20" Rims


Active Member
I am looking for a 20" rim and not finding much. It has to be 36 hole and about 35mm inside width. That's about 42-45mm outside width. I have 12 gauge spokes so 4.8mm nipple holes. I want it to be welded, double walled, and very heavy duty. Black color, Schrader valve, and low price would be nice.

This one is the best I've found, it's 39mm wide and $38, but shipping is $106 from Germany:

This one is a little narrow at 32mm, I'm waiting for an email on the nipple holes eyelet diameter:

I've looked at some moped rims and haven't found any that fit the bill.
Does anyone know of a rim that meets the requirements and is not too expensive?
If you're looking for strength, you might have better luck shopping for mag wheels.
My existing hubs are odd sized, so I can't easily change the wheels. This is an ebike so I'm not sure how to put the existing hub motor into a new mag wheel.