2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18083
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And there really were two horses…
Indeed! :D
The photo of the ocean splash is just fantastic!
Now, this is exactly when I keep track of the Bosch's predicted range. Anything further than 100 km is not that easy on a single battery (500 Wh; 36 V).
It is 64 km for me in the Summer :) That's why I bought the spare 625 Wh one for my Giant...
Quick answer regarding goggles.
Balaclava (or face-mask) first, glasses next, goggles last.
There is an alternative…

Screenshot from my watch five minutes ago. (It takes that long to figure things out!)

Seriously, the wind, but not the temperature, is much the same as at Nudgee Beach! The HRM reading shows I'm at my computer!
  • 6:12 : pm
  • 46 : Apple Watch battery
  • 65 : me
  • 33 : current temperature
  • 24–38 : min–max temperature
  • funny logo : access to any loyalty program you might care to think of!
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There is an alternative…
View attachment 73572
Screenshot from my watch five minutes ago. (It takes that long to figure out how to post it!)

Seriously, the wind, but not the temperature, is much the same as at Nudgee Beach! The HRM reading shows I'm at my computer!
Of course it is :) I presume your temperatures never drop below 10 C? :)
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Berry, Trek should pay you 50k for that picture tomorrow!
And leave it to me to leave out our equine wonders. But you know what, show a wanna be e biker a picture of a cute girl or horse and a really good lookin bike and you know who wins!!!
Santa Claus Day

Or, Saint Nicholas Day. The Sixth of December means giving small presents to your beloved ones (especially to children). Of course, Christmas gifts is just another matter (we Poles start celebrating Christmas on Dec 24th already) but St. Nicholas day is important for the Polish. The Government (contrary to their policy of banning trade on Sundays) let stores in Poland open today.

Oh. I needed Nespresso capsules. New sweatpants. Fresh Gillette razors. And it was blowing even more heavily than on last Saturday! It must certainly have been one of those warm winds blowing from tall mountains... So I only made some shopping riding my Vado today.


Although this very picture doesn't look convincing, optical glasses and goggles stay clear of fogging almost all the time if worn properly. I only removed my gloves before entering the shopping centre. Yes, I looked as an alien but neighbours and the store personnel must have already got used to my sight :D At least I can pretend I'm protected well against covid! :D There was a lazy assistant at the clothes store; I rose my voice "Will anybody approach the checkout counter? I'm boiling!" How another customer, a senior lady laughed!
After days of rain and snow the weather finally cleared up but the day started with a heavy frost so I was in two minds whether to chance even the main roads! My street was like an ice rink after yesterdays rain but luckily I'm just a short distance from the main bus route so I pushed the bike to the end of the road and set off very gingerly! As soon as I reached the flatter roads I felt much safer and started to enjoy my ride, normally on a Sunday I will do at least 50 miles but I didn't want to push my luck in the conditions and settled for 33 miles!

I did go up to around 1000ft at one point but only because it was a climb, the main problem today was streams running across the roads and freezing over so it was just a case of taking things easy and avoiding twisty roads for once! I was just glad to get back on the bike, this week should be more fruitful weather wise, the back roads will be avoided for a while though by the look of it! I decided to buy a pair of Sealskins heated gloves and they were fantastic, money well spent!



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A trip to the southern end of the bay …

Redland Bay, Queensland

Moreton Bay Cycleway
Redland Bay
The sheltering chain of sand islands is close to the mainland, the waters are sheltered, dinghies are left almost permanently on their moorings. This is the southern section of Moreton Bay and, if you went any further, you'd quite likely be trapped in a maze of islands and channels. Of course, the experienced know their way through all the way to Queensland's southern city, the Gold Coast.

Cycling paradise? Not quite: property developers arrived before cycleways became popular, making the southern section of the Moreton Bay Cycleway a bit disjointed. I try to get down there at least once each month, including today and the day after tomorrow.
I have the same issue with face coverings, they fog my sun glasses. I don't really have the option of simply taking the glases off as they're Rx bifocals; hard to see without them!

It was just this particular mask that was the problem. A festive holiday mask with lots of bling and sparkles that did an awesome job keeping my lower face (nose to neck) warm, but just sent my breath condensation straight up and under my sports sunglasses. First and last time I will use it for cycling.

Henceforth, will be wearing my formfitting masks that are less festive but more functional in not fogging up my sunglasses! Problem solved.
It is always difficult to follow David's entries but the latest with blooming flowers, green grass, and sparkling water makes one wish that a successful vaccine will put an end to this pandemic and we can return to our travels - particularly for those of us from the northern regions who are lucky enough to venture south for a break from winter's grip - but goodness, what a December we have been having with double digit highs - I even got Charlene to ride with me for the last
20201204_145724.jpg20201206_133411.jpg couple of days as she is definitely more of a fair weather trekker - we have been riding along the edge of the Porcupine Hills in southwest Alberta with an extensive recorded history of First Nation artifacts including those from Bison Jumps, cave writings and the teepee rings in the attached picture. Of course, to enjoy this wonderful weather one has to put up with significant southwest winds that having electric bikes at least makes progress manageable.
And then the days will be longer (OK, just the number of hours of daylight), then Spring, then cycling everywhere again!

To the future!
OK, I do need to confess, I do miss Spring. In the pine forests of Northern California's dimming afternoon light it is dark by ~4PM. I look forward to the future.

Gotta load more fire wood. 😎
In the pine forests of Northern California's dimming afternoon light it is dark by ~4PM.
In my region, the civil twilight will occur at 15:25 on December 21st. Very little time for riding! Most of my rides occur in darkness now.
Dressed for December …

Sandgate Beach

Moreton Bay Cycleway, Sandgate
7.45 am; 24 km
This photo was taken about twenty-five minutes before that of the horses (Morning Dip) on the previous page. The beach in that photo is directly above the cyclist's right shoulder.

I'll be heading this way tomorrow but intend to start earlier.
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Dressed for December …

View attachment 73671
Moreton Bay Cycleway, Sandgate
7.45 am; 24 km
This photo was taken about twenty-five minutes before that of the horses (Morning Dip) on the previous page. The beach in that photo is directly above the cyclist's right shoulder.

I'll be heading this way tomorrow but intend to start earlier.
I'm not jealous in any way, when I went out on Sunday I had 6 layers on! :p No ride for me today, freezing fog rolled in this morning and only just cleared!:( Rain tomorrow so fingers crossed for Wednesday!
Went on a little excersion to make a climbing vid, because now Im obsessed with it.
Got one rain free day and shot out for two hours, bumped into a bunch of about 15 middle aged men on various fatbikes and mtbs.
After a minute of chat one of them called out my youtube channel and recognised me.
Fame at last :)
They were there because the guy who recognised me brought them after seeing my vids.
Im not entirely sure this is a good thing, well anyway made a vid trying various inpossible climbs and just couldnt believe the grip a soft fat tyre gets.
Usual statement this hill is considerably steeper than it looks.

The black stump …

Fairney Brook

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail
Fairney Brook
6.20 am; 11.5 km from home
Little more than this black stump remains of the low trestle bridge that for three-quarters of a century (roughly 1910—mid-1980s) allowed trains to cross the Fairney Brook. These days, a concrete causeway assists rail trail users to cross without getting our feet, hooves or tyres wet.

Map : Brisbane Valley Rail Trail : Fairney View
Visited the city of Chester and did some filming riding around the shop, bars and sights.
It was one of the major Roman cities of Britain and still has a roman/medieval wall around it with original turret guard towers, various relics and rather boring looking Roman Ampitheatre.


On a warm summer afternoon its a magical place for a night out with endless back alleys and Medieval buildings everywhere, a bit posh and mostly very safe to visit.
Christmas is a bit muted because of covid and tbh I wouldnt have normally been able to ride the bike around the due to the crowds , the river front was empty, cold and lockdown emptying the outdoor cafes.
I visited the 13th century gothic Cathederal, which is straight out of Hogwarts, but my stabilised camera doesnt like the dark, so the footage is a bit wobbly.

Well worth is visit if youre in England, most of the wall is being repaired so I couldnt film it, but you can usually walk atop the whole thing with superb stone spiral stairs built into the arches.

Its got it share of McDonalds and mobile phone stores, but you really can drift off into a different time, especially in a normal christmas with food stalls and burning torches lining the streets.
The first tune is the new single from half of Oasis ,Liam.
Theres not many places where you can lean your fatbike against an original Roman pillar.
