2020 Allant 9.9S Grinding Noise from motor or is it?

My Allant 9.9 is on its third rear hub. About 1000 miles total. First repair time it was repaired with a new internal part. That lasted about a month now they are installing a whole new XT hub on wheel. Also this time random loud popping noise from drive unit under load. Replacing the drive too. I was hoping for longevity with this bike given the price. I am beginning to wonder.

Ugggh! 3rd hub! Other than the suggested replacement as specified by The Alaskan, has Trek or the LBS offered any optional solution?
Ugggh! 3rd hub! Other than the suggested replacement as specified by The Alaskan, has Trek or the LBS offered any optional solution?
I think they’ll eventually get the hub either fixed by Shimano or a different hub will be installed. I’m more worried about the Drive unit that had also failed.
Hey Guys,

Just got my 9.9 back from the LBS after three weeks. The mechanic at the LBS thought it was the motor, despite my insistence that the cadence of the sound was synced with the back wheel and not the pedals. He was on with Bosch trying to figure out the problem. The LBS also ordered a new hub from Shimano, and Trek sent them a new wheel for me as well . Amazing how when the tech put in the new wheel the noise stopped.

We will see how this one goes. The regional Trek manager helped me get things moving. They are standing behind things, and the bike is excellent other than that issue. I am sure they will find a way to deal with it.
Here we go again. Shimano will be in deep kimchi when this all comes out.

My newly rebuilt hub on my Allant_9.9s, with less than 300 miles on it, is now making an even louder, rhythmic, scratchy sound, same as the last time (but twice as loud) when the hub's clutch totally failed at the shop when they were test riding. The noise is in synch with the rotation of the rear wheel and does not vary with crank cadence. It is present constantly while pedaling with any effort at all and goes silent as soon as I stop cranking and let it freewheel. The replacement clutch has not failed...yet. I am confident that it will. The bike will sit in my basement Trek comes up with a solution and makes it right.

I predict a recall by Trek of all Allant+9.9s bikes. They will likely identify a suitable replacement hub, lace it into wheels and send them out to dealers to swap out. It will be interesting to see what alternative hub they come up with. The Shimano microspline hub was probably part of a groupset that Shimano contracted to Trek for this bike. Clearly this hub, which has been out for less than a year is going to put major egg on the face of Shimano, and rightly so. Ampother hub shimano called Scilence had it production cancelled last year due to a 50% failure rate and never made it to market.

I am sure Trek has great leverage with Shimano, perhaps their single biggest customer.

This situation will likely get some press once it comes out what an inadequate failure this Shimano hub is.

Fortunately our local Trek shop has already hired a mechanic and he is committed to making my bike right.

And on it goes...

Hi Alaskan,

The rear hub noise is back after only 120 miles since my LBS replaced the guts of the original hub. Have you installed the Onyx hubs yet?

i’ve been riding through the noise for the past week and it has miraculously disappeared.
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So with all this being said, my bike is STILL in the shop for almost 2 weeks for new front rim, 2 new tires, and the steering tube stop repair. No indication as to when it will be ready, as it seems like the LBS'es are more in tune with turning over the quick fix repairs to make money and sell new bikes (if available)....bringing me to my point: Should ask them to replace the rear hub (with an Onyx) and pay for it with expectations that there will be a major recall or wait to tie it up another month and maybe miss some of the season riding time? After all, what's another few weeks, right?
So with all this being said, my bike is STILL in the shop for almost 2 weeks for new front rim, 2 new tires, and the steering tube stop repair. No indication as to when it will be ready, as it seems like the LBS'es are more in tune with turning over the quick fix repairs to make money and sell new bikes (if available)....bringing me to my point: Should ask them to replace the rear hub (with an Onyx) and pay for it with expectations that there will be a major recall or wait to tie it up another month and maybe miss some of the season riding time? After all, what's another few weeks, right?

I’m in the same boat. I’m trying a new & much larger dealer this time, but the soonest they can get me in is In 2weeks. Arghh!
I rode my bike to my local Trek shop today (the one I bought it from) and pointed out the sandy/grinding noise and mentioned that it also felt like the bike slowed down when freewheeling. The mechanic immediately zeroed in on the rear hub. He pulled it apart and didn't notice anything in particular but lubed it up, took it on a test ride and said the issue was gone. I rode it home and agreed that the sound was gone and the freewheeling action seemed to be without friction.... for the first mile then it returned. Not quite as pronounced as it was originally but it definitely returned.

Before leaving the store he said that he put a note in on my account because he wasn't convinced that the issue wouldn't return. He said if it does then he would have to call Shimano. I'll take it back down there this week at some point. Will be interesting to see what they do next. As noted in this thread it appears that the rear hub is certainly defective. Seems the only viable option is to replace it with a complete different hub (not replace in-kind).

It's not killing my enjoyment of the bike but I do want it resolved. This bike is truly awesome except for this issue.

On another note - I've ordered a Cane Creek Thudbuster suspension seat post. I can't wait to put that sucker on this bike - it will be a true joy to ride then.

I'll keep everyone posted on the path forward with my bike.
I rode my bike to my local Trek shop today (the one I bought it from) and pointed out the sandy/grinding noise and mentioned that it also felt like the bike slowed down when freewheeling. The mechanic immediately zeroed in on the rear hub. He pulled it apart and didn't notice anything in particular but lubed it up, took it on a test ride and said the issue was gone. I rode it home and agreed that the sound was gone and the freewheeling action seemed to be without friction.... for the first mile then it returned. Not quite as pronounced as it was originally but it definitely returned.

Before leaving the store he said that he put a note in on my account because he wasn't convinced that the issue wouldn't return. He said if it does then he would have to call Shimano. I'll take it back down there this week at some point. Will be interesting to see what they do next. As noted in this thread it appears that the rear hub is certainly defective. Seems the only viable option is to replace it with a complete different hub (not replace in-kind).

It's not killing my enjoyment of the bike but I do want it resolved. This bike is truly awesome except for this issue.

On another note - I've ordered a Cane Creek Thudbuster suspension seat post. I can't wait to put that sucker on this bike - it will be a true joy to ride then.

I'll keep everyone posted on the path forward with my bike.

This is definitely an issue of either an inadequately speced hub or a batch of faulty hubs produced by Shimano and shipped to Trek for this particular bike. It is becoming quite common. Trek is ramping it up and I predict a hub recall soon. Mine was one of the firsts to develop the rear hub grinding noise and actually failed in the shop, after they thought it was the motor and replaced it. They were test riding it in the shop and the hub lost it, with an internal clutch that failed completely. They rebuilt the hub with all new clutch parts, springs, pawls and gear. That failed again within less than 200 miles. I am waiting for Onyx to get us a hub that will work on this bike but my Allant 9.9s has been parked, gathering dust for a month now.

Get back to your guy at the Trek shop that he needs to talk to Trek corporate on this as the issue is on the front burner with them now.

I suggest you share the following information with him to get him on the right track:

"OK, just got off the phone with Jason Schumacher at Trek...
1st thing HE brought up in the conversation was that he apologized for not getting back to me regarding the rear hub issue.
Bottom line he said they have initiated a FQA (Field Quality Alert) and are working with Shimano to address the problem of the hub.
Quite frankly, I'm not really sure about too much more other than maybe you guys have maybe more valuable information as described here that you have been made aware of from your tech guys at your LBS. Point being, maybe you might want to share some of that info with Jason to push the envelope so that Shimano either fesses up and does a mass recall and or Trek saves face by using an optional hub (like the Onyx).
Jason (customer service manager for Trek) contact info:

[email protected] "
I rode my bike to my local Trek shop today (the one I bought it from) and pointed out the sandy/grinding noise and mentioned that it also felt like the bike slowed down when freewheeling. The mechanic immediately zeroed in on the rear hub. He pulled it apart and didn't notice anything in particular but lubed it up, took it on a test ride and said the issue was gone. I rode it home and agreed that the sound was gone and the freewheeling action seemed to be without friction.... for the first mile then it returned. Not quite as pronounced as it was originally but it definitely returned.

Before leaving the store he said that he put a note in on my account because he wasn't convinced that the issue wouldn't return. He said if it does then he would have to call Shimano. I'll take it back down there this week at some point. Will be interesting to see what they do next. As noted in this thread it appears that the rear hub is certainly defective. Seems the only viable option is to replace it with a complete different hub (not replace in-kind).

It's not killing my enjoyment of the bike but I do want it resolved. This bike is truly awesome except for this issue.

On another note - I've ordered a Cane Creek Thudbuster suspension seat post. I can't wait to put that sucker on this bike - it will be a true joy to ride then.

I'll keep everyone posted on the path forward with my bike.

Yep, lube it up, squelch the issue, continue to wait for a resolution.
I called Shimano months ago, they were clueless and did not acknowledge anything.
Obviously it';s an internal issue between Trek and them, so we, as the recipient of the "new technology" re expected to continue to be inconvenienced.
Sans opinions, unfortunately, this is as good as it gets, I'm certain any other bike manufacturer will never go to the limits that Trek has for us, but come on, for how long?
Yep, lube it up, squelch the issue, continue to wait for a resolution.
I called Shimano months ago, they were clueless and did not acknowledge anything.
Obviously it';s an internal issue between Trek and them, so we, as the recipient of the "new technology" re expected to continue to be inconvenienced.
Sans opinions, unfortunately, this is as good as it gets, I'm certain any other bike manufacturer will never go to the limits that Trek has for us, but come on, for how long?
Patience, Grasshopper
I know that's easy to say when I have another good bike to ride. It is still my best counsel. I think we are getting close to getting a better bike back on the road, maybe weeks away now.
AND, now that my 9.9 "may" be declared unrepairable because of damage from a pothole incident, I may need to consider a new replacement. So, Allant 8S or 7, modify it, OEM it, or go where?
This is the issue. Are there really any other options but to stay married to Trek? I think not. Trek tries to keep all parties content, but personally, my 2 cents, the length of time is not acceptable to address the never ending problems. Speedier resolutions are expected, in my life anyway.
AND, now that my 9.9 "may" be declared unrepairable because of damage from a pothole incident, I may need to consider a new replacement. So, Allant 8S or 7, modify it, OEM it, or go where?
This is the issue. Are there really any other options but to stay married to Trek? I think not. Trek tries to keep all parties content, but personally, my 2 cents, the length of time is not acceptable to address the never ending problems. Speedier resolutions are expected, in my life anyway.
Get the 8s and modify
Alaskan...why the delay with the Onyx? Is there some doubt on the particular match. I’ve put down a deposit for one and the tech said expect a ten day wait. Perhaps I should have waited for a recall but I like riding the bike too much.
I haven’t had the hub problems...yet...but got paranoid reading this thread. From comments here, and the attached reviews it seems the Onyx with have benefits beyond the simple fix
This is my first post with new ebike.
I brought 9.9s last week and got chance today to ride it. My lbs shop hasn't adjusted the rear derailer as i wasn't able to go in 1st gear at all, so decided to check out whats wrong with it and i came across this. can someone please watch the video and tell me is this rear hub failing or something else is wrong.

Allant 9.9 rear hub
On May 22 I posted that I got my bike back from the bike shop. They replaced the entire rear wheel to eliminate the grinding "choo choo" noise originating in the Shimano XT hub. I was happy to have my quiet ride back - hearing only the soft purr of the Bosche Motor.

Well, the grinding is coming back - after maybe 300 miles of riding. So here we go again. Good read above from Alaskan. Hopefully this "known issue" will be remedied this year via a recall. In the meantime, I will call my bike shop and tell them to order up another wheel!

Alaskan...why the delay with the Onyx? Is there some doubt on the particular match. I’ve put down a deposit for one and the tech said expect a ten day wait. Perhaps I should have waited for a recall but I like riding the bike too much.
I haven’t had the hub problems...yet...but got paranoid reading this thread. From comments here, and the attached reviews it seems the Onyx with have benefits beyond the simple fix
That is my take. The Onyx will provide a more durable solution with some added benefits like, lower drag, instant engagement and silent freewheeling. The only microspline hub they had when we originally contacted them was the Vesper which is newer model that has quite a bit of material taken off of it to reduce weight from the original "classic" model. The guys at Onyx were concerned that it might not be up to dealing with the greater ebike forces put on the sprag clutch mechanism with pushes outward against the inside of the freehub body. For 12 speed ebikes they decided to make a "classic" microspline hub that they know they can safely stand behind. I decided, given how much and how hard I ride, it would be worth the wait to get the more robust version. It should be shipping in the next week or so. I know there is a list of orders, hopefully with mine near the top as I have been waiting a month now to ride my Allant again.
Thanks...I’ll go by the shop on Monday, show them your comments, and inquire about what they have ordered...in the meantime I’ll keep putting the miles on mine
That is my take. The Onyx will provide a more durable solution with some added benefits like, lower drag, instant engagement and silent freewheeling. The only microspline hub they had when we originally contacted them was the Vesper which is newer model that has quite a bit of material taken off of it to reduce weight from the original "classic" model. The guys at Onyx were concerned that it might not be up to dealing with the greater ebike forces put on the sprag clutch mechanism with pushes outward against the inside of the freehub body. For 12 speed ebikes they decided to make a "classic" microspline hub that they know they can safely stand behind. I decided, given how much and how hard I ride, it would be worth the wait to get the more robust version. It should be shipping in the next week or so. I know there is a list of orders, hopefully with mine near the top as I have been waiting a month now to ride my Allant again.