually worried about getting one also with all the clippings scattered over the roads but my luck was in today!
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Thankfully the ford wasn't too bad and I managed to cycle through it without incident, parts of the road were resurfaced earlier this year and some parts were a real joy to ride!
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After this photo the road drops steeply down to Kilsyth, passing a quarry on the way down which I wasn't looking forward to due to all the trucks running in and out of the quarry and leaving the road a muddy mess! I was pleasantly surprised to find the road wasn't caked in mud and I was sure glad as the road is pretty rough all the way down past the quarry! I arrived in Kilsyth and headed south passing over the canal again at Auchinstarry!
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Then I had to go through Cumbernauld which can be very busy at times, thankfully it wasn't too bad and I was soon on the back roads again! I took the big climb up past Palacerigg Country Park and then the big climb up towards Greengairs! Part way up the climb I stopped for my last photos with the Campsies in view again!
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I passed through Greengairs with 42 miles covered and only about 5 miles to go, I thought about turning east for a bit to extend my ride but decided to just head straight home and do a ride around my home town to complete the 50 miler! I got home with a very filthy bike and had just enough time to give it a good wash before darkness! What a brilliant day that was, it was so good to get off the main roads and enjoy some of the best back roads around my area!
@Chargeride I hope you can get out on the bike soon, sorry to hear about the losses! I also lost an aunt recently, it was a blessing though as she had been suffering with dementia for quite a few years!
Ha ha haI Almost Missed My Next COVID Vaccination
A lot is happening in Poland recently. I am so happy with the new political coalition (that I am supporting) taking the power in the Parliament, and -- after a struggle -- the Government. As many of you might know, an extreme Right MP (a Russian agent by the way) spoiled the joy with his disgraceful anti-Semitic attack in our Sejm... Anyway, as I was watching the proceedings of the Sejm on YouTube (as so many of my compatriots do nowadays -- some even attend a theater/cinema to do so!), I suddenly realised I didn't hear about any COVID vaccinations this Autumn?!
Every Polish citizen (with a health insurance or not) has their health account on the Government website. After I logged onto the site, I found I should have been vaccinated back in October! It is not that easy to make a fast appointment in your neighbourhood nowadays! Eventually, I made an appointment for this Thursday in a remote Warsaw quarter (you do that online, too)...
With +2 C and no snow, it gave me a wonderful opportunity for a 60 km ride I intend to make today! I have already passed the 10,500 km mark this year so any ride would not contribute very much, especially with my London stay next week. Anyway, e-bike riding gives so much pleasure and fun even during this cold season, especially with my reliable e-bikes!
When I was buying medicines on Wednesday, I had a long and friendly chat with our local pharmacist. The man bought a very good XC e-bike this Autumn, and he was eager to share his experiences. As it turns out, Mr. Pharmacist has totally got attracted to e-biking! He bought proper winter cycling clothing and rides his e-bike everyday when there is no snow on the roads! The only thing he is missing are the cycling glasses (does it ring a bell @OnEdge?)
Somewhere in our borough town I inadvertently clicked something on my Wahoo, converting the ride to "INDOOR CYCLING"It produced correct ride statistics but has deprived me of a part of the ride map!
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If anyone has read it as far, could you give me some names of good dessert wines? I know of Malaga, Madeira and Muscatel, anything else?![]()
That looks awesome! What a nice area to ride! Thanks for sharing pics.View attachment 167990
I spotted an opportunity to get out this afternoon so I grabbed it and I was so glad I did, despite some dodgy weather! It was a bit breezy with a 25mph SW wind blowing and light rain in the air but it was pretty mild at 7C, perfect to jump on to my quiet back roads! I headed down the back roads to Allanton and then on to Carluke, enjoying the awesome A721 from Carluke up past Kilncadzow and on to Carnwath! It starts with a big climb and then a brilliant fast descent down past Carstairs! At Carnwath I usually turn north but I had a plan to make the most of the wind so I continued through the village and turned on to the A70 for a short time before heading north for Auchengray!
This road is like a rollercoaster and so much fun, I had a real blast until I reached the village where a farmer was leading his herd of cows from one field to another and blocking the road I wanted to take! I thought about turning back and taking an alternative route but I really wanted to take this road so I waited it out and I was so glad I did because the road was just sublime with the wind helping me along! Most of the time I take this road in the opposite direction which means a lot of climbing but today I had a lovely fast descent to enjoy!
At the end of the road I turned west and passed through Breich before turning north again and joining another rollercaster road, passing through Longridge and on to Whitburn where I turned west towards Harthill where I was thinking of turning north to Blackridge but decided to continue west up the big climb towards Kirk of Shotts, it levels off just under 1000ft up and is quickly followed by a lovely descent! Although it was right into the wind now so not so fast! At Kirk of Shotts I used the back road past the Blackhill tv and radio transmitters, another rollercaster of a road to enjoy! I was heading up the big climb and noticed some highland cattle in the field, I wasn't intending to take any photos today as conditions were very murky but somebody wanted some highland cattle photos... @Art Deco
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At the top of the climb you get a nice view of the Roughrigg Reservoir so I grabbed another couple of photos, you can see the conditions here and they weren't very pleasant as it was raining but not too heavy thankfully!
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Now I had the awesome descent down into Plains to enjoy!
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I arrived in Plains where it was a left turn for home with only 2 miles remaining, the rain was getting heavier now but I wasn't bothered as I was only a few minutes away from a nice hot shower! I really enjoyed this ride today and I was feeling really strong, the 17mph average speed said it all, it was just brilliant!
I might go back out again tomorrow as there is some really nasty wet and windy weather coming our way on Saturday and its looking like it will be here most of next week...
Says the guy that rides in deep snow and sheet ice...@RabH – Riding in wet conditions is hard for me to fathom but you seem to take it all in stride. Your average ride stat never ceases to amaze me. Bravo!
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