
New Member
I recently purchased the Verve 3 plus,
The battery is close to impossible to install, and the key mechanism is getting looser and looser. I am so sorry I purchased this $3000.00 bike.
Anybody have any input on this issue?
Why don’t you take it to the dealer you purchased it from for warranty repair?
Their service department should be able to easily fix the issue. You have a warranty, you should use it.
I had the same problem. The locking mechanism inside the down tube became loose and the battery went flying in a bumpy curve. Dealer had the mechanism fixed, but the scuffs on the battery cover were up to me to deal with. I would have hoped they would have replaced the cover for free but that was not the case. I DEFINITELY advise anyone who suspects a loose mechanism to get it fixed asap and put a strap around the battery in the meantime!
I too experienced a problem with my new Verve+ 3. At first the bike would not switch on after installing the battery. Finally, after removing and reinstalling a half dozen times I was able to get it to switch on. I noticed the part at the top of the battery compartment was awfully wobbly but figured that was intentional in order to line up the battery with the contacts. Long story short, I went out to the bike to insert the key in order to install the battery. The key hole was lower than the hole in the frame. I checked the part at the top of the battery compartment and it was even more loose than before. Fix - The screw that holds the part at the top of the compartment had loosened almost all of the way out. I tightened the screw and the problem seems to be solved.