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  1. Darceman

    Laying XP's on the side for transporting???

    I throw mine in my van once in a while without hurting it with no problems. Make sure you put the side down so it sits on the derailer guard. It won't hurt anything that way..
  2. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    Cause for the people that aren't on this forum usually don't care or know. Also Shimano derailer on these bikes recommends the freewheel that's supplied. Even though they work absolutely fine with the wider ratios.
  3. Darceman

    In need of new brake pads

    I bought these and have about 1600 k on them.. I bought them from Ali Express. 5 minutes or less to change..
  4. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    You will love the improvement. I ride mine 20% of the time without power and its thanx to the better gearing. Way better in tough trails as well.
  5. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    Do not buy the 11-28 buy the 11 to 34 as previously mentioned it is a far better Improvement than the 11-28
  6. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    Yes you require a 7 speed freewheel. Best price is from Ali Express.
  7. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    11-34 is what this bike should have come with too begin with. Buy the tool and do it yourself. Turn the bike upside down.. It's easy just remember to remove the washer under the original freewheel..
  8. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    YES😊 it is a huge 100% improvement... It's way easier to pedal at slow speeds.. I definetly recommend 11-34....cause 11-28 is only a 50% improvement
  9. Darceman

    11 -34 freewheel

    I have done this to three Lectric Xp bikes. I feel it’s one of the best mods you can do. The bike becomes way easier and more comfortable to ride be it slow or fast. Make sure you remove the washer behind the original freewheel and leave it out. The replacement 11 tp 34 is slightly offset...
  10. Darceman

    Can I use my XP to go mountain bike trail riding

    Not sure what you mean. It's a free wheel...not a cassette..there's only one style...
  11. Darceman

    Chain Question on ebike

    You absolutely do not need to change the chain length it fits fine I have done four XP bikes this way and no issue ..
  12. Darceman


    This is the best part of this forum. Exchanging great ideas. Good job.👍
  13. Darceman

    Tire specs changed on Step-Thrus?

    I personally liked the tires. They gave me good mileage before I had to replace them at 2200km I believe. They were decent in all terrains and handled ok too. Not sure what the "childish" remark is all about. It's a tire....
  14. Darceman

    Tire specs changed on Step-Thrus?

    I'll go with out of stock...
  15. Darceman

    Show me your XP's in your car!!! Folded , unfolded, sideways, upside down whatever as long as it fits.

    Ok..I have more space than some but am packed up the gills...
  16. Darceman

    Just a rant to ebike haters

    I was riding in the city with my girlfriend one day and a guy on his fancy road bike kept cutting me off when I was trying to pass him. He did it about four times..I should have just driven in to him. I wasn't doing anything other than going slightly faster than his crawl up a little hill...
  17. Darceman

    Could we expect firmware updates for our bikes?

    That's what I do...if I'm going riding in the afternoon I tell Google to turn on Dennis's charger that morning..
  18. Darceman

    Replacement controller options?

    60 watt headlamp? No wonder it fried...was that LED?...that's an aircraft landing light
  19. Darceman

    How long should a stock XP last?

    I bought my one xp 13'months ago. I have 3300km on it and have replaced the brake pads and tires. Feels the same as the day I bought it..and a fellow member and myself rode last year in -16° a few times. Battery life isn't the same when cold but no issues...
  20. Darceman

    Replacement controller options?

    I have four XP issues so far. Over one year old 4000km combined. $70 for a controller..two tires cost more than that...