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  1. R

    New From SoCal

    Welcome. I almost bought a Trek Lush a few years ago. Great bike. I bought a Giant Lust instead. Also a great bike, but what is up with those names?!!
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    2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    I'm happy to hear of rain in Australia! I hope the entire , enormous country is getting some.
  3. R

    Reviews of trek allant +7

    I didn't know that! I was thinking of asking for it next year.
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    Reviews of trek allant +7

    One thing to consider is the 7s gives you the option to have assist at the higher speeds. You do not have to use it if you do not need it. I have the +7s and do not use the assist at speeds above 20 mph very often, but the few times I have needed it, it has been pretty nice. The verve+ is a...
  5. R

    I AM DEVASTATED!!!!!!!!!!

    What a great lbs. Definitely give them a shout out for taking care of you. The Powerfly is also beautiful. Maybe you will like it even better!
  6. R

    Coasting on Allant 8S+ and different controllers

    I'm not familiar with that one but I would be concerned about my phone as well. In fact I have read other comments about it. I didn't realize there was no independent controller. That would be a bummer. Some have upgraded to the Nyon but that is not inexpensive. I'm considering it myself if I...
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    Coasting on Allant 8S+ and different controllers

    The Purion computer tracks both, what does the 8 come with?
  8. R

    Pearl Izumi heated gloves

    Thanks for the research.
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    Is anyone trying to solve charging on the road?

    That is very cool. I did not know that. :)
  10. R

    Pearl Izumi heated gloves

    Seems reasonable. Wet is the enemy. Clever idea.
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    I don't think that is accurate information from them. At least not for my battery. I believe we both have the bosch powertube RIB
  12. R

    2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    Is there a benefit to having that status?
  13. R

    Pulled the trigger on a 2021 Trek Allant+7 Lowstep.

    The weather here has been bad too. it has been 2 weeks since I've been able to ride. It's awful! How will we all survive winter!!?? This week should be much improved and I am hoping to get in a few miles!
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    2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    @Stefan Mikes what determines the difference between a city and a village in Poland?
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    Love my Allant+7 BUT...

    my Allant +7s came with an adjustable stem, but standard seatpost. Maybe you can find one that has it.
  16. R

    Love my Allant+7 BUT...

    I've never seen one of these in person, but I have heard they are very nice. I did test a Vado 4- it was very nice. I wish I had ridden the 5. While having choices can be a little overwhelming it is awesome that you have access to so many great bikes! My Allant is the +7s so it isn't an option...
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    My first e-bike Allant 7+;

    That's what I am thinking 😉
  18. R

    New ebike owner...

    Happy trails!
  19. R

    My first e-bike Allant 7+;

    So far I have been very pleased with the stock items. The fit is very good and I am afraid to mess with it much. I may however consider adding a suspension seatpost. I have however spent money on accessories, bags, new helmet, flat kit.
  20. R

    Pulled the trigger on a 2021 Trek Allant+7 Lowstep.

    Did your wife get to sit on it or ride it a little yet? What does she think. It's a beauty.